Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2012 0
Merry Christmas!
This is sort of what I did and yeah it's not a lot but I'm just glad that I get this day as my off day because you know! It's just so perfect. Like, I'm off because it's Tuesday and it's like no classes and you probably know by now that TUESDAY is UNI DAY and since there's no UNI, there's nothing for me. Plus! I guess I'm just so lucky that there's no duty as well.

Went to church with mom, sisters, grand mom, and cousin! :)

Then we went to that place by the bay which apparently have all these attractions for kids and all that. I actually don't know whether or not this is a Christmas thing or if it's there forever but whatever.

Hotdog on stick with MUSTARD! Love love love.

It was nice looking at it. Like, it was so calming and everything.

Sister with her corn.

Saw this The Hobbit thing. I haven't seen it yet and when I finally have the time to, it's not showing anymore. I don't know if it's temporary because cinemas usually make way for local films this time of the year. I really really want to watch it. Oh well.

We watched Sisterakas. Which I would be reviewing later. I guess.

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2012 1
Merry Christmas!
This is sort of what I did and yeah it's not a lot but I'm just glad that I get this day as my off day because you know! It's just so perfect. Like, I'm off because it's Tuesday and it's like no classes and you probably know by now that TUESDAY is UNI DAY and since there's no UNI, there's nothing for me. Plus! I guess I'm just so lucky that there's no duty as well.

Went to church with mom, sisters, grand mom, and cousin! :)

Then we went to that place by the bay which apparently have all these attractions for kids and all that. I actually don't know whether or not this is a Christmas thing or if it's there forever but whatever.

Hotdog on stick with MUSTARD! Love love love.

It was nice looking at it. Like, it was so calming and everything.

Sister with her corn.

Saw this The Hobbit thing. I haven't seen it yet and when I finally have the time to, it's not showing anymore. I don't know if it's temporary because cinemas usually make way for local films this time of the year. I really really want to watch it. Oh well.

We watched Sisterakas. Which I would be reviewing later. I guess.

Sunday 23 December 2012


December 23, 2012 1
All iPhone pictures in case you are wondering. Because you know, I can't borrow my cousin's camera because she was using it as well.

Like, surprisingly, I was kind of impressed.

Heart the heart. Like, literally. This is like some kind of a magical moment since the song playing in this right moment was WE FOUND LOVE. Speaking of which, I kind of liked the songs they played. Like, all. I am kind of proud of myself too for the picture above. Awesum!

I am kind of disturbed because you know that optical illusion that lets you count the black dots? IT'S HAPPENING. Hahaha and I don't know if I should be annoyed or what.

Can I just say that UST did a good job in pranking us all? Like, seriously. Great job guys. If you're not there, what happened was they kind of let us count to 1 and then some crappy fireworks display happened. And there's no sound so whatever and everyone was like asking for the sound and stuff and it ended quickly. Well, it's actually not that crappy but IT WAS FAR FROM THE USUAL UST FIREWORKS DISPLAY. So whatever.

And then we kind of faced the front again right? Because the first one kind of happened behind Plaza Mayor or somewhere in that area. And the host announced something like, "THE REAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY!" and then these pictures happened.

Sunday 16 December 2012

iPhone Pictures.

December 16, 2012 0
iPhone Pictures.

Me and a friend at the studio's lobby waiting for our turn to be called.

Can I just say that this girl friend of mine waited like forever to have her picture taken and all that? Like what I said in my previous blog, I think it was really awesome to catch up and talk to her that time because I really haven't seen her in like, FOREVER. And there couldn't be more perfect time than this. This is before she had her glamour/creative shot taken. And guess what I noticed? If your answer has anything to do with her looking like Adele, we're at the same page.  I told her that and we were singing Rolling in the Deep whilst waiting and yeah, had fun. Haha


If you're familiar with RED IMAGES, you would know that the hair isn't actually supposed to be done the way it is in the picture. So I concluded that the stylist actually visualized Adele and stuff.

Cousin and I. The picture above and below are actually taken way back our Kazam's and Cerealicious trip.

More of us.

I guess I should stop haha. You know! Before I could reveal anymore pictures of our face. Like, nothing really worth looking at. That's all :)

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Nailed It. Flower Girl.

December 12, 2012 1
Nailed It. Flower Girl.

My mom actually got me two of this kind. Like, different colors of course. LOL.

This is how it comes off. Quite accurate.

Thanks to my mom's flowers for this sort of matching effect. Awesome, aye?

But then I didn't like it that much so I of course thought of topping it with glitters. Like, as always.

This is how it looks like now.

That's all! :)

Sunday 2 December 2012


December 02, 2012 0

I don't know what I'm feeling right now because you know, some people are really insensitive when it comes to some people's feelings.

You know, with our thesis, people don't reply whenever I text them so it's really driving me crazy. Like, WTF.

People can just reply with whatever they have to say and that'll be fine. Unlike with people not replying, that's insane. Like, are you coming? Are you not? What's happening?

It's really hard to assume. Like, I was even asking for a question so that's really insane for them not to reply. I really wouldn't mind going and doing this thing alone. Like, seriously. If this is just my thesis, and not everyone's, then fine. But it's really unfair that people are actually just depending on people who are actually sacrificing for the job to be done. Huh.

I just wish for this to actually be over and that I could just enjoy my last few months as a student and all that.

Friday 23 November 2012

So long my friend.

November 23, 2012 2
So long my friend.

Can I just be totally dramatic and tell everyone that I really missed my home girl? Yesterday, totally unexpected, my best friend texted me. OMG. Like, it's been forever.

We've been planning to go out together but time just wouldn't allow us to. Like, with her OJT and with my Internship. So nice. Like, no joke. Might be more than that actually. Because the last time we saw each other was this trip. Click here if you want a look back.

And as expected, we did talk about all that stuff that we used to talk about before. Our lives, experiences, our plans, and all that stuff. But more!

It's actually quite obvious that we didn't see each other for a while because no one's really shutting up. Like, continuous, non-stop, and fun catching up. Looked back at some experiences we had in the past and laughed. Like, hard. Let's just appreciate the picture I took for a while.

I hate how my head looks big though. Like, her head is just small so don't judge. Yeah? LOL. So sorry that her long hair didn't make it. Anyways...

I even joked around and said that I might not see her again until my despedida party before going to Japan. But you know, I shouldn't have said that. But it will happen anyways.

Took picture of our bags. NOTHING. LOL.

We had dinner and kind of walked around and walked some more and all that stuff. Also, we kind of did some camera window shopping because we kind of want to have the same camera. VANITY. LOL.

Got to do this kind of thing more often because it's like insane not to see her that long. That's all! :)

Thursday 15 November 2012

Another Hashi Update.

November 15, 2012 0
Another Hashi Update.

Like, pure awesomeness. She really reminds me so much of Choco. I love them both. 

I don't know if it's obvious but she's growing up already. I mean, compared to my very first post of her, it's kind of obvious that she grew up. But she's still small. And CUTE!

LOL. "I'm done with this." is like the perfect caption for the fourth picture. LOVE.

And then she was like, "leave me alone already." hahaha.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Nailed It. Change of Plans.

October 24, 2012 0
Nailed It. Change of Plans.
I just though that my nails yesterday were kind of off. I mean, I don't know kind of off but nevertheless off. It's probably not appropriate for some reason. It was kind of okay when I put it on the first time though. Mmmm...

I actually used this purple color yesterday and though that I would just go for the PLUM-FALL-LOOK. Whatever that is. LOL. And since I'm fund of messing things up, I decided to top it with this glitter strips thingy which I realized not the best idea. Should have put the traditional glitter thingy.

Actually, this alone I think is not bad. But whatever. I usually really have the most ridiculous idea sometimes. The nail polish actually is not really that opaque when applied so yeah I think I did 2-4 coats to achieve this color.

The thing about this glitter strips is that they can get a little bit messy sometimes. Because it doesn't really apply all the same. Unlike with the usually glitter stuff, you can't really tell. And the orientation of the strips per se is kind of off sometimes. But oh well.

Still messy though. Haha my bad.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Move On.

October 11, 2012 0
Move On.

It seems like impossible but you'll get over it.

At some point, after giving it your all for the longest time, you'll get tired of struggling to get someone or someone back or whatnot. But the good news is, you'll realize that one day, you're just wasting your time over that someone who doesn't even give a dang or dang anymore.

It may seem unfair that they don't give us their time and stuff but thinking about it, we're actually being unfair mostly to ourselves for denying ourselves the happiness and the freedom to enjoy life. But that's another story.

At some point in your life, you will feel alone. THAT'S PROBABLY TRUE. But that doesn't mean you are! You just have to re-establish your thinking. Like, don't think that you'll be with that person you want to be with and you'll notice that there are a lot more out there. I'm not saying that you should get them all and stuff but the point is, stop trying to get someone who doesn't have the slightest will to be with you. Get it? PLUS! You have your family and friends with you. For sure. So don't feel so alone.

Like, at some point, you'll realize that you're more important than that person. That you have to make yourself happy. UNLESS YOU'RE HAPPY THAT YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE OTHER PERSON'S PLAN. Which I doubt and I hope I'm right of my uncertainty.

OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND. I don't know if I already said it here or whatever but yeah. Try not to come across to anything that'll just remind you of that person and after quite some time, it'll get better. You won't be wanting the person as much as you did and that can be the start of something good. It's not gonna be instant! You have to be patient and be sooooo determined that when the urge to actually fall for that person ever again comes, you will not.

I actually am feeling better about quite a lot of things so this post is relevant to me too. I need improvement on whatever I'm doing but whatever happens, at least I'm going there. That's all that I want to say. See yah!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Talking Thursday. DIY.

September 20, 2012 0
Talking Thursday. DIY.

I believe that if we want to do something, we should prioritize ourselves. I mean, our own feelings, not others. I know that sometimes, our feelings are really dependent on some other things or people but irregardless, we should always put ourselves first.

It depends though. I'm not saying that we should all be selfish and stuff. And be self-centered and all that. But when it comes to self improvement, it is just proper to think of ourselves first. To whom do we dedicate our improvements? To ourselves, then others. It's all sort of the same at some point.

If we want to improve we should make sure that it's for own benefit first. Then maybe, just maybe, for others too. Awesome right? We sort of improve and a lot of people benefit from it.

One example would be when we want to change something about our attitude. If we want to get rid of that, then other will notice, right? But our priority is should not be because others would notice it but because we want for ourselves for other people not to think of us that way anymore. See, maybe just that kind of thinking would actually get us somewhere. Somewhere more improved or something. Same difference, aye?

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Random Ramblings. Homosexuality.

August 28, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. Homosexuality.

Serious business. I'm not saying that one's opinion is wrong or something but seriously? I mean, it's their opinion.

I'm obviously not affected by Chick-Fil-A because I don't live in the US and stuff but if the CEO of that establishment believes in traditional marriage, so be it. I mean, we don't know the whole story. Well, most probably. So anyways.

The typography above is kind of funny actually. Because it shows that people aren't really fair sometimes. The person who made it knows that people would always consume gas. Like, whatever happens. Even indirectly. And it's true! Whatever the people of the countries who produce gas say about a some sensitive topic like this, we don't take that against them in such a way that we won't buy gas from them anymore.


I think I've said this before but I actually believe in marriage. Like, marriage. As in marriage. Two people in love. Enough said. And if people would take that against me as a person, I don't care. Moving on...

I'm not trying to defend the CEO or something but he didn't say anything bad at all. Or maybe not stated above but whatever. But Saudi Arabia (not all people) actually stated that homosexual people should burn or something. Oh wow. That's something something. I'm just pointing out that if we're gonna judge. Which is not a good practice by the way. We should be fair. Like, fair should always be the name of the game. That's all! :)

Thursday 23 August 2012

Random Ramblings. A little rant.

August 23, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. A little rant.

I absolutely agree! So many times in my life have I heard this kind of effery. School, internship, home, and some other places. They are all the same. And I would always say!

"Not because everyone is doing it, it's the right thing to do."

Like, I hate it when people assume that they should follow others and stuff. Like, people should have their own way of thinking. That's why we have our individual brain and mind. That's why there's school. To nurture and develop thinking and learning process. I hate it when people are just copying other people's idea or something like that.

One common example is the airport. I mean, most of the time, people would go to the right place among with other people. But what if the first one to go is going to the bathroom or somewhere? Then the person who would follow that someone would go to the bathroom too. What will happen to everyone on their backs? Like, instead of going to the right place, people would go to the bathroom instead. That's of course a hypothetical situation but not impossible. In science, hypothesis can be proven. Oh well. Enough of the science thingy.

Also, I've noticed that the street crossers here in the Philippines follow the same thing. There's not a lot of people who are educated when it comes to street lights and stuff so people literally cross the streets by their instincts. When there are cars crossing the street, it follows that people would have a hard time crossing it right? So what will happen is that when a person cross the street, everyone would follow. Like, even if it's not the right thing to do. I just hate it when that happens. People in the government should really implement a strict rule and stuff so people would have no excuse. And the streets and the people would be more coordinated. With that being said, less accidents yeah? How awesome would that be?

Thursday 2 August 2012

We change.

August 02, 2012 0
We change.

If there's one thing in this world that's permanent. That's change. WOW. I've heard of this so many times that there's no way I can be able to forget it. Thinking about it though, it's kind of hard to accept this fact. That fact that one day, we'll change. It's seriously hard to imagine stuff. I mean, it's extremely alright to imagine yourself change for the better but at the end of the day, there will always be questions.

"Don't change." That's the usual words I hear when there's like some birthday dedications, graduation ceremonies, and all that stuff. But really? Why should we not? We're human beings and we're all subject to change. Subject to improve ourselves. Subject to a better life. Subject to aim for a better change even. So why that words? 

Even if we don't permit some changes, it happens all the time. Our hair grows and so our nails. Day always turns into night.      And all sort of other things. Like, the person that's in front of us lining to McDonald's won't be the same person who'll be in front of us tomorrow. We might be the first in line. That person might line up behind us. Or maybe still the same person. But maybe not the day after that. See? There would always be that sort of changes. 

We might get a perfect mark on a certain test, and fail on another. Thing is we are not perfect. We cannot always be right. We cannot always get what we want. But if we work hard for it, then we might get close.

But how? How can we make things right? How can we change things to the right direction? To the right direction again? 

I mean, is it even acceptable to accept change when there's no reason to change it? Something like, a plastic surgery to a very beautiful person? But that's another thing. I don't want to talk about it now. 

One thing I want to talk about now. Or probably to talk again. Well, not entirely the same though. So yeah. There are just some things I want to share. I had quite some friends when I was still in elementary and for some reason, I only managed to talk to one of them or at least constantly. That one person happened to be my best friend by the way. In high school though, I probably have more. But what happened? Maybe because of different schedules now that we're all in college and  probably some are already working and stuff. See, even that status changed. We cannot always be elementary or high school students. 

Let's talk about relationships. Not that I am an expert or whatever to this. I just want to talk about it. Relationships seem to be so perfect at first. Then there will be some fights after that few days (or months) then there will be forgiveness. Then there would be other things to fight to. Then there will be forgiveness. And after some more repetition, there wouldn't be forgiveness anymore. There wouldn't be anything to fight to, no more to fight for. Why so? Maybe because the level of tolerance of the other party changed. Or maybe because the level of offense changed as well. Or maybe it's just their feelings that changes. And then they part.

That kind of change though is very sad. Because for all I know, two people have to promise to always be there for each other and all that stuff. 

I will get a  little bit personal here though. Or maybe no. Click here to read. I failed that time. I promised myself not to talk to that person ever again but I just can't. I wasn't able to imagine life without talking to that person. Like, we used to talk at night and talk about the random-est stuff in this world and just laugh at anything. I used to feel butterflies in my stomach, how cheesy that may sound. But I don't know what happened. I actually talked about him that and he said that it's not me. It's him and all that rubbish. Just a little bit of history though, read it here. Like, for reals.

Like, I can't remember doing anything. So I have been wondering why our conversations end. Like, out of the blue, it's as if we don't know each other at all. That bothers me a lot. And to my surprise, it's as if he don't care. Oh well. I'd be lying if I say that I am not hoping that every thing will be the same way as it used to be. But I am not lying to tell you that my hopes aren't that high anymore. And it's definitely okay if we wouldn't be the same way as we were before. Time probably helped me. So I changed. And I am happy because it made me feel lighter about this. But unlike before, I don't feel angry and all that anymore. Like what I've assumed awhile ago, maybe my feelings changed. And I'm assuming his too. And for some reason, I think it's okay.  

So yeah, of course change wouldn't be always POSITIVE. Like that personal experiences I've mentioned above.There would always be negative changes and that sort we should avoid. How exactly? I don't know. Maybe we should always remind ourselves to walk on the right path and stuff like that. 

One thing is for sure though. Change is something permanent. Maybe we're just too busy to notice that everyday, there's a change. How little may them be. May it be the position of the sun when we look at it, or something else. Change will always be there. On what kind of change will it be, we may have full control of it. If not, we can always change it and revert it afterwards. Or not. 

Tuesday 31 July 2012

It's a wonderful day.

July 31, 2012 0
It's a wonderful day.

Classes were suspended yesterday because of the strong wind and rain and stuff but that doesn't mean anything for us INTERNS. I'm not gonna complain about this post but rather I want to reflect.

We do have 3 quizzes on 6 topics later on and we kind of wished yesterday for classes to be suspended again today because in case that will happen, we will be then affected because we go to the uni on Tuesdays and so everything will be moved next Tuesday.

But of course the sun showed up . I was disappointed. But then thinking about it, there would be people who would benefit from that misery of mine. Like those who are greatly affected by the flood yesterday and stuff so I'm thinking it's not that bad anymore. I should just study and get ready. So yeah. :)

The day I wore YUKATA.

July 31, 2012 0
The day I wore YUKATA.

For all of you who don't have an idea what a YUKATA is, it's actually a casual KIMONO that can be worn during summer. Because it's quite troublesome to wear KIMONO if it's like too hot. It's actually hard to assemble YUKATA itself.

Why did I wear it? I don't know too. My mom made me wear it. And for some reason, I liked the idea of it and had dad fix it and stuff. As what I've said awhile ago, it was quite troublesome. LOL. But definitely worth it. Thanks mom for doing my make up as well. I quite don't think that it looks very Japanese-y though. But anyways.


I like the hair up thing better. Or maybe my hair isn't really great for this

The thing they put on the waist line is the most difficult thing to put on in my opinion. There should be like a cardboard in that belt for it not to look crumpled or whatever. And the folding is just so complicated. Thank goodness for more "CASUAL" clothing now.

Awesome! :)