Showing posts with label Shiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shiki. Show all posts

Friday 21 June 2013

Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 3

June 21, 2013 0
Memory Corner | Flashback Friday 3

1. I wouldn't forget this because this is like taken during our first day in our second internship. I am with my good friend which I was with during the first internship as well. What happened is that our first post (hematology) is kind of being renovated that very time so our head staff is busy directing his people on where to place things so he explained that he can't orient us that day and we actually had to stay outside while the rest of our co-interns were being oriented on their respective posts so we  just took pictures of ourselves and yeah these are the outcome.

2. This is a friend's photo that I grabbed moments before our retreat and we  (thesis leader and I) weren't actually supposed to be in the frame but that happened. Basically, this very day, we were supposed to present the first part of our thesis but then again, I think 4/5 of our members are actually going out for retreat so the leader and I had to come up with good vibes scenarios and that we just said that the remaining member would be able to present it properly and that we wouldn't have to worry and just believe. We look kind of problematic but you know, been there done that.

3. Brownies from sister's "boyfie" I actually ate stuff from the boyfriend too so even though they're sort of not  "together" anymore, I still thank the kid for being generous but to be honest, basing it from some stuff, I don't think I like you for my sister yet. Oh wells.

4. Sister's graduation! It's actually quite funny that my sister chose to have red lips that day and her classmates were like, Anne Curtis! Haha nothing much. Just wanna share this. Can I just share that my sister is more obsessed with make up than I am as of this moment? I remember when I was still her age, I also am obsessed with make up so maybe that's why I'm not that worried. It's like I know what exactly would happen to her when she's already my age now. Ha! Generation gap. 

5. No idea lol. That's when I just came home from duty. At first he was like jumping non stop and when he calmed down, this happened. I think he just missed me a little bit too much.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Son of a B. Literally.

April 17, 2013 0
Son of a B. Literally.

Early morning, not so long ago, I went out to check on our doggies and just when I was about to step in my flip flops, I saw this. And I was like, not panicking and asked my grandma who did it. And she said SHIKI.  Well ,of course! Who else? This thing I only wear when I'm going not so far from our house but it was a gift to me by my auntie so it's kind of important to me as well so I was really surprised. What did I do, you ask? I picked up the damaged one and taught SHIKI a lesson. PETA, your argument is invalid. LOLJK. He probably expected me to punish him so here's what he did.  He started acting weird when I shouted his name.

This literally made me laugh because he entered his cage when he was still a baby. He was too huge for the cage. You know, I trained SHIKI (obviously failed) before not to touch shoes, slippers, and stuff. And when I was still an intern, he was actually very well behaved and didn't touch my black shoes so I dunno. 

Also, he wouldn't look at me straight. GUILTY! This weird action of his continued for the whole day and for some reason, I was entertained. 

But of course, I still love SHIKI. 

Sunday 3 February 2013

Who Let the Dogs Out?

February 03, 2013 1
Who Let the Dogs Out?
I hate that song. Anyways. Can I just show you pictures of my pets? Well they're not really my pets but they're more of "our" pets. I just appreciate that they're part of the family and that they're always there for us. Like, when I get home, I would always stop by the gate and would play with them all if possible. Oh well. They're actually like my stress reliever. Kind of.

This is Hashi, our newest dog/puppy. Well she's not actually new anymore but relatively, she is. She's like the cutest among the bunch :) Sorry other pets.

ADORBS! I can't even.

The Queen Bee! And the queen bee isn't happy. Her face is like WTF? here. Mocha is like, the oldest pet we have. And she's like, so precious. I can't even.

I don't know if I already introduced him to you but his name is Kori which means ice in Japanese and just so you know, he's actually the father of Hashi. What's interesting about Kori is that he always cross his legs like that. Like a BOSS. Classy senyor.

This is Prunes. His eyesight is really poor now. Because he's like getting old and all that stuff but we still love you PRUNES! :)

This is Hannah and she is Prune's partner in crime. Somehow.

Lastly, me baby! His name is SHIKI and he's the naughtiest but I still love him. My mom would always joke and say that we should just give him away because they're always getting annoyed by him and stuff but NAH. He's still a baby, you know. :|

That's all I have to say. :)) By the way I edited these pictures with an app called PicsPlay in case you're wondering. It's kind of a confusing app with lots of filters but it's really hard to choose because not all filters would look good and I don't imagine anyone using some if the filters available. Or I don't know. Check it out if you want to try it.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Everybody Grows Up.

October 18, 2012 0
Everybody Grows Up.
Just a little update, this how MOCHA'S PUPPY (inappropriate caps lock-ing) LOL. So yeah. She's just so cute and she likes to bite toes. And more.

Let me just show to you a photo that I took just recently.

She's so fluffy! Like, I can't even.

Cute! Like, she's really cute. But of course, babies are supposed to be cute so I can't really tell. LOL.

Actually, lucky for me that I was able to snap a photo because usually, she would jump around and try to escape this mini labyrinth of hers. Tongue out means ready to bite. LOL.

She's just so precious! LOL. We actually think that she looks like Mocha, her mother. I don't know why but it's been a while since Mocha actually conceived a puppy that looks like her. WEIRD. I think the last time was Genki. Not sure. You know because some of them died so we can't tell. That's the sad part.

Here's a revolution chart that I made. Hope you'll appreciate the little effort I made. LOL. And just because I said EVERYBODY UP THE TITLE, Here's a Shiki update. (MY DOG. NOT PUPPY) anymore.

Shiki is so much bigger now. Like, big enough to actually guard the house. 

Everybody Grows Up.

October 18, 2012 0
Everybody Grows Up.
Just a little update, this how MOCHA'S PUPPY (inappropriate caps lock-ing) LOL. So yeah. She's just so cute and she likes to bite toes. And more.

Let me just show to you a photo that I took just recently.

She's so fluffy! Like, I can't even.

Cute! Like, she's really cute. But of course, babies are supposed to be cute so I can't really tell. LOL.

Actually, lucky for me that I was able to snap a photo because usually, she would jump around and try to escape this mini labyrinth of hers. Tongue out means ready to bite. LOL.

She's just so precious! LOL. We actually think that she looks like Mocha, her mother. I don't know why but it's been a while since Mocha actually conceived a puppy that looks like her. WEIRD. I think the last time was Genki. Not sure. You know because some of them died so we can't tell. That's the sad part.

Here's a revolution chart that I made. Hope you'll appreciate the little effort I made. LOL. And just because I said EVERYBODY UP THE TITLE, Here's a Shiki update. (MY DOG. NOT PUPPY) anymore.

Shiki is so much bigger now. Like, big enough to actually guard the house. 

Thursday 5 July 2012

Shiki update.

July 05, 2012 0
Shiki update.
My baby Shiki isn't so baby anymore. I mean, he's really growing fast. But he's still my baby anyways. So yeah, he was sick couple of months ago. We isolated him because we got many dogs that might be harmed by him and stuff. It's just outside the house though. We have a cage there and yeah we put them there and feed him with dextrose powder via a syringe otherwise he wouldn't eat anything at all so yeah. Also, we took him to the vet, he was diagnosed to have fever and diarrhea so he got antibiotics and vitamins. But he's all healthy now! No need to worry.

Here's how he looks now. He still acts like a baby though. 

Oops. LOL.

What I really really like about Shiki is when I come home from internship/school and I stand right behind the door, he's gonna be the first one to bark. His bark is particularly the loudest so I'm really thankful for that. We actually turned off our door bell because kids are always making fun of it so we're kind of disturbed by playing kids trying to prank and all that so with Shiki being there, voila! Instant doorbell.

Also! Just recently, he can jump out the door way already! It was hard teaching him that! He had to be carried out for walk and stuff but he can do that on his own now. But he still likes biting stuff. Notice the wood on the left side? It was used to cover up that are because when it was newly painted, he would bite that stuff and therefore ruined that side and when it was painted again, he did that again so yeah. I think it was repainted and all good now though.

See! He's even larger than his cage now.

How adorbs! Poor Shiki though. No more food.


Friday 6 April 2012

Shiki is happy.

April 06, 2012 0
Shiki is happy.

Went out with the fam to take the dogs and the kids to the park (Quezon City Circle). We only took Mocha and Shiki though. Shiki behaved very well in the car, saved me from trouble. Some of our dogs would puke like drunk dogs. Seriously. Also shout out to my cousin, Angelica who also pukes. :D And also! My sisters and I played badminton somewhere there. NOT BRAGGING BUT I WON HANDICAPPED. :D

Side profile model.

The spill isn't pee, don't worry. We actually brought with us a cup where the dogs can drink water but apparently, Shiki was more amused by the cup so he wanted to play with us. BAD DOG! So then I had to actually hold the cup for him so that he would be able to drink properly. And picture below happened.

He peed like a girl for a second. Well, he kind of pees like this all the time. Should I be bothered already? LOL

Shiki playing and kind of actually pulling me.

That's all! :)