SHIKIMIKIE: Medical Technology
Showing posts with label Medical Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Technology. Show all posts

Saturday 13 October 2012


October 13, 2012 0
I just want to update this blog about some certain facts and happenings in this life. Okay. I actually don't know where to start but let's do it anyways. I started IN-2 not so long ago. I met some friends and yeah, that's awesome.

Unlike IN-1, well, in IN-1, there are actually interns from two universities. Whereas in IN-2, we have like 4 universities. And the number of interns are tripled, I believe. Or a little bit less than that. But you get the point. As of the level of things to do, tripled as well. But less exhausting. It's just that we're so many in one post and the tasks to be done are kind of divided. Unlike in my previous hospital where we're solely in-charge of doing everything. Almost. The number of hours is 2 hours over the usual but still. Kind of awesome. The staffs are so far kind. The head of my section now is by far so kind and awesome. I think he's gonna be my favorite or whatever. Because I had a feedback from our senior interns that the guy is actually their favorite staff so I might end up the same. Okay. That was random. Anyways.

I like my post mates. I like my group mates. No issue or whatever so far. So yeah. FEU, CEU, MCU, and UST. :D World peace. Hahaha. When I saw this on Facebook, I was like WTF? LOL.

Nothing like that. It's just that we kind of like to make fun with our group mates on the right that they actually made a comeback. LOL. The people on our right side are actually representatives of two different universities for the PAMET quiz show so we just thought that they're meant to be. LOL.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Random Ramblings. Umm...

October 10, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. Umm...
We get hurt too.

As much as I kind of looked forward to wearing my uniform now, I kind of don't like some stuff. Well, not that I don't like how it looks though.

As much as I worked extra extra hard to be in my turtle neck/Chinese collar dress uniform, there's still something about it that's kind of disturbing. 

Me is not pleased. LOL. And when I move a lot, the snap thingy opens. Dang. But then again I must not complain. LOL. But I just did so whatever.

But then again I'm happy because with internship, and with that comes wearing this uniform, I met these wonderful people so yeah. Whatever.

Us eating our dinner at MANG TOOTZ yesterday for dinner. Which is quite awesome. Had so much Banana RhumA. I guess. 

Monday 1 October 2012

New Hospital, new life.

October 01, 2012 0
New Hospital, new life.
It's really very sad going to a new hospital and actually starting all over again. It was our first day of orientation and so far, not so clear. We had our general lecture about everything in the morning and laboratory exposure in the afternoon.

My first post is hematology and unfortunately, the machines to be used there are kind of off so we had to actually stay outside and waited for the maintenance people to finish doing their thing.

After one hour and whatever minutes, it can't be helped so our post head med tech called us and gave us our schedule and told us to just come back on our actually duty and he will orient us there.

That's what happened today. And I thought.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Goodbye Internship I. Sort of.

September 26, 2012 0
Goodbye Internship I. Sort of.
I can't believe it! 24 HOURS OF DUTY to go before Internship 2. A co-intern posted on Facebook the orientation time for our second hospital already and I'm super excited for that! I can't even.

The thing is I'm gonna be in a public hospital next so I can just imagine the toxicity and stuff there. But from our dinner yesterday (092512), a friend of mine said that I'll enjoy my IN there. Because he did. Good thing.

I'm seriously gonna miss my co-Interns. And some staffs in my hospital right now. In this picture alone, I'm only gonna be with one person next Internship. Better than none but nonetheless sad.

Good times!

I'm gonna miss TIN! She's actually from a different university and we've been so close to death so I'm guessing that I'm gonna miss her the most. I really don't fancy goodbyes. But then again, remembering my high school teacher's words, "IT'S NOT GOODBYE, JUST SEE YOU LATER". 

Sunday 16 September 2012

Random Ramblings. 20.

September 16, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. 20.

I actually had this picture or typography or whatever you call it for a while. Because I actually thought of blogging about it before but then thought twice and didn't do it. I don't know why though. Lack of idea perhaps?

But then I do what I want and I write things even if I don't have the whole story sometimes. Like, I tell what I have to tell base on what I know.

Now when I reviewed all the pictures in my phone, I actually saw this thing again after quite a while. And it actually hit me. Not that hard. But nevertheless hard.

I'm actually 20 years old now. So, yeah. I actually told you before that I want internship to end as much as possible and stuff but now that I'm thinking of it, I'll be 21 by then and I don't want a year to pass just like that. Because wishing for internship to end means I want a year done without actually looking forward to things that might happen while I'm on it. It's pretty sad don't you think? So I'm going to re-establish that. I don't want a year to pass without actually doing something remarkable. I don't want internship to end without me learning something from it. I don't want a year to pass just like that.

I still want it to be pretty fast though. But when you actually learn from something, it's gonna be worth the while.

This is just so random. People say that life starts at whatever age. Like, 20, 30, 40, etc. I don't know. There's just something about being 20 that's quite alarming. Look at them young football players. They're already doing their thing. Like, am I seriously 20 already? Like, serious stuff? Yeah. That kind of thing.

So, whatever.

Anyways, here's a picture of my cousin and I. Just because we're both in our 20's. NAH. We're actually both 20. LOL.

But you get it, right? We should all enjoy life! :)

Saturday 1 September 2012

UST at night.

September 01, 2012 0
UST at night.

UST at night is actually nicer than it is during daytime. Or at least for me. Maybe because the day is over and stuff. No more classes, exams, lessons, quizzes, experiments, problems, everything. Just UST alone. If that makes sense.


If you're a Thomasian, give it a go! Walk around and reflect. You know! LIGHTS WILL GUIDE YOU HOME.

UST lights! Never mind. LOL.

I had this picture taken because I realized that I actually didn't have a picture in front of the Main Building. Like, in less than a year, I'll be graduating and it'll be a shame to not have a picture in front of the building where I suffered most. LEGIT.


So yeah. :)

Thursday 16 August 2012

Retreat story. Tell it all! :)

August 16, 2012 0
Retreat story. Tell it all! :)
As promised, here's my RETREAT STORY. I actually had fun. I feel like I'm somehow a little bit better of a person than I used to be. Not because they forced me to or anything like that of course. Oh wells.

So ergo!

The fun starts here of course. OR NOT. I actually had a hard time packing stuff. Thing is I don't have a bag that's big enough for all of the stuff I brought. I didn't bring too much with me to be honest. So yeah. It's not that it was my fault or anything. We were told to bring clothes, some stuff, and all that. Except for food, I actually didn't bring anything so big at all. Like, yeah. But it's alright.

I ended up carrying a BIG SHOULDER bag with me and a back pack.

I actually changed bags at least three times and tried to get back to the previous and got back to the recent bag again. Paranoid much, I know.

And it's not exactly light. But not actually heavy. Just enough. But still! Some people were looking at me like I escaped from some prison or some mental hospital. I don't know. I generally don't like people looking at me. I have my reasons. So yeah.

Oh! Meet my bus seat mate/intern mate, Jamae. Actually, Jamae and I already bargained to sit together! When we were in UST, right before going in the bus, the coordinator told us that we (interns) were already divided into two. Good thing that we were put into the same bus and stuff. So yeah!

We didn't know each other before internship but I can say that we're kind of close now. How odd, eh?

She's just so cute! Kind of childish though. But cute. We also bargained our seat. I mean, the window seat. I got to sit beside the window seat on our way home and stuff. The view was fantastic of course! Only that it rained on our way home.

See, she's just so tiny! So cute! LOL. And say hello to that panda hat! She kind of wears it a lot of times. I'm kind of confused. Like, I don't know.

Great landscape, don't you think? The picture above is ST. DOMINIC. Patron saint of my university, UST.

My name plate that was used to nothing. Oh! You know what? Good thing I didn't gain more weight when I was there because I SWEAR! We ate like every 2 hours or so.

We just want to take picture with the FOG! :D These people are my classmates now by the way.

Night life in Caleruega is actually fun. Nah, no night life. Just nature life and all that stuff.

Hanging bridge and stuff! Too bad it rained hard that weren't able to go the church at the top of the mountain. Oh wells. That's gonna be it, I guess? YUP. :)

Closer to nature.

August 16, 2012 0
Closer to nature.

Hi! I have been to a 3 days retreat in Caleruega, Batangas. Just a little something something. There are only two Caleruegas in the world. One here in the Philippines and the other one in Spain. The view is just fantastic. Like, so much fresh air going on. No phone signal though. Poor reception on most spots. I kind of felt bad for my mom because I wasn't able to reply to her messages on time and that I wasn't able to answer her call at some point.

We actually had three speakers I believe but I'd be refering them three as "him" or "speaker" or whatever so don't be confused.

There are quite a lot of things that I've learned from this retreat. I think I've said this before but like, to tell you the truth, I'm not really a religious-religious person. I don't think it's a good thing. I don't think it's bad. I don't think it's anything. It's just as simple as that. I don't know.

I  just want to list some of the things I've learned (believe) so to make things easier.

1. We should acquire the traits that we want to have in the future while we still can.

- The speaker actually described our lives into a GELATIN. Liquid, gelatin, and frozen. While we were young, we are actually the liquid. We take the form of any containers. When the liquid stage is done, we now become the gelatin. The gelatin, though already formed, there's still something you can do to somehow change it. The frozen stage is actually ourselves during like, the late stage of our lives. And the frozen stage is irreversible. So the point is! While we are in the liquid or gelatin form, we should invest on the traits that we want to have in the frozen stage.

2. Life does not come with a pause button. It goes on.

- The speaker actually showed quite a lot of evolutionary pictures. Like, people growing up, becoming older and stuff. How their faces changed and all that. He said that even though we want to take back yesterday or slow down our aging process, it just won't happen as we wish.

3. Our failure does not define who we are.

- That's right! We should learn from it and do better next time.

4. We are a product of our choices.

- Just like what one of our speakers said, our life is like a buffet. In a buffet, right? People would choose what they want to eat and stuff so yeah. I kind of agree. Like, I don't believe that someone's born to be exactly what they are now. Life is always about choices. So choose wisely.

5. Our moms will stay with us no matter what.

- I love my mom. I just love her in general! <3

6. Growing old is different as growing up.

7. Jesus is not like an ATM machine.

- I don't know if I already told you this but I really don't like people who go to the Church without knowing why they're there. Some people in the Church don't actually listen to the gospels and all that. What they do there is text, talk to whoever they're with, complain about the heat, see their friends without actually intending to pray and all that. For someone who don't go to the Church that often, I'm a little bit offended by these people. Because when I pray, I pray.

8. We should practice seeing the good things in people.

9. We should know when to listen and when to talk.

10. There are some things that we can only learn by experience.

So yeah. These are just some of the things I've learned. It was quite an experience. Maybe not as enjoyable than my high school recollection though. Maybe because that time, we were with people we know. This was kind of different because we have to choose from the limited slots available from each batch and stuff. But thinking about it, we needed the break given to us. We have to make up for it of course. But I don't mind.

Story soon! 

Sunday 15 July 2012

Sudden realization. Confessions.

July 15, 2012 0
Sudden realization. Confessions.
You may already know that I am a medical technology intern. And most medical technology graduates pursue with medicine proper.

I'm just thinking, I don't want to be in the same situation again. Being a first year, second year, third year, intern...once again.

I also don't like the fact that it's gonna be way harder in medicine. WAY WAY harder. Thicker books, longer quizzes, harder exams, all that stuff. I better prepare myself just in case.

One thing you have to know about medicine studies is that it's about 4 years long to be a general practitioner and some more years to be a specialist. But the duration of it is not my main concern. I'm just saying.

I've been thinking a lot about it lately actually. I told my sister about it, and then she told my mom. But even though how many times I ask myself if I should continue, I can't seem to have a concrete answer. Maybe because I don't want to ask others about it. And I don't plan to ask others about it as well. Because med school will be about me, mainly. I'll be on my own and stuff like that so when I decide on things, I want it to be MY decision. Because by then, when things go out of my way, there's no one else to blame. I CHOSE to be in that situation.

I read like two blogs about being a medicine student. How toxic, difficult, and other discouraging stuff about it. But at the end of that two posts, are encouraging words. Like, on how fulfilling it is to help a father go home to his family, help a grandmother recover to watch her granddaughter's first piano recital and I must say I was pretty encouraged on that. Things like that are just so touching. I'm kind of weak when it comes to that.

Awhile ago, also maybe why I thought about this stuff now. I bled a medicine intern from the hospital and yeah we kind of talked a lot. He told me how he don't want to study anymore and stuff like that. That he feels that it's been like forever and stuff. He's kind of cool to be honest. But anyways.

I believe that studying medicine though, or let's say, being a doctor isn't something I have to study or become if I just want to be rich and all that materialistic reason. Because let's face it! The competition is tough. There are a lot of more experienced, well known, and well respected doctors out there. And they're everywhere. What's my stand?

I'm not putting myself down. Because if I'll be able to graduate in med school, I'll really do my best and be the best doctor that I can be. Right? Like, I might as well do my thing. And do it real good. If they can, I can too. Or learn to. Because I, of course want my efforts to pay off and stuff like that. So yeah. What's the point of being a good student and a lazy worker? Uhm. No point! Right. Maybe not lazy. Maybe something like incompetent. Oh! Out of nowhere, let me just say that I hate top students who don't know how to apply what they've learned. Like, are we gonna read books and have exams forever? Ugh. Okay let's move on. Maybe I want to be someone like doctor House! ;)

Seriously though! I get inspired everytime I watch HOUSE. He's just so good at his craft.

Last Tuesday, I went out with my friend Kim to have lunch and eat cake and stuff and she mentioned that in medicine, all the stuff that we learned in a year (two semesters) will be thought in a day. FLAG! But like I said, I'll do my best just in case I get there. But seriously, one year, one day?

So yeah that's what my realization is all about. On how I think about med school more often than before. On how undecided I still am. On how soon I'll be graduating with my degree and yeah.

A picture of us in the HISTOPATHOLOGY room! My next post! :)

Sunday 26 February 2012

Make-up love!

February 26, 2012 0
Make-up love!
We went to a relatively provincy place awhile ago to get some stuff that my auntie sent from Japan like, so many years ago and we only got it now for some whatever reason. Yeah of course you know what I got! Haha

I then planned to arrange my make-up so that they won't be messed up and that it'll be easier for me to find them whenever I need them and apparently, my collection can't fit to that whatsoever container anymore. And as a medical technology student, that's not a problem at all. I have this whatever kit case where I put my syringes and all that hematology stuff and the case is quite bigger than the previous and so I sort of exchanged them because I'm not really putting anything in that bigger case anymore since I'm already done with my hematology course and it's content can perfectly fit to that smaller make-up container that I was using before now. They're perfect for each other, you know. I guess it's destiny. So here's how my collection looks like.