SHIKIMIKIE: Personal Blog
Showing posts with label Personal Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Blog. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 March 2013


March 06, 2013 0

Good morning world!! :)

I saw this picture on Facebook and actually saved it on my phone. And then after awhile, I saw it on Instagram and yeah, I was like, wow. If all the people would be like that, then I guess we won't be having a problem and be successful and all that.

Can you see how close the guy is in getting all those diamonds? If he didn't give up, he's probably enjoying by now.

There's really a thin line between success and giving up. I just want to relate that to our thesis which is like, almost there na! I mean, we only need a few more signatures and we're done like that. No more. It's been quite a while since we suffered from that thesis stuff so I guess we were just too patient and didn't give up so we were able to achieve what we achieved and that we finished it with pride! Hahaha you know, not bragging or anything but our thesis is actually quite hard to accomplish. It's not like we can do it whatever time we want. We had to make adjustments.

Yeah just a reminder that we should all be patient and we'll get there! Wherever it is. :)

Friday 15 February 2013


February 15, 2013 0
Yup. My Birthday happens on a Valentine's Day. So I was never lonely haha. Or why should I? Anyways, I just want to tell you some of the happenings yesterday. 

Google greeted me! Yay! I was so surprised because I was actually supposed to look at the two ferris wheel thingy and this showed up! Google is like the awesomest when it comes to this things.

Awesome friends are awesome! Thank you friends for this. I appreciate it. They surprised me with a cake from the Department of Health which we always eat at and I actually don't have an idea that they already bought one but they were sceptical because they thought I saw the cake but I swear I didn't. Sometimes I don't pay attention much. 

Meanwhile, let's just appreciate my haggardness because it was quite a toxic day in the laboratory. I was actually supposed to absent from duty but since things are kind of complicated, I didn't and I'm so glad that I was able to celebrate it with them.

"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I'vewritten for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part." - Shirley MacLaine

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Weird Dream.

February 12, 2013 0
Weird Dream.
I don't know why but sometimes my dreams are really weird. Let alone this one. Can I just share before I forget the details? Yup. Hahaha

So what happened was we are going somewhere. And in order to go to that place, we have to ride a train. Now we are wondering why all the trains are like, skipping and all that so my classmates decided to walk a little to the "higher ground" because one train that skipped our station actually stopped to get passengers there. The way was not normal. Like, so so dirty and muddy and all that shizz. The mud is even neck deep so we were crossing that and stepping on train rails. And when we reached the station, the guys there told us that we aren't allowed there. They were holding long sharp woods and they attacked my classmates. And then I was telling my friend to play dead so we won't be attacked but they did shot him from his head down. And I was like WTF-ing already. And shoot! They attacked me. My leg. The saddest thing is I felt the pain. And then that happened. The next thing is that this friend who was attacked in the head was thinking of an escape. So we did.

After some time, I was alone in the escape. A lot of running and jumping, and hiding. Guess who's running after me? TIMOTHY DELAGHETTO! And I was really afraid as eff. What happened was I ended up in some sort of a carnival and there were rides and even though I hid inside the ride, as in not showing myself, he would still be waiting at the exit to find me. And I remember there's this water ride which I rode with a couple. I believe I asked them to hide me and all that. And then I thought I escaped already but not really. It was actually a 2-turn ride and the first one went okay but the second one, thinking nobody would see me when I'm on top, a camera flashed. You know that camera the rides have in real life, yeah? That thing. And I was like, I'm dead.

So I run for my life and all that and then I don't know what happened or this is probably a filler because I was all of a sudden in a parking lot with Sponge Cola. Okay not really relevant. And then they were having a concert pala somewhere. Okay next.

Then this is like the resolution. One of our staff in the hospital appeared in my dream and he suggested I change my get-up. I was actually wearing my CPH uniform that time. Blue polo shirt, maong pants, and rubber shoes. I know it's him but I disn't really talk to me. It was my cousin and friend that he talked to. Which is funny because they were with me not in the train scenario but like, the parking and concert lang.

So that happened. I remember getting things randomly. A bag, shoes, stuff, and WIG! A white one.
Okay. I should probably study now. I obviously slept way too much.

Friday 18 January 2013

Nailed It. Save the Earth!

January 18, 2013 0
Nailed It. Save the Earth!
This is probably the most confusing color that I've encountered. You'll know why.

Like, really? WATERMELON? Really? And it's not even turning that color you see just because of the lighting or whatsoever. This is kind of true to color y'all. Hahaha

It's not that I don't like it though. I'm just confused. Haha

See! :)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Pharmacy Weeks. A Look Back.

January 16, 2013 0
Pharmacy Weeks. A Look Back.
Thanks to my college friends for the pictures. They probably wouldn't know that I stole their pictures but thanks! :)) I owe it to you guys.

Pharmacy week is celebrated annually and we actually don't have a choice but to participate. Well, most of the time. So here are some pictures I could share with you guys. Enjoy! :)

Well this is like, a last minute chore for us to do and well made an effort in doing that diamond thing above our heads.

And as for our family picture...

And then the next year, this happened.

Made a giant hand to actually be able to portray certain stuff.

Made a giant counting chamber and giant microscope. Also, some giant red cells! 

Also made a giant syringe. Haha

That's all! I miss everyone. 


January 16, 2013 0

Takoyaki here in the Philippines is really nothing like in Japan. But just because I miss the idea of it, I just can't take it anymore. This is how Takoyaki in Japan looks like. The thing is Takoyaki is supposed to have Tako (octopus) inside it right? And as much as I'm not a big fan of octopus, I still love Takoyaki. It's probably my favorite Jap food! :) This is how a Takoyaki would look like.

Like like like! As in, all the elements and stuff in it.

And this is how it looks like here in the Philippines. This isn't gonna be the first time I would be trying eating Takoyaki here but this isn't far from what it looks like. Like, even when it's freshly done. This one is brought home by mom from somewhere so it wouldn't be like, freshly made. But yeah. Whatever. Sweet and sour chili sauce is just not the best way to go. And then I can't even taste a single octopus which is like disappointing.

But since I missed my Takoyaki, this would do for a while. It's actually not that bad but you know, just like what Katy Perry said in her song "Thinking of You", "How do I get better once I've had the best?" and I am not so sure whether or not I've already tasted the best that there is in Japan. I've probably tried like, 5 different stores or so but whatever. It doesn't matter.

Anyway, just when I finished eating, I noticed that the name of the stall is Takuyaki and I wonder if they're trying to be unique or they actually made a mistake or whatsoever. But it doesn't matter. I should mind my own business sometimes. 

I have friends who enjoy eating the Takoyaki they serve here and I am not against that or anything you know. If they like it, then awesome! :) So it's really a matter of preference. 

Saturday 12 January 2013

Day in UST. Food trip.

January 12, 2013 1
Day in UST. Food trip.
Or actually, NIGHT.

This is the "JAPANESE CAKES" they're selling along Dapitan. Available in Cheese, Oreo, and another Oreo but with the coated chocolate stuff. When I first saw this, I knew I wanted to try it but nah, not that delish. But at least I wouldn't pass by the street wanting to try it so bad again. It's not delish but it's not actually that bad. It's actually my second time trying both of these flavours and my opinion is still the same. But I saw quite a lot of people queuing for this so it's probably just me. Like, ALWAYS.

And then even though it was raining, we still searched for a place to eat since SANTORINI was full and then there were still people outside waiting for the people inside to finish so even though I was craving for some Korean food, I let that go. The food wasn't really that good either. Like, I wouldn't exchange Santorini for this. I liked their interior though. And it actually didn't cost me much. So yay! Just in case you're wondering, that's actually Lemon Chicken you're seeing. :) I told my cousin that we probably didn't enjoy it because of the quality of the rice and she kind of agreed so yeah probably that.

So our last stop was this Tea Gen store and I think they have about two branches around the campus and we were really finding a good place to somehow wrap the night and my cousin was like, how about the tea store that we saw twice and so yeah we decided to go to the smaller place since we didn't want to be with people. ANTI-SOCIAL LIKE THAT, ha? Hahaha just kidding. We finalized to go to the smaller place since it's actually nearer to the restaurant that we dined in. I had Okinawa Milk Tea and my cousin had Black Tea and that's it! :)

Friday 11 January 2013

How Not to BLOG.

January 11, 2013 0
How Not to BLOG.
My second Tumblr Likes post! :) As you all know, (or not) these are pictures that I actually don't want to delete because they're just so adorbs/amazing.fantastic/wonderful but don't want to post on my dash either. I don't know why that is but whatever you know.

I'm not a fan of Coke zero but I lurve the nails! And oh, the diamond ring! Haha just kidding.

I'm trying to reduce food intake and all that stuff right now but if I saw this somewhere, I wouldn't say no! FOR SURE! :)

I agree. Somehow.

This is relevant. I no likey the creepy kind of smile though. I like the genuine kind of smile from a stranger. Like, it makes you wonder for some reasons but at the end of the day, it's just a wonderful feeling to have somebody you don't even know smile at you.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tagaytay Trip! Part 3.

January 08, 2013 1
Tagaytay Trip! Part 3.

This is like the view from our last stop. This is actually an accidental spot since my cousin is like in a hurry to go home for some reasons. This is like a place we saw when we are actually finding a souvenir shop. Quite awesome! See, everything happens for a reason. And the reason for us not riding the bus that we were supposed to ride is for us to actually appreciate the city a little bit more.

My best friend and I actually prefer living in the province than in the city. Which you may think is very ironic but that's true! I mean, you would want to breathe fresh air everyday too right? I would probably go to the city just for fun or whatever but living there is kind of suffocating sometimes.

Looking tired already but still having fun. Can I just describe the place we are at because like, it's gonna be hard to tell from the pictures. This is like a small parking space near the rotonda where the statue of whoever that is at.

The sunset there is not as dramatic as it is in the city but at least their weather there is like the best.

And then a guy who's like selling us stuff volunteered to take a picture of us and this is how it turned out. Love!

What's this photo for again? LOL.

So that concludes our Tagaytay trip! Can't wait to come back and explore more! :)

Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year! :)

December 31, 2012 0
Happy New Year! :)
I just want to greet you all a Happy New Year. May this coming year be more fruitful and more wonderful than this year. It's been very good sharing my feels and stories to you guys. I hope you would all be safe and all that. Don't play with fireworks! I mean, they're like very deceiving so don't trust them. Take care all of you! See you in 2013! Which is like, 30 minutes away. Haha! Good vibes.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Tagaytay Trip!

December 30, 2012 1
Tagaytay Trip!
So! I've been wanting to go out of the city for like, the longest time and thank goodness I have at least one getaway experience to share with you. This is like an accidental slash not so sure getaway but I'm really proud to say that we made it alive. OBVIOUSLY. Hahaha

We went to Picnic Grove which is like one of the popular tourist spot in that area. I've been there like, four times my lifetime I guess. The weather was hot - cold. It's significantly colder at night. I mean, not that it's cold here in the city. 

My hair looking like a mess. ALL THE TIME. LOL. Blame it on my best friend for having a shampoo commercial ready hair. Okay lang. Mahangin naman hahaha.

The view. Like, who wouldn't want to go to a place like this? Not the best place to go but compared to the city of Manila, hell yes.

I feel so bad that people actually don't really care and write stuff everywhere and then they throw stuff everywhere as well. Which is like annoying. Well, generally speaking, I hate seeing rubbish where it shouldn't be seen. Like, there's pretty much a lot of trash bins there but since people are people, OH WELL. 

Then there's this Zipline that we probably should have tried but didn't. I don't know but it should have been a little bit longer for me to be convinced that the fee is gonna be worth it. Kind of expensive if you ask ,me. But still, people actually queue for this attraction.

My bestie and cousin walking in this hanging bridge. It's not so nice anymore since it's dirty underneath. 

We actually required each one to bring packed lunch for us to share and stuff. 

Can I just say that almost every hour, we would mention how long my best friend's hair is and that she should cut it already. Hahaha

Us already done with out thing here. Next stop please! 

Can I just say that the trip up is probably my favorite part of our trip here. If you don't know what this is, this is actually TAGAYTAY'S PEOPLE PARK IN THE SKY which is like, really up the sky, if you can't tell. The trycicle fare is actually supposed to be 60 pesos but because we're on a budget, which I will tell you like, after the whole thing, we were only charged 45 pesos. Like, 15 pesos each. Which is quite a deal.

And the orientation of the picture is not because we're bad photographers or what but because it's actually really like that in real life. It's kind of tilted or whatever you call it.

And to actually get up more, well the main thing (or is it?) is actually up above this whole inclined plane? What? Ah basta you have to walk up to actually get to the picnic thingy and to have a more beautiful view of the city. The thing is jeepney drivers are actually very rampant and would want you to ride their jeepneys for like a cost. Like, if I can remember it right, 40 bucks? Which we, by the way concluded defeats the purpose of going to this place. Because, there's actually not much to see except for the view up. And if you would just want to go to the highest area of the place, that's like, wag nalang.

And because there is like a very big pineapple plantation in the city, and there are sort of little ones too that are scattered just about everywhere, Tagaytay is also known as one of the producers of pineapples in the Philippines. It's quite obvious because at the top of the People's Palace in the Sky, there;s this like tilted pineapple something something. Which is heavily vandalized by the way and that's like super minus points.

And then we were lucky to have the courage to ask someone to actually take our picture. It's awesome just to have someone to capture the moment. It's kind of awkward though. And can I just say that this is kind of a failure shot? Because the shot below should have been captured as well but for some reason, maybe the lady thought that we dressed really well for the occasion so she kind of captured our outfits instead. But thanks! Really! :) 

Breathtaking view from above!

And then it got really foggy. As you can see, we were able to find another person to take a picture of us three. Thank you! :) We were kind of shy because we all have a camera right? And then my cousin actually have her camera to the man first and then the man was like looking at my camera and said that he would take a picture in my camera as well. Grateful grateful!

And after a while, it became really really foggy and it rained. Not so fun. But it was. Hahaha

This is like the view from our last stop. This is actually an accidental spot since my cousin is like in a hurry to go home for some reasons. This is like a place we saw when we are actually finding a souvenir shop. Quite awesome! See, everything happens for a reason. And the reason for us not riding the bus that we were supposed to ride is for us to actually appreciate the city a little bit more.

My best friend and I actually prefer living in the province than in the city. Which you may think is very ironic but that's true! I mean, you would want to breathe fresh air everyday too right? I would probably go to the city just for fun or whatever but living there is kind of suffocating sometimes.

Looking tired already but still having fun. Can I just describe the place we are at because like, it's gonna be hard to tell from the pictures. This is like a small parking space near the rotonda where the statue of whoever that is at.

The sunset there is not as dramatic as it is in the city but at least their weather there is like the best.

And then a guy who's like selling us stuff volunteered to take a picture of us and this is how it turned out. Love!

What's this photo for again? LOL.

So that concludes our Tagaytay trip! Can't wait to come back and explore more! :)