Monday 7 April 2014

One Sweet Day

April 07, 2014 0
One Sweet Day

Primary school in Japan have the best Sakura!! I should have studied here all through out. But I'm happy with my decision. After all, we can't take it back. LOL. 

I'm not someone who likes to go out a lot. But it was a beautiful day the other day and I can't help but savour the beautiful scenery. After a while, my best friend and I decided to go out and play. 

Hidemi feeling a little competitive! We were kneeling for our convenience but ended up hurting ourselves more. LOL. We are really child at heart. Actually, we kind of won at some point but we decided to go all out and lost. Sometimes in life, you have to have a perception of when to stop. LOL. 

Also, Hidemi spent more than what her target is worth for. It was fun though but yeah kinda expensive. And we failed at getting that so that sucks even more, yeah? Yeah. 

Then we played at the other game center non-stop. "Newbie" advantage is that I don't get to pay. Yet. I will make bawi as soon as I get my first pay! :)

We braved the cold on our way home. I don't like the cold just as much as I don't like the heat. I'm considering going to England but that might be a problem for me. See you!! 

Thursday 3 April 2014

Sakura and the Rain

April 03, 2014 1
Sakura and the Rain

At this point, I am only able to steal wifi from the neighborhood so even though I have tons of good quality picture from the camera, that ain't happening! But just take a moment and look at this, it's my proudest shot yet. I love myself for this. LOL. 

Third day in Japan was not so good, it rained the whole day but that's not gonna stop our spirit, yeah? 

We also stopped for coffee. Which was good but I don't have a clear perception of what is good and bad when it comes to coffee. It saddens me sometimes. Anyways. That's about this post. See yeah!

Monday 31 March 2014

Despedida Party by the Bay

March 31, 2014 0
Despedida Party by the Bay
Hi guys! I just want to share what happened yesterday because it is so memorable in its own way that I can't not share it. Yesterday, I sort of celebrated my departure and yeah.

beautiful sunny day
my loves
We went to Mall of Asia because hey, it's my last chance to watch the sun set up close and by now, I'm sure we've already established my love for sunset and so yeah perfect!! But first, we went to church to say our little prayers. I prayed for my and my family's safety.


We strolled and we were thinking whether or not to ride the Dream Twister and indeed we decided to ride the monster!

Okay so the story is that the three of us were supposed to ride the thing because for the record! It was my bestfriend who asked us all to ride this but she backed out last minute! It was so frustrating but I was like, if not now, when? HA!


 I do not recommend this if you're scared or even not scared of rides. I mean, I actually don't have a problem with rides and man this ride is a killer! But if you're up for it, I guess just go for it. The highlight of the ride was definitely the priceless view of the sunset. Like, it was magical! Even though I felt like I was gonna fall and die, I think the sunset made the ride worth my 100 pesos. 


Then we dined in. As recommended by my best friend, we went to a place where we haven't been before. 

forever friends

The last thing we did was we went to Timezone (this crazy thing happened) and called it a night. It was such a wonderful feeling to be with friends. I wouldn't know what to do if I had to face it alone. Thank you friends! Until we see each other again.