Wednesday 29 May 2013

CL is THE Baddest Female

May 29, 2013 0
CL is THE Baddest Female
So I don't know if I told you guys already that 2NE1 is actually my favorite Korean girl group and this music video is actually a video of their leader, CL. 

So the video started with CL just semi shaking her hips on the red carpet and then there were many camera flashing like crazy and she's just like, whatever y'all.

CL being CL. Can I just say that even though CL is not the oldest in 2NE1, I sometimes feel like she's the oldest because of the way she sometimes acts and stuff like that. I don't mean it in a bad way though.

The scene above is probably my favorite one. I generally like the idea of the swing having the letters CL as the sides . 

Just like any other Kpop videos, the ending was kind of confusing. I strongly believe that this is an add but it really reminds me of Luna Lovegood's episode where she lost her shoes and found it hanging somewhere. this is like its modern replica. Okay, we're cool with this, yeah?

And this is the part when CL was standing with the flag and she said something like, NOT BAD AS IN BAD. BAD AS IN GOOD. That was a what the heck moment so I don't know. I actually don't like the song that much. I even bothered searching for the translated lyrics and it disappointed me even more. I must say that the video is great though.Typical of 2NE1. And there's also a lot of cameos and stuff which is good. 

I Won't Go Home Without You!

May 29, 2013 0
I Won't Go Home Without You!
Yesterday, I decided to renew my driving license which expired last Feb 14  and it's never a good thing to have an expired license around. I did a little bit of research before going to the renewal center and people generally had a good and easy experience but I didn't feel that ease that much. Although it's really so much better than the initial license application. I guess it's also my fault that I didn't go there early enough. But anyways. I went out my cousin at around 10 am and we reached the renewal center an hour after and then what? The guy at the counter said that I could fill in the form thingy and just come back after 1 because they have a cut off daw. Wow ha. I wish I could have a 2 hour break din. So what can I do? I filled in the form and submitted it to the guy and left the place. It's a good thing that it's very near a mall so we went. 

Before going out our house, we already decided to eat at Yakimix because my cousin told me she haven't eaten there yet so since I had a good experience before, I agreed! I will have a separate post about my Yakimix experience part 2 right after this particular post so you could look forward to that. Or not. Whatever. NO REGRETS. 

Okay so the last picture I would be showing you guys is the most wonderful experience of yesterday. When I finally got my license, which took us about 3 long hours, we went back to the mall and then I saw this! And of course, must take pictures! I actually don't pay much attention to posters but then this is like divine intervention. So that was my day yesterday. It was so much fun! :) Can I just say that I was really happy when I saw my license picture. I hope I can show you my previous one but that picture is a mess, to be honest. I was supposed to take a picture of that but my cousin wanted to play Candy Crush on my phone and when she already finished playing, the lady at the counter already called me and asked me to surrender the previous one so, too bad. Also, can I just say that I didn't know you could look at a person and know their blood pressure right away. If you want to know how it's done, then ask the doctor in charge in that license renewal center because I don't know. Magic perhaps. That's all! :) 

Monday 27 May 2013

Safe Haven Troubles

May 27, 2013 0
Safe Haven Troubles
I was kind of hesitant to watch Safe Haven because I was thinking, I'm not really ready for heavy drama or something because I'm keener in watching travel related films as of the moment and this I downloaded (illegally) because I've heard quite a lot of good things about it. Michelle Phan's review is one. I also read reviews online and even though I was not ready for a heavy film, I watched it anyways. Just to get over it. There were quite a lot of bad reviews saying it's a bad movie with bad actors and stuff but actually, I kind of liked it. Okay let's just put it out there! For some reason, I always see something good in a movie or like everything but whatever. Except probably the movie When in Rome. Okay, maybe the Rome part was okay.

I don't think I'm spoiling the movie because it's been out for a while now so here it goes. The movie started like it's some sort of a horror story which confused me a little bit. I didn't like it. I  was like, ME NO LIKEY HEAVY DRAMA THIS TIME MORE SO HORROR! This movie is about a girl named Erin or Katie who's married to an alcoholic police officer named Kevin who she unintentionally stabbed because she was trying to defend herself from this drunkard so yeah. After she stabbed the guy, she decided to leave and she went to a small town. I think there's a little difference when it comes to the place between the book and the movie but it doesn't matter. 

The bus stopped over a convenience store which is owned by a fine man named Alex with apparently two kids. The story is that his wife died of cancer so he's taking care of his two kids. Just saying. Okay and then for some reason, this Katie decided not to go back up the bus anymore and just stayed there.She entered a kind of little restaurant and then she asked if they need a hand or something and then she got hired. She also found a place to stay and then that's pretty much what she needed, yeah? After some time, she found a girl outside her place named Jo and then she was a little bit skeptical at first but they became friends anyway. And then she was giving Katie advice and stuff like that. So okay. Whatever. 

You're probably wondering why is there a drawing of a camera at the beginning. Well the reason is, there's this one scene where the family went to the beach and then Alex's son didn't want his pictures taken and asked why he's kept taking pictures and then Alex was like, I want to remember this moment. And then his son said try to remember what's out of the camera. And I was like, STOP RIGHT THERE YOUNG MAN. Even the greatest wizard of them all needs a Pensieve so you can just stop right there kid. Just kidding. So yeah. And with that being said, must take more pictures from now on! 

Okay so Alex and Katie kind of fell in love which is probably the predictable part and then on the later part, Alex found out that Katie is a wander murdered and that her real name is Erin and then he immediately asked her to leave. Katie then thought that it's really the best thing to do and just packed her things and there's this friend Jo who asked her not to and to figure things out but she disregarded that and proceeded with her plan to leave. Okay so then Alex followed her and told her not to leave anymore which in reality would make me angry because that's like wasting energy and resources. I'm just saying. So yeah that happened. 

And then on the Fourth of July, this drunkard was able to reach the town where Katie is and can I just say that I was impressed by this guy's determination but nothing else. So when he reached the town, he searched here and there and then he found where Katie lived and because Katie didn't want to return to him she asked him to leave! When he returned, he poured gasoline everywhere and then because they're having a Firework show and stuff, it somehow hit that gasoline spot and then the house was lit on fire. Good thing Alex saw it and he was able to return and rescue his daughter who Katie asked to stay upstairs right away when Alex left because she's obviously aware what her husband is capable of. So when the daughter was saved, Katie was able to shot Alex and again it was because she was trying to protect herself. 

So Alex was able to save some things from that fire incident and then he gave her a letter addressed TO HER and it somehow moved me. Basically, it said something like take care of her family and help her daughter on her wedding day and stuff like that and then, there's a photo included in that which is like the twist because the friend she met there which is Jo is the same person as the deceased wife of Alex. I already expected that because I searched, right? But it was still a turning point and somehow still shocking. Or moving.

I don't think that it is a shabby movie or something because I like the story. In real life, we're not perfect actors and actresses because you know how they sometimes exaggerate normal life scenario on films right? That's not what you call good, people. I think it was quite believable but not rubbish at all. I like the twist that happened. I mean, I would probably freak out if I found out that I was talking to a dead person all through out but I like it. I like how family oriented the film is and you know. I think it's rare though to see a man like that and I think it might be a little too fictional or probably it's just me but I actually admire that kind of character. As of my favorite character, I think Jo is my favorite character. She's very thoughtful and lovable and I think she gave me an idea of writing letters to certain people when time comes. I don't know. Try to watch it guys. I mean, if you're into family oriented films, this is nice. That's all I have to say.