SHIKIMIKIE: Personal View
Showing posts with label Personal View. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal View. Show all posts

Thursday 11 October 2012

Move On.

October 11, 2012 0
Move On.

It seems like impossible but you'll get over it.

At some point, after giving it your all for the longest time, you'll get tired of struggling to get someone or someone back or whatnot. But the good news is, you'll realize that one day, you're just wasting your time over that someone who doesn't even give a dang or dang anymore.

It may seem unfair that they don't give us their time and stuff but thinking about it, we're actually being unfair mostly to ourselves for denying ourselves the happiness and the freedom to enjoy life. But that's another story.

At some point in your life, you will feel alone. THAT'S PROBABLY TRUE. But that doesn't mean you are! You just have to re-establish your thinking. Like, don't think that you'll be with that person you want to be with and you'll notice that there are a lot more out there. I'm not saying that you should get them all and stuff but the point is, stop trying to get someone who doesn't have the slightest will to be with you. Get it? PLUS! You have your family and friends with you. For sure. So don't feel so alone.

Like, at some point, you'll realize that you're more important than that person. That you have to make yourself happy. UNLESS YOU'RE HAPPY THAT YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE OTHER PERSON'S PLAN. Which I doubt and I hope I'm right of my uncertainty.

OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND. I don't know if I already said it here or whatever but yeah. Try not to come across to anything that'll just remind you of that person and after quite some time, it'll get better. You won't be wanting the person as much as you did and that can be the start of something good. It's not gonna be instant! You have to be patient and be sooooo determined that when the urge to actually fall for that person ever again comes, you will not.

I actually am feeling better about quite a lot of things so this post is relevant to me too. I need improvement on whatever I'm doing but whatever happens, at least I'm going there. That's all that I want to say. See yah!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Be Strong.

September 06, 2012 0
Be Strong.

I just want to say that we should be wiser when it comes to things. I know that there are quite a lot of things that we don't have a control over but yeah we should try. And I'm not actually referring to scientific stuff like our heartbeat, breathing, blinking, and stuff. Nothing like that. You know! Some emotional stuff. It's just that, life is too good and short to waste on stuff that does not do anything for us at all.

Let's say, CIGARETTES.

I have nothing against people who smoke or anything but I'm just saying. Well, not only that it is not doing anything for you but it actually harms you and stuff. Not only you! It harms the person next to you. I know you don't care whether or not strangers would be sick and stuff from it but yeah. Not only that you're generally unhealthy, you're also generally selfish. HOW SAD. And with cigarette smoking, if it's kind of gone, people actually become kind of emotional and all that. Of course I know that it's our body's response and stuff but whatever.


I'm not saying that we shouldn't be thankful to those people. I mean, they did something to us. Even though it is so little. It's just that we shouldn't let them control us and take over everything. People who do us nothing and we still we let them control over our emotions and feelings is yet another story. That's worst. Okay never mind.


When we like someone, we get inspired and all that. Which is good! Inspiration is good. It makes us look forward to tomorrow and stuff. It makes us love life and live it. Because like what I've said, we get inspired. Inspired to do things and all that. But that's just about it. It's kind of stupid to do stuff that is completely out of the picture. I heard some stories like that before of course. Like, someone ended their lives because someone didn't like them and stuff. Oh wells.


It's kind of tricky when you're in a relationship. Because most probably, you have to work on it for it to work. But there will come a time when you'll realize that it's only YOU who is working on it and that your partner doesn't care anymore or whatever. So in that case, you have to decide. It's either you tell that someone or you suffer.

This whole thing might be kind of blurry but this is how I really see this. Kind of blurry. LOL. But seriously! If someone actually doesn't do us any good, then what's up? Why are we hanging on? Maybe that's just the way we see things. We like to wait and give and give and give and give some more. Even though we don't get something in return. Even though it means that we have to suffer. We don't mind. But the thing is that this whole situation is eating us. SLOWLY BUT SURELY. Oh well.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Random Ramblings. A little rant.

August 23, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. A little rant.

I absolutely agree! So many times in my life have I heard this kind of effery. School, internship, home, and some other places. They are all the same. And I would always say!

"Not because everyone is doing it, it's the right thing to do."

Like, I hate it when people assume that they should follow others and stuff. Like, people should have their own way of thinking. That's why we have our individual brain and mind. That's why there's school. To nurture and develop thinking and learning process. I hate it when people are just copying other people's idea or something like that.

One common example is the airport. I mean, most of the time, people would go to the right place among with other people. But what if the first one to go is going to the bathroom or somewhere? Then the person who would follow that someone would go to the bathroom too. What will happen to everyone on their backs? Like, instead of going to the right place, people would go to the bathroom instead. That's of course a hypothetical situation but not impossible. In science, hypothesis can be proven. Oh well. Enough of the science thingy.

Also, I've noticed that the street crossers here in the Philippines follow the same thing. There's not a lot of people who are educated when it comes to street lights and stuff so people literally cross the streets by their instincts. When there are cars crossing the street, it follows that people would have a hard time crossing it right? So what will happen is that when a person cross the street, everyone would follow. Like, even if it's not the right thing to do. I just hate it when that happens. People in the government should really implement a strict rule and stuff so people would have no excuse. And the streets and the people would be more coordinated. With that being said, less accidents yeah? How awesome would that be?

True enough.

August 23, 2012 0
True enough.

Right! I especially don't like seeing 5 kids being carried by a single person. I don't mind if they kind of look comfortable and all that. The majority of the situation that I witnessed was nothing like that. Most of the children are barely dressed properly and all that stuff. And they don't look kind of healthy. Which is the sad part of course. The ironic part is that most wealthy people don't actually have more than let's say 2-3 kids? And then these other people have the guts to have what? More than 5 kids and what do they do? COMPLAIN? WOW. Good for them!

Some of the people here in the Philippines are like that. Most people who aren't as financially capable as the others usually complain that they don't have enough money for the family and all that. Well, I don't mean to offend those people who have been working TOOO hard to feed their children and all that but if they're already having a hard time to feed themselves, what made them think that they can feed another child? And another...and another.

I know that the couple probably love each other so much and all that stuff but how can they be selfish not to think what the situation will be after their sessions or whatever. For me, it's kind of unfair. For the children at least. And I'm not exactly over reacting. I'm affected by this too you know. How many children have approached me and asked for coins and all that. Ugh. Annoying. Most of these children would ask for money to buy food and they will say they haven't had lunch or whatever.

I actually had an experience when I was in second year college I guess. When I was riding a jeepney on my way home, that time I sat near the driver. A kid went up the jeepney and asked for money and stuff. I think no one gave him any so when he finally reached my place, he asked for money, right? I said, no. Then he started pinching me like seriously. And his nails are kind of long and he wouldn't stop pinching me and stuff. ANNOYING!

WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS? WHY AREN'T THEY GOING TO SCHOOL? Can I just say that going to school is one of the RIGHTS of a child here in the Philippines so somebody please explain to me what's up. And most of the kids aren't as well mannered as they should be. Most of them SWEAR, FIGHT, DO DRUGS, and all that nasty stuff. How can they be a product of love with that being the case? Shouldn't they be nurtured with values and stuff?  I'm sick of seeing people like these, to be honest.

If only their children can come to school, then there would be a chance for them to have a proper job when they finish college or at least high school and then the trend would stop.

I'm actually worried about these kids. What will happen to them in the future? To their kids? So yeah. I hope parents would realize that we're not having a population contest here.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


August 21, 2012 0

I can't even! LOL. This is just so genius to death. True indeed that some grapes have to die for this and people are still as careless as ef when drank and all that. LOL. This is just so relevant right now so excuse me. LOL. I found this on Pinterest by the way. :)

Thursday 2 August 2012

We change.

August 02, 2012 0
We change.

If there's one thing in this world that's permanent. That's change. WOW. I've heard of this so many times that there's no way I can be able to forget it. Thinking about it though, it's kind of hard to accept this fact. That fact that one day, we'll change. It's seriously hard to imagine stuff. I mean, it's extremely alright to imagine yourself change for the better but at the end of the day, there will always be questions.

"Don't change." That's the usual words I hear when there's like some birthday dedications, graduation ceremonies, and all that stuff. But really? Why should we not? We're human beings and we're all subject to change. Subject to improve ourselves. Subject to a better life. Subject to aim for a better change even. So why that words? 

Even if we don't permit some changes, it happens all the time. Our hair grows and so our nails. Day always turns into night.      And all sort of other things. Like, the person that's in front of us lining to McDonald's won't be the same person who'll be in front of us tomorrow. We might be the first in line. That person might line up behind us. Or maybe still the same person. But maybe not the day after that. See? There would always be that sort of changes. 

We might get a perfect mark on a certain test, and fail on another. Thing is we are not perfect. We cannot always be right. We cannot always get what we want. But if we work hard for it, then we might get close.

But how? How can we make things right? How can we change things to the right direction? To the right direction again? 

I mean, is it even acceptable to accept change when there's no reason to change it? Something like, a plastic surgery to a very beautiful person? But that's another thing. I don't want to talk about it now. 

One thing I want to talk about now. Or probably to talk again. Well, not entirely the same though. So yeah. There are just some things I want to share. I had quite some friends when I was still in elementary and for some reason, I only managed to talk to one of them or at least constantly. That one person happened to be my best friend by the way. In high school though, I probably have more. But what happened? Maybe because of different schedules now that we're all in college and  probably some are already working and stuff. See, even that status changed. We cannot always be elementary or high school students. 

Let's talk about relationships. Not that I am an expert or whatever to this. I just want to talk about it. Relationships seem to be so perfect at first. Then there will be some fights after that few days (or months) then there will be forgiveness. Then there would be other things to fight to. Then there will be forgiveness. And after some more repetition, there wouldn't be forgiveness anymore. There wouldn't be anything to fight to, no more to fight for. Why so? Maybe because the level of tolerance of the other party changed. Or maybe because the level of offense changed as well. Or maybe it's just their feelings that changes. And then they part.

That kind of change though is very sad. Because for all I know, two people have to promise to always be there for each other and all that stuff. 

I will get a  little bit personal here though. Or maybe no. Click here to read. I failed that time. I promised myself not to talk to that person ever again but I just can't. I wasn't able to imagine life without talking to that person. Like, we used to talk at night and talk about the random-est stuff in this world and just laugh at anything. I used to feel butterflies in my stomach, how cheesy that may sound. But I don't know what happened. I actually talked about him that and he said that it's not me. It's him and all that rubbish. Just a little bit of history though, read it here. Like, for reals.

Like, I can't remember doing anything. So I have been wondering why our conversations end. Like, out of the blue, it's as if we don't know each other at all. That bothers me a lot. And to my surprise, it's as if he don't care. Oh well. I'd be lying if I say that I am not hoping that every thing will be the same way as it used to be. But I am not lying to tell you that my hopes aren't that high anymore. And it's definitely okay if we wouldn't be the same way as we were before. Time probably helped me. So I changed. And I am happy because it made me feel lighter about this. But unlike before, I don't feel angry and all that anymore. Like what I've assumed awhile ago, maybe my feelings changed. And I'm assuming his too. And for some reason, I think it's okay.  

So yeah, of course change wouldn't be always POSITIVE. Like that personal experiences I've mentioned above.There would always be negative changes and that sort we should avoid. How exactly? I don't know. Maybe we should always remind ourselves to walk on the right path and stuff like that. 

One thing is for sure though. Change is something permanent. Maybe we're just too busy to notice that everyday, there's a change. How little may them be. May it be the position of the sun when we look at it, or something else. Change will always be there. On what kind of change will it be, we may have full control of it. If not, we can always change it and revert it afterwards. Or not. 

Saturday 11 February 2012

Lancome Eternicils review.

February 11, 2012 0
Lancome Eternicils review.
Thisis what it looks like

Let me just say that I  like this mascara. I don't actually know how I got it but I'm sure my mom got something  to do with it. It's either her or my auntie. My life is pretty simple hahaha. Can't be bothered to discuss in depth beauty terms here okay so bear with me. I just want to say that I like it. I think it made my lashes thicker and stuff like that. And it's waterproof so it saves me from that smudgy (panda looking eyes) which I usually suffer from when wearing mascara. Boo! It also kind of made my lashes longer, I think. 

Monday 6 February 2012

Just A Dream (Nelly) YouTube cover favorites.

February 06, 2012 0
Just A Dream (Nelly) YouTube cover favorites.


So this is at the top of my list. I like them individually too. No bias! I personally think that they did a good job singing this. Don't you guys (girls) love it when Sam Tsui sing to you like this? It's just so full of passion and emotion and everything. I love Christina Grimmie's vocals here. I think she sung it very well. So all in all, I really think this cover is awesome. I can go on and go on with this but I can't stop mentioning the word awesome so I might as well stop.

                                                   WATCH ---> HERE

This one is kind of a rock rendition but it was awesome. I also felt the emotion of that guy Wesley Avery I guess. I think he did a good job. He's good looking too. But that's just not the point of me liking his cover. Or probably yes. I don't know. You be the judge.


To be honest, I searched for a third cover to review or to favorite because I honestly don't listen to anyone more than those two videos above for this particular song. But hey! This one's good too.

I want to make it clear that yes! There are many other covers with probably more views or whatever than these three but I think what's more important to me is that the fact that I can at least feel the emotion and that they haven't done it for the sake of whatever and stuff. It just shows. So yeah and if you're wondering how many I've watched. Well, probably around 9. So yeah tell me what you think :)