Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Thursday 27 February 2014

Getting Wild at Ark Avilon

February 27, 2014 0
Getting Wild at Ark Avilon

It's my second time here and I don't really know what I was thinking and stuff but for some reason, I decided to go and see it again. Well to be fair, the first time I saw it, or like I went to this place, I was probably like, 15 or even younger I can't really remember. 

It was a delight when we walk in the place and oh! Can I just say that they have a pet shop before the pet shop and they have like a parrot? or some talking bird that was ruuuuddddeeee! Like at first we were friends with that bird and then called us ugly right before we leave and get tickets. FRIENDSHIP OVER. And then when we left, the bird was like calling people sexy or something. ruuuudddeeee! LOL. They should teach the bird to greet people at least. Anyways. 

So when we walked in, there were even more  birds and it's lovely to see them flying around and not on their cages. Like, if you're lucky, they would just shit on your head like nobody's business. I didn't see any poop though. I don't know what they do with that.

This bird was making pa-cute all the time and I was just like amused and actually never left that spot for a good amount of time. 

Can I just say that this place is not the best place to take photos because they have this glass covering the animals and then it would reflect back and stuff. Also! They do have a very dim lighting which kinda sucks but yeah. There's that. 

One thing I have noticed is that they allow you to feed some pets there. Just like some other recreational parks, you have to buy feeds. Which I find weird because it's their pets not ours. And shouldn't they pay us for feeding their pets? LOGIC. Said no one ever. 

I have noticed that my picture poses makes me look like I have Elephantiasis. Anyways. So yeah I also noticed that they charge you to take photos with their celebrities. Celebs such as the snake, the orangutan, and a parrot. One ticket costs 50 bucks and it's good for 3 people which is not bad but I remember that being already part of the entrance fee before. I don't like parks or anything that charges more money for certain things. 

Also, they have huge birds on display and I'm guessing they're dangerous because they are chained but I guess it would be better if they would be able to fly at least but then I would probably rant about not seeing them because they're flying around. Life.

Although boring, this is kind of my favorite place because it's like outdoor-sy and nice I think but yeah nothing really much in here.

By the way I don't think I've mentioned that I went with my partner in crime. My cousin of course! She's just so like me so this kind of trips are her thing as well so no problem setting things for this. Also, if you would notice, she likes wearing flip flops like nobody's business. Just saying. 

This is probably my favorite shot like. MOMENT! Do they usually look like this or should I really be amazed? 

Can I just share that I might get a snake for a pet. I don't know but I think it's kind of nice. Just one and tiny like this and not really those enormous snakes. I know they're deadly but I just think the idea of it attracts me a little bit. I will make sure to get the least dangerous/deadly snake of course. 

So this park is actually a two floor park and on the second floor, they have farm animals and some more birds on display. They have a donkey, pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, sheep, peacocks, and some other cocks (no pun intended).


This was very confusing but we did not hesitate and took photos with this set-up. I think they had it for Valentine's Day but some other things there confused me as well because they still have their Christmas lights on. IDK.

Snake! I don't have a fear of it or whatever but it was dang heavy! And cold. LOL. I have a poor eyesight and I was like seeing the snake (in person) yellow and my cousin was like, that's totally white! And I was like, how come? And then the person originally holding the snake was holding a yellow snake (literally) and I told my cousin to look at it because it's definitely yellow and she was like, totally WHITE! And then the guy confirmed that they have two snakes. The one being white (the one we took pictures with) and the one he's holding that moment. Weird. My cousin told me it might be the lighting because at one moment she thought it was yellow too until she got hold of it. 

Anyways, I did have fun. Although I got really disappointed with some stuff but let's just not discuss that for good vibes so yeah. See yah!

Saturday 1 December 2012

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs.

December 01, 2012 2
Dogs, Dogs, Dogs.

"Mother and Child." photo as I would like to call it. Hashi can definitely bark now. She barks at my brother and grandfather at least. She probably doesn't like them as much. Too bad.

The "Gimme gimme more." picture.

The "Whachulookinat." picture. LOL. If you haven't met him yet, he's actually PRUNES. Like, one of the oldest of our pets. He's usually quiet and awesome. He don't really care that much.

The "I'm sleepy and you know it." shots. Hahaha

Thursday 6 September 2012

Mocha's Puppies.

September 06, 2012 0
Mocha's Puppies.

As you may or may not know or remember, Mocha is actually my first dog's mum. It's the fourth time she got pregnant and actually, her last pregnancy didn't turn out well so I'm really proud that she made it this time.

The last time she got pregnant, the puppies died because they're larger than her capacity. And so yeah, she underwent a C-section that time. One of the puppies died inside her and the other one died less than a day after being born. But now, since my mom was kind of worried that the same thing might happen again, we observed her and set a limit that if she still weren't able to conceive, then we will take her to the vet and yeah. I actually don't know why but mum actually didn't take her to vet although she was the one who set the condition. LOL. But luckily, 9 hours after, she made it!

Mocha is actually quite old to give birth already. Okay, maybe not old. But something close. If I can remember it very well, she's already with us since my high school years. Maybe 7-8 years. So yeah.

This is her puppies bump you guys. Mocha actually haven't had more than three puppies at once so we're kind of expecting 2-3 because that's just her.

Back to the beginning of the story! My mum actually woke us up yesterday morning (090412) because she thought that Mocha would give birth anytime soon. Mika (sister) and I then watched Mocha and nothing happened. I went to the uni and  even after I came home, nothing happened. And then the next morning, mum told me that Mocha already gave birth and that she woke up at 3 in the morning because she actually thought she was hearing little rats but when she looked at Mocha's birth tub, she found that Mocha's with her puppies already. She was relied because the puppies are very much alive and that she doesn't have to pay the vet for another C-section or whatever procedure they'll be doing for Mocha to speed up the process or whatnot.

Here's the picture of the birth tub. :)

And for some reason, they really look like rats or something. They are both female so I guess that's a nice thing. We can choose. Mum actually told us that we'll keep the female. Since they're both female, we can just choose who we like more. The one who we wouldn't choose would actually go to my uncle so not too bad. At least I know that my uncle would take care of the puppy. Oh well.

Mocha actually looks so tired up to now. Like, it seems like she consumed all her energy and that there's nothing much left so mum actually injects vitamins via oral route so yeah. I hope that she'll get better soon. I mean, the original state.

You know what? I think I like the lighter puppy better. I don't know why though. Like, for some reason I think that that's the better puppy. Actually, I have another story. When mum told me that Mocha already gave birth, she told me to check who is what. Like, who's male or female. And I initially thought that there's one male and one female. I don't know why though. So I told my mum that the darker goes to us. Then when I came home from the uni, mum said that I may be mistaken but she's not sure herself. So I checked again. So yeah I saw that they were both females so yeah. Whatever.


Will update who's going with us or whatever. :)

Monday 27 August 2012

Ichihara Zoo. A Look Back.

August 27, 2012 0
Ichihara Zoo. A Look Back.
This is way back I don't know already (7 years ago according to the picture below). Like, yeah. I can't remember much from this trip though. We fed some elephants, rode one and that's pretty much it! I remember eating my favorite Jap food kare rice beforehand too! Oh and I remember when my sisters got their name tags somewhere at the entrance so that they can be found when lost or something like that.  When we were there, we found out that most elephant trainers there are Indonesian/Malaysian and that the elephants are mostly from there too. I don't know about now though. Most likely the same, yeah? 

So yeah! That's pretty much all I can remember from the trip. 

I don't know who took this picture but thanks for cutting me out! LOL.