Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Monday 14 January 2013

Bullying. Backstabbing.

January 14, 2013 0
Bullying. Backstabbing.
Just when I thought that these chronicles could only happen to High School girls, I was proven wrong lately. I actually don't have anything to do with these things so don't worry about me.

It's quite obvious that bullying is just so wrong. Wrong when you're not friends, wrong when you are. You have to be smart enough to actually have fun without offending them. Like, talk about fun things! Not make fun of people.

I have to say that I admire a not so close friend of mine to actually stand up for another not so friend of mine to an acquaintance who's a "backstabber". Like, she warned her not to open her book too much to that girl because she's like making fun of her and saying bad things behind her back and making her a laughing stock.

Just a little information, I don't really like her attitude but she's not really that annoying. Quite annoying but you know, I'm just happy that I don't have much to do with her. But she's okay.See, I don't really care if you can tell.

The good thing about this "backstabber" though is that she's not actually totally backstabbing this friend of mine but in fact, she's somehow telling her the stuff she's telling tons of people as well. But what's the point of that? Like, you've told the person involved already so why do you have to tell everyone the same thing? Do they have to know? Will they be able to change anything? Not in my opinion. Those people would just spread the news like that and it'd come up with 100 different versions sooner or later.

Thinking everything's good, and everyone is her friend, this already warned friend kind of approached this backstabber and her friends and jokingly said what she knows and all that. The thing about this friend of mine is that she's too jolly and friendly. TO EVERYONE! Which shouldn't be the case. It may sound wrong but literally! We should have an option of choosing our friends. Because that is going to help us become a better person and all that.

So the problem is the backstabber found out that someone warned my friend and she found out that it's my other friend and it was basically chaos. In a SILENT DEADLY WAY.

That's all.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

My Reaction. Dentist Effery.

December 26, 2012 0
My Reaction. Dentist Effery.

But I agree that girls should dress accordingly.

“A dentist acted legally when he fired an assistant that he found attractive simply because he and his wife viewed the woman as a threat to their marriage, the all-male Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday.
The court ruled 7-0 that bosses can fire employees they see as an “irresistible attraction,” even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious behavior or otherwise done anything wrong.”

Can I just say WTH? Is it the woman's fault if she was born lucky and pretty and attractive?

If she flirted with/to the dentist, then this is reasonable. But just being attractive alone? It doesn't make much sense to me. Sorry.

Is it the assistant's fault that the dentist is weak and would fall into temptation? Is it the assistant's fault that he is not happy how his wife looks? Is it the assistant's fault that the dentist's wife doesn't trust his husband? Is it the assistant's fault that the wife is insecureNO. And because of that, I find this whole thing unfair.

It's actually quite annoying actually. What if everyone would find her a threat? Who would hire her? Ugh whatever. Annoying.

And like, WTH is this all about? Like, if I am the boss and I am pissed off, I could say that they are all attractive and just fire them all, yeah? Without having to finish existing contracts and all that.

And why the hell would the dentist ask her about that orgasm thing? Is he nuts or what? Who would do that? Not a married man I suppose.

This is all effed up.

Monday 24 December 2012

Random Ramblings. READ IT!

December 24, 2012 1
Random Ramblings. READ IT!
I just want to share this story to all of you. Like, if you haven't already. I guess it's a good story to reflect on things and stuff.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’

The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed..

‘Now,’ said the professor as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things—-your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions—-and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else—-the small stuff.

‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ he continued, ‘there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.

Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.

Take care of the golf balls first—-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you asked.’ The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Doomsday. Random Ramblings.

December 23, 2012 0
Doomsday. Random Ramblings.

I really really appreciate this picture because it's like a good representation of how we should live our lives.

Like, the apocalypse didn't happen. Well not that I actually believe it will but things like that can't be avoided. It's not like we have a contract to finish here on Earth. We will leave here if time comes. It's REALITY.

Want to know what we did? Like, we were actually on duty that night before the 21st and we happily welcomed it and actually exchaged gifts like a boss. Hahaha

On 2040, it was recently said that the asteroid would actually miss the Earth. It was predicted beforehand that there would be a 0.2% chance of it hitting it. But are we sure? I'm not superstitious or anything but that 0.2% happens every time. Every second, every minute, every hour. That danger is real. But that doesn't mean we have to live in fear. That doesn't mean that we actually have to be so paranoid that something might fall over our head and kill us. With that being said, we shouldn't be afraid to take risks.

What if the most awaited moment of our life is about to happen and we're just afraid to see because of hoax warnings? What do we do? Be scared? I don't think so. And I actually don't mean that we be careless and all that. I mean, it's good to take warnings but sometimes we just have to gauge whatever we have to gauge first.

This is what I'm talking about. It's kind of 'that thinking'. Yeah? I think it's time we work on our bucket list or whatever list we have and cross out stuff and all that. I mean, it's always a good time to get started. We could slow down, and breathe. But never stop and give up.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Random Ramblings. Random.

December 08, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. Random.

I just don't know how to stress this enough but I really think that it all starts from within. I mean, we should always start with ourselves first before we become relevant to others.

And this happened..

The other day, a senior-senior staff kind of randomly said that we should love ourselves first before we could serve. And this is in line with when I kind of opened up to her that in our first in, we were not allowed to extract blood as much as we are free to do so in our second in and that's how the conversation started.

She asked why the chief med tech in that laboratory (which I assume is her friend 'coz she mentioned the name even if I didn't tell) so scared. Like, so what if someone got pricked or whatever? Not everyone would get pricked. It's not the same for everyone. And she said that if we'll be going thru the same thing, we should recover from it. Prove that we're not all about that. Or we'll be known as the one who failed forever. And we don't want that, aye?

"If you fall, don't just stay on the ground. Stand up."

And I approve. You know. People might actually remember us from our failures and all that but there will be people who will remember us for our achievements. And let's just start from within. I mean, we don't have to please so many people anyways. Probably just ourselves. I bet it'll feel real good to see ourselves with the things we wanted to achieve. Like, even if we failed, we tried, and succeeded. That's a legit pattern right there.

So yeah. We should always see things as challenge and that we should always find a way to do it. Probably not right away. Like, eventually. I don't approve of doing things blindly. Like, think first before doing things. And then go. If it doesn't work, think again and then go. You know. It goes on. Just don't give up.

Friday 23 November 2012


November 23, 2012 1

Make it happen! I guess One Direction clearly made their point when they said that we should live while we're young. Because you know, people just live as if they're just waiting for their old friend death. It shouldn't be like that. It's like wasting time and not enjoying the privilege given to us.

So while we're young, why not try to take advantage of the things we can still do while we're on it? Or even though those who are not so young anymore. And I don't mean doing crazy things that aren't good for the health. Nothing like drugs, and stuff.

Probably something like skydiving, cliff jumping, wake boarding, walking a long path, travelling, and all that good stuff. It's fun. Like, let's try to appreciate what we can still do and what we still have. You know what they say, enjoy it while it lasts.

Or maybe something we want to do but afraid of doing it, maybe there's no perfect timing for that. Maybe we are to make the perfect timing. Life's gonna pass us by without even realizing it and the next thing we know, we failed. No one wants to fail of course. We should persevere a little bit in attaining things that we want. Because they might not happen without us making a way for it to happen.

I just feel a little sad for those people who grew old but lack things like experience for them to say that they lived a good life.

It's kind of funny because lately, "life" has been my expression for some reason. Just saying. Not that it's relevant but whatever.

As a final note, I just want to say that we should always do things that will lead us to the things we want in life. Like, if we want something, we shouldn't be afraid. Well, only if it's good.

Have a good life! :)

Thursday 15 November 2012

Not My Week. Random Ramblings.

November 15, 2012 0
Not My Week. Random Ramblings.
Like, not much luck this week. I don't know what happened to me but I know I could do better. Of course. We can always be a better version of us. IF WE WORK HARD.

If I will actually let all the things (not so good things) that happened this week take over me, then it'll be the end of me. Like, relatively. It's just that there are really some things that are meant to be forgotten. But not entirely. You have to leave with you the lessons it thought. And don't ever forget.

I'm really down because two unlucky things already happened this week. And yeah. Huh. Intern life.

But I know that it'll be better next week. Because I will make it better. You know it's not all fate and stuff. Sometimes, it's good to make your life an interactive one. You know, when you actually participate and make it work the way you want it to be instead of letting the default thing to happen. You know how there can be two players in a game and the other one is just the CPU? Like, pre-programmed? If we let that kind of thing happen to our life, it's kind of sad. And boring. If you ask me.

But I will pre-program myself this time for me to function better next week. Uh-huh. That's all I want to say.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

UST Student Jumped.

November 13, 2012 0
UST Student Jumped.

It's kind of insensitive of me to talk about this but I don't know how to express this feeling I have for what have happened. Recently, a 3rd year UST Biology student "jumped" off the 4th floor of the Main Building that resulted to his death. They tried to rush him to the hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival. Well, we all know that there's a very little chance of survival but I'm glad they tried.

I don't know how much of what I'm gonna tell you is true because I don't know him personally or whatever.

Rumor has it that his dad died recently and his mom is suffering from leukemia. Quite a big deal. And I also heard that he failed 24 units of his subjects. Well, that's quite a lot really. But not enough for him to end his own life. NEVER ENOUGH. SAD.

We all have different ways on how we carry our problems and stuff. TRUE. But thinking about it, it's kind of selfish of him to do that. Her mother is ill already and by actually doing what he did, he kind of added to his mother's problems. Like, in my opinion. Oh well.

I'm not blaming anyone though. There's not much to do about it now everything's done of course. But for the sake of those people who think of doing the same. I advice you to stop right there. And think. THINK HARD.

Just like what I put on my header, LIFE IS A ONE HIT WONDER. It gets hard sometimes. YES. Sometimes harder than the others. But problems are meant to be solved. It's so easy for me to talk about the topic because it's not happening to me you say? Oh well. Would it happen to me, I wouldn't kill myself. FINAL ANSWER.
I hope you choose the same too. BE STRONG!

Thursday 4 October 2012

Talking' Thursday. Elements.

October 04, 2012 0
Talking' Thursday. Elements.

I just realized that this world is just as beautiful as we thought it isn't. Well, most of us. I can't say that I'm the most perfect person that actually think so positive all the time.

But I always try.

There are just so many thinks to look at and sometimes I can't help but wonder. Such a beautiful world. I know science will have an explanation for every wonder that there is but it's still fascinating. It's as if it's perfectly mend and one just complements the other.


These are my favorite wonders. I like sunrise. It's therapeutic watching the sun go up and do its job. It's always nice to feel its warmth. When I was still working as a call center agent, sunrise means that it's only gonna be a few more minutes of call before I go home. I like the sunset. Well, I like the sunset more. It's a good mark of a day well spent. I mean, even though you did nothing that day. This is a cycle actually.

SUNRISE to start the day. SUNSET to end it and look forward to SUNRISE.

I'm not gonna talk about the other elements but you can only guess that they also give the same sort of significance.

I guess the other point I want to make is that there's always something nice if we'll all try. And that's just nice, isn't it? A world full of positivities.

Travel is another point of the whole thing. Like, some people who live in FRANCE, ITALY, GERMANY, AUSTRIA and some other gorgeous places but people from beautiful countries like that still TRAVEL. Why? Because maybe they want to see more. More than there is. More than what they have. Or maybe they want to see wonders. Like all of us.

So yeah. Whatever. I just think that if we will be more open to possibilities, there will be more opportunities. Opportunity to grow, learn, and see wonders.

Can you just do yourself a favor and search for Coldplay's What a Wonderful World cover on YouTube. And yes. The video I'm talking about is the one that'll be immediately followed by Fix You. Have a nice day.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Talking Thursday. DIY.

September 20, 2012 0
Talking Thursday. DIY.

I believe that if we want to do something, we should prioritize ourselves. I mean, our own feelings, not others. I know that sometimes, our feelings are really dependent on some other things or people but irregardless, we should always put ourselves first.

It depends though. I'm not saying that we should all be selfish and stuff. And be self-centered and all that. But when it comes to self improvement, it is just proper to think of ourselves first. To whom do we dedicate our improvements? To ourselves, then others. It's all sort of the same at some point.

If we want to improve we should make sure that it's for own benefit first. Then maybe, just maybe, for others too. Awesome right? We sort of improve and a lot of people benefit from it.

One example would be when we want to change something about our attitude. If we want to get rid of that, then other will notice, right? But our priority is should not be because others would notice it but because we want for ourselves for other people not to think of us that way anymore. See, maybe just that kind of thinking would actually get us somewhere. Somewhere more improved or something. Same difference, aye?

Monday 17 September 2012

TYRA MAIL. Something to live by.

September 17, 2012 0
TYRA MAIL. Something to live by.

I saw this on Tyra Bank's Facebook profile page and I thought I'd share it. Not because it's an awesome quote, but of course it is, but because I can personally relate. I'm not saying that I have already succeeded, but at least I haven't gave up. And I probably won't (I really won't (I hope)).

Let's talk about Tyra Banks for a second. I really like her personality. Well obviously, I don't her on a personal level, but I kind of like what I see on TV. She's really nice and makes a lot of sense when she talks. She's definitely someone I adore and I just can't stop listening to her.

Fashion wise, I really like how she gives tips and tricks on the aspiring models and how she inspires them and instructs them to be better on their next shoot. And I love how she kind of mimics what their pose should be/should have been so yeah, it's actually good to know that the person giving you instructions know what he/she is actually saying and can do it by his/herself, don't you think?

So yeah, back to the point:

If you failed, it's okay. I have a professor that said YOU ONLY FAIL WHEN YOU STOP TRYING. Which is true. I mean, if you stop trying, then how are you supposed to achieve what you're trying to achieve, right? If you fail, TRY AGAIN. Improve yourself! Be whatever it is that you failed to do the first time you fail. Now, if you fail on the second try, you may still have missed a little that stopped you from achieving your goal. What will you do? Work on that loophole and TRY AGAIN. I hate it when people just waste their chance and say that they're not good enough and stuff. I believe that if only we'll all try, some of us may fail, but we can always try again and figure out things, and eventually, succeed. Failure is not permanent. It may mark forever on your transcript of record but at least you've tried. I mean, it's all that matters.

When is it ideal to stop trying, you ask?

It actually depends. On some aspects of life, it's ideal we move on. But on most things, never. Justin Bieber wasn't kidding when he said "NEVER SAY NEVER".

For example, a college degree. There would be times where it's gonna be hard during college (EXPERIENCE), but it's really up to you how you'd come back to life from the mess you've made. I'm a little sensitive when it comes to this topic but yeah, I'm gonna go on details soon.

When it's something like loving and liking someone, oh please. It's always a two way process so if it's just you who's holding on to it, you know what to do.

Okay, back to struggling and stuff...

It makes me sad/mad when people just give up like that. If it's a financial problem, then it's kind of a valid reason to stop for a while and find a way to have enough and resume. If it's just the grades, come on. It's not like you're the only one suffering from such situation. Talk to someone with the same problem, and inspire each other to be better and stuff. One thing people should realize most of the time is that they're not alone and they're not gonna be the first one to succeed from such a mess and all that. People often think that it's impossible to succeed after failing. And that's really sad. So I guess that's why, very often, people are afraid to try again.

Maybe it's because of this, people always think that it's just as easy as that. People often forget that not all people can achieve success as easy as that. It's true! Many people are successful not because they worked hard for it. But for commoners, it's kind of a tougher road, and if we really want to succeed, we have no choice but to work hard and cross that road. IT'S HARD, NOT IMPOSSIBLE.

A professor of mine once shared that she worked in a hospital for like 30 years and even though the salary was not as rewarding as being a professor, she said she enjoyed working with her co-workers and that she liked the environment where she worked so that motivated her to stay there that long.

So yeah, I want to end this post by saying that we shouldn't be worried by things like failure and stuff because being afraid will just lead to another failure and another failure and another failure. And that's probably how one gets tired. I mean, figure it out and SUCCEED.

WE CAN ALL DO IT! Good luck! :)

Thursday 13 September 2012


September 13, 2012 0

Like, can I just say? I mean. That's it. It's really annoying when I encounter this kind of things in the emergency room. Like, are you effing serious? Well, you're not only wasting your money for the effing emergency room fee and all that unnecessary laboratory tests but you're also wasting our energy.

I don't know if this incident made it to the local news but not so long ago, a nursing student was taken hostage by a hold upper and she was brought to the emergency room because she was traumatized. The hold upper was also brought to the emergency room because he was actually shot in the head by a sniper. I mean, that's understandable. Shot in the head = emergency room. Traumatized = emergency room.

Also, even before that incident, there were two effing careless individual who think they're superheroes of some kind and shot each other helpless and so they both ended up in the emergency room. I mean, that's somehow understandable too because they're both shot but whatever!! I mean, that's just so careless. How dare them shot each other when they're incapable of protecting themselves and stuff.

There was also an incident of electric shock. Even though it's not entirely his fault, he should have been more careful. But his case is understandable.

And all other serious stuff = understandable.

If you're child (below 16) is sick, then it's understandable that you're worried and that if you rush him or her to the emergency room, fine.

NOW! Let's get to these creatures. If you're child is 16 above, and it's just their first day of getting sick, what are you doing in the emergency room? I know you're probably worried and stuff. But seriously? 1st effing day of fever and stuff? WTH! Like, to the extreme.

And then those kind or people have the guts to complain that their case is being ignored. WOW. Just WOW.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Be Strong.

September 06, 2012 0
Be Strong.

I just want to say that we should be wiser when it comes to things. I know that there are quite a lot of things that we don't have a control over but yeah we should try. And I'm not actually referring to scientific stuff like our heartbeat, breathing, blinking, and stuff. Nothing like that. You know! Some emotional stuff. It's just that, life is too good and short to waste on stuff that does not do anything for us at all.

Let's say, CIGARETTES.

I have nothing against people who smoke or anything but I'm just saying. Well, not only that it is not doing anything for you but it actually harms you and stuff. Not only you! It harms the person next to you. I know you don't care whether or not strangers would be sick and stuff from it but yeah. Not only that you're generally unhealthy, you're also generally selfish. HOW SAD. And with cigarette smoking, if it's kind of gone, people actually become kind of emotional and all that. Of course I know that it's our body's response and stuff but whatever.


I'm not saying that we shouldn't be thankful to those people. I mean, they did something to us. Even though it is so little. It's just that we shouldn't let them control us and take over everything. People who do us nothing and we still we let them control over our emotions and feelings is yet another story. That's worst. Okay never mind.


When we like someone, we get inspired and all that. Which is good! Inspiration is good. It makes us look forward to tomorrow and stuff. It makes us love life and live it. Because like what I've said, we get inspired. Inspired to do things and all that. But that's just about it. It's kind of stupid to do stuff that is completely out of the picture. I heard some stories like that before of course. Like, someone ended their lives because someone didn't like them and stuff. Oh wells.


It's kind of tricky when you're in a relationship. Because most probably, you have to work on it for it to work. But there will come a time when you'll realize that it's only YOU who is working on it and that your partner doesn't care anymore or whatever. So in that case, you have to decide. It's either you tell that someone or you suffer.

This whole thing might be kind of blurry but this is how I really see this. Kind of blurry. LOL. But seriously! If someone actually doesn't do us any good, then what's up? Why are we hanging on? Maybe that's just the way we see things. We like to wait and give and give and give and give some more. Even though we don't get something in return. Even though it means that we have to suffer. We don't mind. But the thing is that this whole situation is eating us. SLOWLY BUT SURELY. Oh well.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


September 04, 2012 0

Like, we're going to have our proposal defense tomorrow and I don't know what'll happen or whatever. My friend recommended a statistician and she's still not replying about some stuff so basically we're dead. LOL. 

But yeah, as long as we do all that we can do, whatever happens, happens. Wish us luck!

Thursday 30 August 2012

Ponder of Thoughts

August 30, 2012 0
Ponder of Thoughts

TBYS! I totally made that up but it actually means Think Before You Speak. I don't know why but for some reason, I really don't like it when people just say something stupid and actually insist that what they said is the right thing or something. Like, I hate people who say something for the sake of being involved or whatever. Some people I know are really like that. Like, when you're not exactly talking to them and stuff, they will assume that you are talking to them and stuff. So there's a big chance that the person you are really talking to would not have a chance and therefore would just look at you and all that. It happened to me almost whatever times.

I actually don't want to come clean and say that I don't just say whatever is on my mind. In fact! That's my blogging style. Well actually! I read my entry twice so that very first go probably counts as thinking. But you know! Some people are really hardcore.

What I really can't stand is when some people verbally abuse someone without realising it. When someone just shower someone with hateful words and all that. Words can kill. In that I believe.

There's actually this commercial about using social media and the slogan is something like Think Before You Click and yeah I believe in that too. Oh well. I don't actually know who told this but a female celebrity once said that in order for her to avoid hateful comments from the Internet, she stays out of the Internet. Which makes sense. There are a lot of people who are so affected with cyber bullies and stuff. Well! They actually have a choice. STAY OUT OF THE INTERNET. Get a life or something. I'm not saying that it's not the bullies fault or something like that, okay? I'm just saying that we should always know our options. And we must always choose what we think is best for us.

I guess we all have to learn how to filter stuff and be more considerate pretty much. Yeah? Have a good Thursday! :)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Random Ramblings. Homosexuality.

August 28, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. Homosexuality.

Serious business. I'm not saying that one's opinion is wrong or something but seriously? I mean, it's their opinion.

I'm obviously not affected by Chick-Fil-A because I don't live in the US and stuff but if the CEO of that establishment believes in traditional marriage, so be it. I mean, we don't know the whole story. Well, most probably. So anyways.

The typography above is kind of funny actually. Because it shows that people aren't really fair sometimes. The person who made it knows that people would always consume gas. Like, whatever happens. Even indirectly. And it's true! Whatever the people of the countries who produce gas say about a some sensitive topic like this, we don't take that against them in such a way that we won't buy gas from them anymore.


I think I've said this before but I actually believe in marriage. Like, marriage. As in marriage. Two people in love. Enough said. And if people would take that against me as a person, I don't care. Moving on...

I'm not trying to defend the CEO or something but he didn't say anything bad at all. Or maybe not stated above but whatever. But Saudi Arabia (not all people) actually stated that homosexual people should burn or something. Oh wow. That's something something. I'm just pointing out that if we're gonna judge. Which is not a good practice by the way. We should be fair. Like, fair should always be the name of the game. That's all! :)

Thursday 23 August 2012

Random Ramblings. A little rant.

August 23, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. A little rant.

I absolutely agree! So many times in my life have I heard this kind of effery. School, internship, home, and some other places. They are all the same. And I would always say!

"Not because everyone is doing it, it's the right thing to do."

Like, I hate it when people assume that they should follow others and stuff. Like, people should have their own way of thinking. That's why we have our individual brain and mind. That's why there's school. To nurture and develop thinking and learning process. I hate it when people are just copying other people's idea or something like that.

One common example is the airport. I mean, most of the time, people would go to the right place among with other people. But what if the first one to go is going to the bathroom or somewhere? Then the person who would follow that someone would go to the bathroom too. What will happen to everyone on their backs? Like, instead of going to the right place, people would go to the bathroom instead. That's of course a hypothetical situation but not impossible. In science, hypothesis can be proven. Oh well. Enough of the science thingy.

Also, I've noticed that the street crossers here in the Philippines follow the same thing. There's not a lot of people who are educated when it comes to street lights and stuff so people literally cross the streets by their instincts. When there are cars crossing the street, it follows that people would have a hard time crossing it right? So what will happen is that when a person cross the street, everyone would follow. Like, even if it's not the right thing to do. I just hate it when that happens. People in the government should really implement a strict rule and stuff so people would have no excuse. And the streets and the people would be more coordinated. With that being said, less accidents yeah? How awesome would that be?

True enough.

August 23, 2012 0
True enough.

Right! I especially don't like seeing 5 kids being carried by a single person. I don't mind if they kind of look comfortable and all that. The majority of the situation that I witnessed was nothing like that. Most of the children are barely dressed properly and all that stuff. And they don't look kind of healthy. Which is the sad part of course. The ironic part is that most wealthy people don't actually have more than let's say 2-3 kids? And then these other people have the guts to have what? More than 5 kids and what do they do? COMPLAIN? WOW. Good for them!

Some of the people here in the Philippines are like that. Most people who aren't as financially capable as the others usually complain that they don't have enough money for the family and all that. Well, I don't mean to offend those people who have been working TOOO hard to feed their children and all that but if they're already having a hard time to feed themselves, what made them think that they can feed another child? And another...and another.

I know that the couple probably love each other so much and all that stuff but how can they be selfish not to think what the situation will be after their sessions or whatever. For me, it's kind of unfair. For the children at least. And I'm not exactly over reacting. I'm affected by this too you know. How many children have approached me and asked for coins and all that. Ugh. Annoying. Most of these children would ask for money to buy food and they will say they haven't had lunch or whatever.

I actually had an experience when I was in second year college I guess. When I was riding a jeepney on my way home, that time I sat near the driver. A kid went up the jeepney and asked for money and stuff. I think no one gave him any so when he finally reached my place, he asked for money, right? I said, no. Then he started pinching me like seriously. And his nails are kind of long and he wouldn't stop pinching me and stuff. ANNOYING!

WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS? WHY AREN'T THEY GOING TO SCHOOL? Can I just say that going to school is one of the RIGHTS of a child here in the Philippines so somebody please explain to me what's up. And most of the kids aren't as well mannered as they should be. Most of them SWEAR, FIGHT, DO DRUGS, and all that nasty stuff. How can they be a product of love with that being the case? Shouldn't they be nurtured with values and stuff?  I'm sick of seeing people like these, to be honest.

If only their children can come to school, then there would be a chance for them to have a proper job when they finish college or at least high school and then the trend would stop.

I'm actually worried about these kids. What will happen to them in the future? To their kids? So yeah. I hope parents would realize that we're not having a population contest here.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

It's a wonderful day.

July 31, 2012 0
It's a wonderful day.

Classes were suspended yesterday because of the strong wind and rain and stuff but that doesn't mean anything for us INTERNS. I'm not gonna complain about this post but rather I want to reflect.

We do have 3 quizzes on 6 topics later on and we kind of wished yesterday for classes to be suspended again today because in case that will happen, we will be then affected because we go to the uni on Tuesdays and so everything will be moved next Tuesday.

But of course the sun showed up . I was disappointed. But then thinking about it, there would be people who would benefit from that misery of mine. Like those who are greatly affected by the flood yesterday and stuff so I'm thinking it's not that bad anymore. I should just study and get ready. So yeah. :)

Thursday 26 July 2012

Sexuality (not quite).

July 26, 2012 1
Sexuality (not quite).
Today I would like to introduce a regular segment I would like to do in my blog. I just noticed how bloggers have things they do regularly and I don't. I don't want to copy them or whatnot but I just want to have a regular session and stuff like that. I decided to make THURSDAYS as the day for that sessions. I also decided to name it Talkin' Thursday. Meaning I'd put a picture (or not) and generally talk about how I feel about it. So yeah, here it goes.

Well, people are different. We are all different. And some people might take it differently than I do. But here's just my point.

First and foremost. What do you mean sit down? Sit down as in the literal sit down? Or did it have to mean something else? I mean, if ladies would literally just sit down, then that'll then classify us as lazy, irresponsible, and all that. And wow on that gentleman part. If guys would just act the way they should act, then irregardless of what girls do, then there wouldn't a problem. Serious stuff.

And why should gentlemen stand up only when ladies sit down? I mean, how lazy is that? Douche!

I'm not saying that THAT IS THE SITUATION now though. I'm just so curious where this typography came from. I really want to understand this.

One thing to take note about me is that I think feminism is not something I entirely am promoting. Enough said.

Anyways, I want to address the ladies more than the gents here. Because ladies, if we will just let this happen, then that's like not fair. NOT FAIR AT ALL. We should be aware that we have voices too. We have a say.

And for the gents. I know most ladies say that it's all your fault and all that. They might be right. Might be wrong. Just do what you think is right. I believe in your species.
Also, looking at it on a different side, if sit down actually means to shut up, then that'll just light up another thing and I say for both ladies and gentlemen that WE SHOULD LEARN WHEN TO SPEAK AND WHEN TO LISTEN. Because the way I look at it, it's as if ladies don't have the right to speak and all that. So yeah. I just want to say that we should always strive to be equal. Because at the end of the day, and at the end of all these, we will be.

Another side that I'm looking at is the side of RESPECT. Like, if girls would just learn how to act like a lady, which I assume is something like talking properly, acting nicely, being somehow demure, and all that then they would be respected by boys and all that. Gentlemen are gentle-men right? So yeah. But hold on right there! Shouldn't guys respect girls from the very start? Isn't that the standard? Guys protecting girls? Mmm...

I'm also seeing some side of ABUSE right here. It's as if this typography is actually trying to justify that it's alright to abuse and put hands on the girls if they don't act like a lady. Or maybe I'm wrong and just seeing things differently. But like what I've said awhile ago, that is just my point.

But talking about abuse (may it be verbal or physical),

If there's one thing I can't forget from my Ethics, Psychology, Philosophy and Logic classes, THE END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS that is.

So even though how wrong the situation might be, even if it's so helpless and all that, or how wrong the other person is, beating someone up or abusing them verbally will just add to the problem. Yes, they might be able to realize they're wrong and will be afraid to do it again once they've been physically hurt. Yes, they might be able to realize they're wrong when mean words have been said to them. But looking at it in a more reasonable way, there's almost no point. What's the difference in talking normally and talking in an abusive kind of manner? Things have been done. In most of the cases, there's no turning back.

Human beings are generally good. I believe in that. But I understand that there are just some certain situations in life when we feel like we have to do certain things to achieve something good. But that doesn't justify doing bad stuff.

And for me, that goes hand in hand with this. May it be a lady, a gentleman, anyone, if we would just master how to act our best, then there wouldn't be a problem whether one sits down or stands up whatever that means.