Thursday 12 July 2012

Stuff I Have But Haven't Used Yet.

July 12, 2012 0
Stuff I Have But Haven't Used Yet.

Where do I keep them? These things right here. The red one is actually a Victoria's Secret box I got from a classmate. Well, I didn't know I still have them until about last year I guess. We kind of used that red box on one of our subjects so yeah. RECYCLE! LOL. The black thingy is given by mom. It's nice because it has this lock thingy. Although I'm not sure how pick-able that lock is, it's still nice. 

Most of the stuff I'll be showing you are stuff I got last 2 years up to now. I don't know. I just have this hobby of collecting stuff so they kind of accumulate and yeah, but nice and brand new nonetheless. I decided to collage them and kind of put them together because I don't want this post to be like probably 2 pages long or so. WAIT! Is that even possible? Anyways most of the stuff are from Japan and some from I don't know.  

The ice cream thingy looks delicious for real! Except for the sprinkles though. I don't like sprinkles. And the LIPTONS on the upper side are actually from HIDEMI babes. I don't know where the heaven did she get this but most probably from LIPTON yeah? Yeah. And that tempura thingy is just so cute!

So these are stuff I got either from mom or from auntie. The turtle is from Camayan Beach resort in Subic

These are random stuff! I love how I have all of these things. The yellow moon thingy I opened and tried to put it on one of my USBs but it just doesn't fit very well so I removed it. Even though that flower thingy that has MIKI on it is kind of rusty, I haven't used it yet. We actually bought it on a tour in Japan and the shop don't actually customize kind of. They have all the names prepared and that you just have to find your name. Well, Japanese names are usually not complicated and all that. Well, MIKIE is actually a Japanese name but I don't know what's wrong with that store. LOL.

Also random things. The earrings I got from my cousin Catherine, the dolphin snowball thingy we bought from Shinagawa Aquarium trip. The one in the middle of the earrings and the snowball is from my friend's Kim trip to South Korea. Awesome stuff! :)

Patriotic or not? Seriously? LOL. These are stuff from random places in Japan like NARITA AIRPORT, Fuji, Tokyo Tower, some bookstore, and yeah. :) 

Interestingly, I saved this thing for the last part.

It's a daifuku thingy and when you squeeze it, it goes like that on your right. Awesome huh? So cute!

I also have this small bag of handkerchiefs! And I got a couple of unused handkerchiefs as well.

I actually give these away to close friends and sometimes when I feel like I want a new handky kind of feeling, I do open one. I don't know. I'm so random like that. :)


July 12, 2012 0

I don't really have a problem with the word per se. Others are now pissed off with the word. But I'm all good. But I'm pissed off with maybe the view of some people. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE is rather a beautiful statement to live by. It's as if a reminder that we have to do all the nice things that we should do because after this life, there's no more.

Just a disclaimer though. I'm not very particular with religions because some religions say that there's life after death and all other beliefs but I'm only pertaining to this life alone.

I really don't like how people see this and overuse this to the extent that it loses it's content. People who influence others to do drugs, to smoke, to drink, to abuse others, to steal, to bully others, and all those stuff, HOLD ON A SEC. That's not what it's supposed to mean. I believe that we should all live our lives to the fullest but not by using drugs and all other stuff that can do us no good. You might think that drugs help but you know, NOT REALLY. I'm of course pertaining to drugs that aren't for anything and those drugs that are prohibited.

Going back to Y.O.L.O., isn't it such an inspiration for us to keep going and probably stop procrastinating and other stuff like that? Because if we have that thinking that we only live once, we might be more enthusiastic in doing things we have to do while we still can. Get it?

Maybe Y.O.L.O. is most applicable and appropriate to those who are still thinking of telling someone he/she loves her/him or those who're about to propose or those kind of stuff. But not useless stuff like getting wasted and high and stuff. We only live once, don't waste it. The problem with drugs and all that stuff is most likely, you're not even you. You'll just let time pass by and boom! Time wasted!

Like seriously. Someone needs to conduct a seminar for this thing.

I agree! :) it's almost now or never. The thing with some people is that they always assume that there's still heaps of time ahead of them. Sometimes true! But there are just legit things that have to be done regardless. Things that can't wait. But whatever.

One solution for people to stop thinking bad things about Y.O.L.O. is for useless (drug addict, abusers, and stuff) to stop using them.

So yeah, I hope I somehow made my point. I maybe not the best person that can explain this stuff but yeah.

Monday 9 July 2012

Clean hands!

July 09, 2012 1
Clean hands!

Before internship started, my mom bought these for me. Oh how awesome she is.

Hand sanitizers! We all know that hospitals are not the cleanest place to be. It's where all sick people are so yeah, we all need to protect ourselves. I used to have that Purell sanitizer but I ran out of it so yeah. I don't know much about how antibacterial they are but I definitely believe that it's better than none. We wear gloves pretty much but yeah better be safe than sorry, yeah? Also, it's supposed to moisturize! What more can you wish for?

zI super love this thing over here! It smells really good! Surprisingly, it smells like legit APPLE. Like, the first time I opened and smelled it, WOW. I'm not a big fan of apples though. I don't like eating apples but I don't mind smelling it. Gets? When I shared this sanitizer with my co-interns, the topic suddenly shifted to our favorite fruits and how some of us like apple and some not. Amazing! LOL. 

I don't particularly like this one though. It's supposed to smell like BLUE OCEAN but it's nothing like that. I mean, it smells something blue!

I think it's kind of a reverse thingy when describing a color to a blind person and stuff. If you smell this thingy for the first time and you have a foresight of what the color blue looks like, you'll probably see BLUE. Like, BLUE OR GREEN.

So yeah. Am I making sense? Not much? LOL. I genuinely think that my mom should have bought the reverse bottle size though. But it's okay.

Totally irrelevant:

A picture from the little "feast" that we had. Like, no occasion at all. We're always hungry like that.