Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts

Friday 16 August 2013

Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 6

August 16, 2013 0
Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 6

1. This. I was actually supposed to blog this haul but then again I can't find my camera's memory card where I saved the pictures so yeah. I actually didn't want anything like, my mom told me that she'll buy me blue or green pants daw and I was like, no thank you and she was like, no. You need it. Weird, yeah? And then she also asked me to choose some shoes and I chose that blue shoes which I kind of regret buying even though I've been wearing it religiously. It's just that I think the color kind of faded na and the glitters fell off na. Well most of it. Well it was kind of expected to happen naman pero still. Oh and for some reason, I've been wearing flats a lot lately and it feels weird but anyways.

2. Shabu-Shabu! It's been a while since my last shabu-shabu. I think I was like not a teenager even when I last had this type of food. Or I probably just forgot. This place is not that good but it's cheap daw according to tito so game lang. This is also the first time I saw my tita and cousin again. Well tito as well so it's kind of a reunion thingy. Also, can we just spot my cousin Yoshi who I think was so tired that he can't even anymore.

3. Actually, this happened before number 2 but I figured it doesn't look good on the frame if I would put this on number 2 position so yeah. So this is what happened. I was from my review right? And then I went to my lola's dialysis center and then I saw them there and yeah. After a while, we went to the mall to have lunch right? And then we went to the game center and yeah my cousin actually enjoyed it so much and then he was lucky to be able to hit the jackpot prize like twice daw and yeah he accumulated a lot of tickets and he was able to exchange it to some gummy bears and stuff. And then he fell asleep in the car and yeah number 2 happened. 

4. My mom loves this place called Teresita's at Timog and this is just a picture of my lola eating Kare-Kare which I highly recommend by the way! It's delish.

5. You probably know by now that I am obsessed with sunsets and I think I've shown you quite a lot of sunsets from the same spot but I still find it beautiful everytime.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 4

July 06, 2013 1
Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 4

1. You might be confused as to what this picture is all about. If you would look closely, there's a colorful something something up above the tree. That's actually a parrot. What happened was it escaped from its owner and then the owner said that he would give a 5000 pesos grant to the person that would catch and bring back the parrot to the owner. Can I just say that the parrot was really mean because a guy actually attempted to climb that tree but when he was about to grab the parrot, it flew and transferred to a far away tree and yeah.

2. A picture of my sister Mika and I at Manila Bay. Actually, Harbour Square back when we ate somewhere there. If you don't know it already, I'm obsessed with sunset. So even though we can't be seen and recognized in that picture, that picture is precious.

3. Internship! :) I miss everything about internship. This is during my Clinical Microscopy rotation. And also during when we exchanged gifts. As you can see, I'm eating a Krispy Kreme and just checking out my group mate who is studying medicine now by the way. 

4. My lovey Hashi eating her favorite food. Instant noodles. Like whenever I would eat noodles, Hashi would come and wag her tail and stuff and then I got curious and gave her a strand and she loved it. The picture is not actually the first time but whatever. 

Saturday 15 June 2013

Pets and Sunset

June 15, 2013 0
Pets and Sunset
Hi guys! I've told you here that the resort we went to on my mum's birthday allow pets to actually go in so we did bring two of our dogs with us. They were such a delight and made the experience kind of different than the usual. In a fun way.

Can I just make kwento a little bit? I didn't document it but Hashi bathed in the bay! Like, she hates shower so we were kind of hesitant if she would go in and the deal is we wouldn't force her to go in but then when we reach the shore or whatever, she went in the water by herself and swimming like a national team swimmer there. We're all looking like her like a proud momma. Except my mum who thought that Hashi would die right away. But it's all good now!

Mocha also bathed but when she came in the room with dad, she was covered with sand particles so mum wasn't happy about that but I bet Mocha really enjoyed that experience as well. Too bad we didn't able to witness it though. 

I don't have much things to tell you guys anymore but I hope y'all enjoy the pictures :). Can I just reiterate that this is probably the most gorgeous sunset I've witnessed. I went out of the room because I wanted to see the sunset and took pictures by myself and when I returned to the room, I saw Mika and asked her to go back with me so that I would have pictures with it and then whilst we're taking pictures, the rest went out as well so I asked my other sister to take pictures with me and Mika  in it as well. And vice versa.


ME :)
It's actually kind of odd because I can barely be recognized but you know, whatever! I must have this picture.

Can I just say that when I saw this picture while reviewing the sunset batch, I was kind of proud and happy I took this because it's like unintentionally artsy.

That's where this adventure ends guys I hope you had fun reading or like, seeing the pictures because let's be honest, there are times when we're just all lazy to read shiz and we just want to see pictures. LOL. Have a good day y'all!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tagaytay Trip! Part 3.

January 08, 2013 1
Tagaytay Trip! Part 3.

This is like the view from our last stop. This is actually an accidental spot since my cousin is like in a hurry to go home for some reasons. This is like a place we saw when we are actually finding a souvenir shop. Quite awesome! See, everything happens for a reason. And the reason for us not riding the bus that we were supposed to ride is for us to actually appreciate the city a little bit more.

My best friend and I actually prefer living in the province than in the city. Which you may think is very ironic but that's true! I mean, you would want to breathe fresh air everyday too right? I would probably go to the city just for fun or whatever but living there is kind of suffocating sometimes.

Looking tired already but still having fun. Can I just describe the place we are at because like, it's gonna be hard to tell from the pictures. This is like a small parking space near the rotonda where the statue of whoever that is at.

The sunset there is not as dramatic as it is in the city but at least their weather there is like the best.

And then a guy who's like selling us stuff volunteered to take a picture of us and this is how it turned out. Love!

What's this photo for again? LOL.

So that concludes our Tagaytay trip! Can't wait to come back and explore more! :)

Monday 5 November 2012

InstaPix 1.

November 05, 2012 0
InstaPix 1.
Today, just because I like the thought of it, Imma do it. Like, ain't it nice? LOL. Basically, I'm gonna take pictures directly from my phone, Instagram it, then post it here. The good thing about Instagram is they actually automatically save a picture that you applied filter to back to your picture file again. And this time edited already. Good thinking.

This particular picture is already pretty as it is but with some random filter, VOILA.

Hashi is just love! I mean, how can you even resist that charming cute face of hers? I don't even know.

Sisters at Star City. What the eff with our faces though? LOL.

My sister's cake! I actually don't know why but my mom really fancies this particular flavor. Whether it is the only available flavor or not that time, I don't know.

Monday 22 October 2012

Favorite Eiffel Looks.

October 22, 2012 0
Favorite Eiffel Looks.
So recently, I've reached 1000 pictures of Eiffel Tower. I don't know why I did it but I did it anyways. I actually made a picture/video presentation of it and yeah, it's just nice to look at it.

If you're interested in watching, gotta post a link to it soon.

Just to kind of summarize it all. Here are my top 5 looks of the Eiffel Tower that I did with my daily obsession of looking at it and saving it to my phone.

For some reason, I get really really excited when there are changes or stuff on how the clouds are formed. I mean, I don't know. Is it just me or what? Oh the little things in this life. 

I don't know but for some reason, I am really fascinated by colors. Like, I love how the colors are put up in this one. Someone amazing is really behind every elements of this earth. And the world. In that case. Just saying. And generally, I have a thing for sunsets. 

I love how visible the moon and the stars are in this one. Say what to not much pollution. Oh well. This picture really says something about the rest of the world. 

This is just so magical of an event that happens everyday. Oh how I wish to live in Paris.

I love the vibes! Like, will never go amiss. This is just so fantastic. I can't even. There's so much feels! LOL. How can people in Paris sleep? I would probably do Eiffel Tower watch all day long and stuff.  Have a nice day! All of you. 

Saturday 29 September 2012

Manila. A Look Back.

September 29, 2012 0
Manila. A Look Back.
I guess it's been a year or so since we last visited Manila Park/Luneta Park/Rizal Park or whatever. The story was my auntie's friend from Japan, well, sort of my mom's friend as well, wanted photos of the Philippines and stuff so you get it. The thing is, we already sent him photos before and mom actually wanted to take the same pictures and it just didn't make sense to me. ESPECIALLY HE DID SEND MONEY ON THE LATTER REQUEST. Not too much. But whatever. Like, I wouldn't pay for pictures. THANKS, GOOGLE!

The clock! Nothing much. Would be so prettier with flowers being there instead of leaves. But anyways. The good thing about being in Manila is that even though it's like, OVEN HOT, there's wind. Which is somehow awesome to kind of neutralize things.

So my bestfriend actually followed us because she was I guess, having a drink or two nearby and stuff. In the middle of the day, you ask? YES. That's so her. We were kind of doubting that she will come but she did! MIRACLE! LOL. Just kidding.

Something funny happened here. Like, creepy-funny. It's rather a long story so whatever. Soon!

You know you were cheated when you can't find a picture of you at some point. But anyways. LOL. Grabbed lunch (around 4) at KFC. Just because we were traumatized and kind of had a long walk from here to there and back and so yeah.

Walked around and took some pictures and memories. Beat that. LOL.


Just beautiful.

Pretty proud of this shot. For real.

Monday 20 August 2012

Manila Bay visit.

August 20, 2012 0
Manila Bay visit.
So my mom decided to go  to Manila Bay. We were supposed to go there like, a week before we went but because of the horrible weather and stuff, we just went to eat at Robinson's.

Here's a shot the I took with my iPhone. And yup! Instagram!

Where did we eat you ask?

It's called The Chicken Rice Shop. And of course! They serve chicken and stuff. My verdict? Not so good actually. But it's good to try stuff that are unfamiliar. Like, it's okay to make a mistake. Just make sure that you wouldn't commit the same mistake next time. LOL. Well, it's not that bad actually. Quite fair. But anyways.  

It's been a while since we all went out. And yes! It's because of internship and stuff. Well, I don't actually have a regular schedule so that's why my mom always want to make time for this kind of get together and stuff. DRAMA MUCH? LOL.

I actually don't know why my mom knew about this restaurant but yeah whatever. She's genius like that, eh? Anyways when she told me that she want to eat at some chicken restaurant near the bay, I actually thought that she want to eat at BonChon but when I asked her so, she said NO. And then I was alright. 

When we arrived, she pointed at this chicken restaurant. Oh wells. So yeah. If you want to give this restaurant a try, you just have to locate Yellow Cab and it's somehow near that place. It's actually unlikely for you to miss this because it's quite big of a 
place and stuff. Bigger than Yellow Cab. 

Unnecessary photo of myself. LOL.
Here's what I got. Roasted chicken I believe? Yup. That's it. 

The chicken comes with soup and rice and that little somethings there. I ordered Soy Milk for a drink. Nothing special about the drink as well. But the soup was good. We also had Tofu Steak which was also good! :)


My mom and I also finished this big bowl of coconut milk desert with some other stuff in it. I don't know. But it was good! :)) Mom ordered a big bowl for all of us but then my sisters don't like how it tastes to yeah, mom and I didn't mind finishing it. LOL. 

That's all! :)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

You just can't.

May 01, 2012 0
You just can't.
You just can't always get what you want. You heard it right.

 It's currently raining here in the Philippines despite being a different season. Don't get confused though, we only got two.

If it's raining, people misses the sun. If it's damn hot, people wants rain. I think that's not something I can blame on the human being. I guess that's probably a way of life. WANTING FOR MORE. But for some reason, I just want to sit down with the whole human race and ask those who are extremely annoying to be somehow contented. You just can't ask for the rain, who knows if there are clothes outside that are waiting to be dry? Who knows if there's someone running in a very-slippery-when-wet zone? You just can't ask for the sun just as the same. I mean, you can. Of course. But be wise! Not that I'm a genie and I can make it all happen. But, just be wise. It can do you good. I SWEAR.

Although I would admit that rain in this kind of EXTREMELY HOT WEATHER IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. But anyways, just be contented. Some have it worse.

I would also like to share a photo I took yesterday. JUST BECAUSE IT'S GORGEOUS.

Enjoy life. Make it good until it last.