Monday 23 July 2012


July 23, 2012 0
These pictures were taken few years back ago. There were actually so many birds to feed that time. I even encountered some wild ones trying to steal portions of food I was supposed to feed to the smaller ones.

And then we bought からげ (fried chicken) in the nearest convenience store and when my younger sister's about to eat one chunk of it, a big bird stole it from her from above. Good thing she wasn't hurt or anything. She was like just surprised and was scared a little bit.

Then my mom threw a big portion of cupcake high up the air and that big bird took it. It was quite an experience to watch such. Anyways. Nothing much.

I just thought that I've been really busy lately. And blogging stuff kind of helps me unwind and slow down things. It's just nice to bring back good old days, you know.

The thing is I haven't seen quite a lot of friends for like forever and I definitely miss them so much. I actually haven't seen my best friend as well which makes me kind of depressed.

Internship is really stressing me and sucking the energy out of me. Maybe because of the irregular schedule. If I have a normal schedule, and by normal I mean, regular, I wouldn't be as stressed I am now. My body would probably get used to it. And my biologic clock would probably come back to life. But that's not the case. Well thinking about it, it's probably because of some people. I don't know why. Some people are just really MAD.

It's a wild wild world to live in. Which makes me think of stuff as well. If people are mad, let them be. I mean, it's technically their day they're ruining. Not mine. Nah-uh. Like, if people would just let to brush things off their shoulder, then the place would technically be cooler and people are just chilling and stuff like that. Well, just a thought.

So yeah. That is just to say that we shouldn't keep burdens. We should let go of the bad vibes that we had. We should let go of the negativities and stuff like that. We should just live happily and that we should always view the beautiful things in life. I think right, the things that we see are just reflections of what we are as a person. So the next thing you see someone really negative, most likely, that someone failed to do this exercise and for me, that's considered a failure. Failure in trying. So yeah. That's just some little pondering.

Sunday 22 July 2012

TOP YouTube Entertainers.

July 22, 2012 2
TOP YouTube Entertainers.
I had to change the spelling of "entertainers" to check if I spelled it right. WTH is happening to me? Can't spell right anymore. LOL. Anyways, I'm here to bring you my TOP 10 YouTubers. I did MAKEUP and MUSICIANS already. And now it's time for ENTERTAINERS.

It's particularly hard for me to choose because there are a LOT of them that I like and all that but anyways, in times like this, one must choose.

1.  kevjumba

Kevin's stuff are really fun and are awesome. Like, not much serious stuff that are kind of hard to watch and understand. I like how he's very down to earth, young, cute, and ASIAN. I mean, that's just part of his description. LOL. For reals though. I love how he talks to his audience. I also love his relationship to his dad. 

I actually had a love and hate relationship with Jenna but after a while, let's say few months, I actually am sure that she's awesome. I like how she's straight to the point, SMART, pretty, and FUNNY.

The GUYS! I love love love their works. I can't remember anything from them that I didn't like. 

I like how he's random and stuff. He might appear funny at first but he sure makes sense. What Kingsley does is that he talks about stuff that's like overrated and he rants and all that. 

I love his rants and heart to heart talks. He's really smart and awesome and funny. 

I'm like a big fan of this guy. Why is he so handsome again? He's also very funny, smart, nice, and all that. He also gives very good information and he seems quite reliable. LOLs. Oh, Charlie. You're so fine.

BRITISH ACCENT! I love how articulate he is and yeah, he's just so random. But I like his stuff. He usually talks about experiences and all that other random stuff.

I mean, who doesn't like his stuff? He's darn funny. And cute! :)

9. nerimon

Alex Day FTW! 

I love his stuff as well. 

So yeah, here are some of the people I watch on YouTube. Who do you watch? 

Sakura pixes.

July 22, 2012 0
Sakura pixes.
These are some pictures I took some years ago. I'm just so missing Japan. Like, every time there are so much stuff to be done in the laboratory, I would always say stuff like "I want to go back to Japan." LOL. My co-intern actually copied that line of mine and said it to me.  

Thank goodness for phone cameras. They really come handy. It wasn't even like a smart phone or so but yeah pictures in general never fails to bring back good memories. Or even bad memories. 

Since I don't really have anything to do, I usually ride my bike and stuff. And so I took these pictures of Sakura. I believe I was with my sister Mika this time. My looks haven't changed much, yeah?

So much love! This was taken few years back as well and it was in some province where my dad's closest friend lives. So yeah, we usually go there to visit and give them gifts from the Philippines. I actually love that there's that mix colored SAKURA. I believe the tree is owned by someone though. Sorry for trespassing. 

From this on, pictures are from my "so called decent" camera.  Actually, not much difference. LOL.

Or maybe it's because of the focusing and stuff like that. 

Maybe I NEED a new camera. Maybe not. Maybe. Oh wells. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I actually used a filter on these photos. It's called "DUSK" and it's from an online editing app whatsoever. 

The photo below is unedited however.

Yokohama love.