Saturday 13 July 2013

This Makes Me Proud.

July 13, 2013 0
This Makes Me Proud.
We all know that Ramadan already started. I am a Catholic and this is somehow my point of view. I studied in a Catholic high school and I grew up studying Christian Living so I don't really know much about other religions and their stuff. Except probably when we studied it a little bit on our History. But that didn't make it justice. I also don't know anyone who is not a Christian other than dad and his friends . But that's another story since dad is not really a Filipino.

I also studied in a Catholic university so that didn't help me learning about other religion or beliefs as well. Oh well. I am not actually the type who want to study all these things but I don't know. I seem to be curious nowadays. 

To my story now. Yesterday, our class started at around 8 and the lecturer told us that we wouldn't have lunch and so my school mate, prepared as ever, brought out her cheese bread and offered it to the crowd. No one got a piece. Well except me and someone from OLFU. And then my class mate whispered, "Nagsimula na nga pala ang Ramadan". She realised when the girl seated beside her who's a Muslim told her something like, we can't really eat until 6. And at that moment, I was wowed. It's just something.  Their dedication to their beliefs is just something I wished we all carried. I know there are a lot of religious Catholic people but they are just unified. You know what I mean? Anyways, good vibes. I just want to share that. This is not to compare religions because that's just not right. Good job, Muslim friends. Keep it up! 

Friday 12 July 2013

Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 5

July 12, 2013 0
Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 5

Hi guys! This is Flashback Friday # 5 A.K.A "I LOVE MYSELF" LOL.

1. This is me with an ice cream cart. Not real of course. When my cousin and I went to Manila Ocean Park, we saw this at the second floor of the establishment and what else would we do? Take pictures of course! I love how Filipino themed the displays are. There's also a jeepney and some other stuff there. Will share that soon! Anyways, this cart is very popular in the Philippines. Like, someone would just push the cart anytime of the day and ring the bell and like inform you that there's a cart outside and stuff. Much like an ice cream truck but way too simpler. Actually, for some reason, they call it "dirty ice cream" I hope they're not dirty though. I think they're not dirty. As to why it's call dirty ice cream, I have no idea. Usual flavors are Queso, Ube, and Chocolate.

2. This. LOL. When we went to Starbucks, my cousin asked my bestie and I to make her a fan sign and I was like, I'm not your fan. Hahaha. Anyways, she wrote her name and I asked her to take a picture of me barely holding the tissue as if disgusted by her name. But I love my cousin and I would always be her fan but then again I just thought that making a fan sign is a little bit unnecessary. My bestie actually have a proper fan sign picture but yeah. Whatever.

3. This is during our Caleruega Retreat and a friend took the photo. I think I was drafting a blog while listening to music and yeah. I miss that place so much! It's just perfect. Before the board exam, I think I need a retreat or something. 

4. New Year 2011. Dad never failed to make us this. It's a simple Japanese Tradition and yeah. Nice. Oh MOCHI TOO.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Attending a Debut Party

July 11, 2013 3
Attending a Debut Party
Hola guys! It's been a while, huh? I want to show you a party I have attended last week because you know, I just want to. I haven't been doing a lot of things lately or like, significant things? But anyways, yeah. Enjoy! 

Can I just say that I was actually a little bothered to wear black but then again I don't have much party dresses or like, formal dresses so I was like, fine. A day before the event, cousin texted me that she's gonna wear her black dress as well so I was like, okay so be it.

I did love the table set up because they have like fancy stuff there and like, chocolates that people can eat. I actually don't think that it's meant to be eaten but we did eat ours before the program even started.

I must say! That of all the debut parties I have attended, well, I haven't been to many but anyways. I must say that this is like the most gorgeous set I have ever seen. 

Just a little bit of kwento now. She's actually a childhood friend but obviously, she's 3 years behind my age but yeah we used to play whatever before. But we don't talk to each other now. I mean, we talked for a while during her birthday but that was it. That was like our first talk in a long time. So it's really something I won't forget. People grow up. I kind of missed her.

Can I just say that the food was yums! I'm actually on my pretense diet but anyways. I probably had more than what I should have in 2 days or so. No regrets.

Can I just say that I liked their Blueberry Cheesecake the most? It was awesome! :) Well, I really like blueberry cheesecake in general but I think this one is delish. I say that all the time so never mind.

I didn't like it as much as my cousin did but it was actually good. I don't know but I was actually kind of already full so I was thinking I might as well have another blueberry cheesecake. Huh.

Just like what we did when we were on Yakimix, we got one of each kind and shared. Except cousin got a mango pudding on her own and I got blueberry cheesecake on my own as well. 

I only liked the coffee and the melon flavored shots. The rest are like, meh! Me no likey. They kind of taste like cough syrup. The worst kind.


When we finished eating, we went straight to the shooters place whatever and had some drinks. It's always nice to drink with old friends. 

It may have been quite a while since we last talked prior to this but I'm pretty sure that she was and still is a good dancer.

I think her cake is like, gorgeous! But then again, just like many things that are colorful and pretty, it doesn't taste as good as it looks. But then again. Whatever. It still looks pretty, yeah?