Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tagaytay Trip! Part 3.

January 08, 2013 1
Tagaytay Trip! Part 3.

This is like the view from our last stop. This is actually an accidental spot since my cousin is like in a hurry to go home for some reasons. This is like a place we saw when we are actually finding a souvenir shop. Quite awesome! See, everything happens for a reason. And the reason for us not riding the bus that we were supposed to ride is for us to actually appreciate the city a little bit more.

My best friend and I actually prefer living in the province than in the city. Which you may think is very ironic but that's true! I mean, you would want to breathe fresh air everyday too right? I would probably go to the city just for fun or whatever but living there is kind of suffocating sometimes.

Looking tired already but still having fun. Can I just describe the place we are at because like, it's gonna be hard to tell from the pictures. This is like a small parking space near the rotonda where the statue of whoever that is at.

The sunset there is not as dramatic as it is in the city but at least their weather there is like the best.

And then a guy who's like selling us stuff volunteered to take a picture of us and this is how it turned out. Love!

What's this photo for again? LOL.

So that concludes our Tagaytay trip! Can't wait to come back and explore more! :)

Sunday 6 January 2013


January 06, 2013 0

This is awesome! This is like exactly what I want to put in my bathroom in the future! Originally, I just want the hand-washing part because I know how important that is. But this is like the perfect concept! And I was also thinking that I should put sanitizers on the wall thingy in at least 5 places around the house so that people would learn how to disinfect and stuff. Awesome, right?

I'm also digging this Harry Potter's Cupboard Under the Stairs look alike storage box. I don't want to expose everything I own. I want to keep them safe and organized. Except displays of course.

This! I would definitely have this too. I don't like the font though. And I would probably display this on my living room's wall. And I think it would be better if this would be bulleted or numbered. I guess it'd be easier to read. The picture above needs a little bit of effort to read. So yeah.

I would also want to have something like this. For some reason, I want my version a little more dramatic. Like, probably show the transition of the season. Like, there would be no leaves during the winter and in the fall, leaves would actually just be on the ground and spring, you know the rest! :)

Tagaytay Trip. Part 2.

January 06, 2013 0
Tagaytay Trip. Part 2.
Just to refresh you with what happened on our TAGAYTAY TRIP, you can click on that link to sort of refresh yourselves or whatnot. :))

Can I just say that the trip up is probably my favorite part of our trip here. If you don't know what this is, this is actually TAGAYTAY'S PEOPLE PARK IN THE SKY which is like, really up the sky, if you can't tell. The trycicle fare is actually supposed to be 60 pesos but because we're on a budget, which I will tell you like, after the whole thing, we were only charged 45 pesos. Like, 15 pesos each. Which is quite a deal.

And the orientation of the picture is not because we're bad photographers or what but because it's actually really like that in real life. It's kind of tilted or whatever you call it.

And to actually get up more, well the main thing (or is it?) is actually up above this whole inclined plane? What? Ah basta you have to walk up to actually get to the picnic thingy and to have a more beautiful view of the city. The thing is jeepney drivers are actually very rampant and would want you to ride their jeepneys for like a cost. Like, if I can remember it right, 40 bucks? Which we, by the way concluded defeats the purpose of going to this place. Because, there's actually not much to see except for the view up. And if you would just want to go to the highest area of the place, that's like, wag nalang.

And because there is like a very big pineapple plantation in the city, and there are sort of little ones too that are scattered just about everywhere, Tagaytay is also known as one of the producers of pineapples in the Philippines. It's quite obvious because at the top of the People's Palace in the Sky, there;s this like tilted pineapple something something. Which is heavily vandalized by the way and that's like super minus points.

And then we were lucky to have the courage to ask someone to actually take our picture. It's awesome just to have someone to capture the moment. It's kind of awkward though. And can I just say that this is kind of a failure shot? Because the shot below should have been captured as well but for some reason, maybe the lady thought that we dressed really well for the occasion so she kind of captured our outfits instead. But thanks! Really! :)

Breathtaking view from above!

And then it got really foggy. As you can see, we were able to find another person to take a picture of us three. Thank you! :) We were kind of shy because we all have a camera right? And then my cousin actually have her camera to the man first and then the man was like looking at my camera and said that he would take a picture in my camera as well. Grateful grateful!

And after a while, it became really really foggy and it rained. Not so fun. But it was. Hahaha