Showing posts with label Rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rant. Show all posts

Saturday 2 June 2012

Call Me Maybe?

June 02, 2012 0
Call Me Maybe?

So, I don't exactly know whether I should be annoyed by the song or just not to care at all. SERIOUS STUFF. Like, in the laboratory, we kind of listen to the radio most of the time. Like, every time we change stations, they always play CALL ME MAYBE. Why though? Not even that! Like, sometimes, they play the SAME EFFIN SONG multiple times in THE SAME EFFIN STATION. Especially at night! They kind of play the song when they change DJs and stuff. 

The song itself doesn't make much sense to me. That's the number one reason why I don't like it. The melody is catchy, yes. But let me just remind everyone that there are ton of songs out there that have the same quality as this one. And I don't like those songs either. The video though is very nice. Some kind of weird stuff going on, but that's fine. Weird is good. Sometimes. 

Here's some of the LYRICS! Dissected for all of you.

I threw a wish in the well
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,and now you're in my way
If you don't want people to ask, just keep quiet. If you have a secret, don't say you have a secret. That's why it's a secret. Like, really?

I trade my soul for a wish,
pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
but now you're in my way
Trade your soul for a wish? Wow. I didn't know that's possible. 

These are just some words from the song that I can still stand. The other lyrics, no idea. 

Friday 25 May 2012

Leave GAGA alone.

May 25, 2012 0
Leave GAGA alone.
And no! I am an not a super big fan or anything like that. It's just so annoying how some people really get on my nerves and actually make me post something like this. Like, she recently had her concert here in Manila but it wasn't that easy because there were super whatever people who actually made a move to kind of stop the concert and stuff. The reason being is that they were saying that Lady Gaga is promoting something like devil-ish thingy and all that through her songs. Oh well. Some people really doesn't understand art and all that. I'm not justifying that art as being devil-ish, okay? I'm just saying that art can be anything and with that being said, leave her art alone.

And why were they trying to stop the concert again? Because what? I mean, it's not that WE ARE OBLIGED to watch the concert! It's not like she's PAYING US to watch the concert. These people are really annoying.

Thinking about it, maybe it's her song JUDAS. But wait! It's not like all her songs are like that. JUDAS is probably not the most appropriate song that she have but whatever! Yeah, whatever!

Born This Way may talk about Transgenders but what can we do? It's not like she's saying that we should all be transgenders. She's just saying that some people were born that way and there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, really. I know some religious organizations doesn't really accept that but what can they do? what will they do? condemn them? GREAT! I thought we're all created equal? Ha!

Now, there might be other stuff that were mentioned in her songs but there are stuff in there that just reflect reality. We just have to be more realistic but at the same time imaginative to connect more and maybe understand a little further.

But as far as I'm concern, people have no right to tell other people to stop listening to this, stop watching this, and stuff like that. We all have our preferences. Now if you don't like Lady Gaga, DON'T WATCH. That easy. End of conversation.

Monday 26 March 2012


March 26, 2012 0

It's not that I have anything against people asking for alms. It's just that it's really inappropriate sometimes. Like in this particular post.

I go to school by myself. No driver, no one. If you happen to go to the same path as I do, you've probably noticed that guy near 7/11 that's like always there early in the morning asking for alms. I was like, okay, kind of old to work (can!). He's been there ever since I can remember (2008).

I apologize for missing minute details about life. Recently, I've noticed that his arms are full of TATOOs. And you best believe I was mind fcked. Like, seriously. I was like, was he a criminal? Tattoo addict? Whatever, whatever?

I mean, if he was a criminal, then who the F is he to ask for people's money? Why? In theory, he probably did it the hard way before that's why he was on jail the first place. If you ask me, it's a lot better than stealing/snatching/hold-upping people of course. But seriously?

I refuse to give anything to this kind of people like, call me what you want to call me but I have this idea that if people would stop giving to this kind of people then they would probably realize that it's not really easy to give money and all that and that they should earn it. Then maybe, they will find a job, make a living, survive, then everybody's happy. I know I made it sound like it's that easy but whatever. It's still their fault for me.

I DON'T discourage charity in any sense. I think if you're really lucky in life and you want to share to those who're most in need then GO! It's a beautiful thing to share. But if the same set of people would spend all your loving and just wait for your second shower of blessing then there's something wrong won't you say? EXACTLY.

I don't care if these people aren't educated and equipped with knowledge. If there's a will, there's a way. Like, really. It's not that hard to use your skills and all that in life. They're probably way too stupid or lazy.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Talk2Globe is a joke. RANT!

March 24, 2012 2
Talk2Globe is a joke. RANT!

Are you kidding me? DON'T!

March 21, around 3 pm. I went to Globe Business Center SM San Lazaro to have a SIM replacement. Why? Because there's still no current solution for BB 4.11.08 so I decided I'll just use the spare phone here so I'll be a little bit more useful. And easier to contact. The problem is iPhone 4's SIM is not the same size as the normal SIM and the spare phone here has the normal SIM tray. I can't be bothered changing my number. It's too much to ask. I don't want to inform my friends/colleagues that I'll be using a temporary number because you know. PEOPLE ARE LAZY SOMETIMES.

The lady there was nice and all that. I didn't have to pay for anything and she told me that the activation should take within 1-2 hours. ALL GOOD. I went home and kind of only remembered to put the SIM about 5 hours after. It doesn't have a SIGNAL. GREAT! I then thought that maybe time starts after you insert it and all that stuff. So I waited some more.

I tweeted Talk2globe and I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING FROM THEM.



If you thought this is where it all ends. NOPE! I've also tried chatting with  more or less 10 "AGENTS" that claimed they'll update and whatever my concern to the GLOBE CENTER and all that but guess what happened? NOTHING!


Thursday 1 March 2012

Bloody flood

March 01, 2012 0
Bloody flood
Hello from my feet
I hate it when it's flooding even though there's no reason for flood to happen. For some stupid reason, this morning when I was on my way to the uni, it's flooding everywhere like near my home. What a mess. Apparently, I think a pipe from the water supplier broke and voila! Flood. What a waste of water. Don't you know that it's a non renewable natural resource? And then they're gonna say that there's no water here and there well in fact, you have an under quality pipes that are easily broken and what? You're gonna let us pay for that shit again? Wow. Thanks. And when I got home, apparently, literally, we have no water supply at home and all that should be in our home is flowing in the flood. Shame on you water companies. Like I see this everywhere. I mean, broken and fountaining water pipes.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

LRT Pet Peeves

February 21, 2012 0
LRT Pet Peeves
I really hate it/can't understand why hardcore tomboys (not hating) are still riding in the women section of the LRT (Light Rail Transit). I mean, the fact that you've at least decided that you like girls better than guys and that you dress up as guys, then I don't see any reasons why you still have the right to ride that particular section. I mean, don't call me a hater because I'm gonna be more than okay if ladyboys are gonna ride in that section but tomboys in the WOMEN section? Seriously? No way!

I've seen so many of them and I'd be like "why is he riding here?" and of course by then I'll notice their barely hidden boobies (bigger than mine). Apparently, he's a 'she'. And that pisses me off.

I know it's more convenient and stuff, but for once, stand up for what you believe you really are. Are you confused of your identity or what? Need to be enlightened?

You might say I'm judging but let me tell you a story. Not so long ago, a tomboy with a bunch of others rode the women section where I was in and they're talking about a borrowed camera-phone and this tomboy's plan of taking pictures of girls where they're going. Ha!

So, I just want to say that if you're already living your life as guys, that's totally fine. I'm cool with it! But if you're gonna mess up with the society (me), by still interfering with things that are made convenient for women, that's fucked up.

Monday 6 February 2012

Know thy worth.

February 06, 2012 1
Know thy worth.
I'll stop talking first (for real) to that guy I like because for some reason, I just think that I'm just wasting my time talking to him while he still doesn't want to forget his ex. He told me that he doubt if he can actually forget his ex. Okay then. FU and your principle.

Monday 23 January 2012

How important is a “thank you”?

January 23, 2012 0
How important is a “thank you”?
I cannot stress enough its importance, that is how important it is for me. I had this experience when I was still in the Call Center and it really drove me crazy for a second. I did someone a favor (closed the deal for him) and he did not even bother to say “thank you” voluntarily? Ha! I was waiting for it and initiated that he should say “thank you” and yeah he said “thanks”. A lame kind of “thanks” but anyways, it happened. Forgiven not forgotten.

It is just that we should not let someone do something good for us and make them feel like it is a wasted effort or that we do not appreciate a single fvck they are giving. We should be more civilized in that manner. Give it a try. It does not hurt much.

Is it not good to have someone help us or cheer us up and then thank them for that? I guess they would be happy too. There is no greater feeling than the feeling of being appreciated. You know that. Or at least second best. Or third. I do not care actually but you get the point right? I know you are wise. Thank you for being wise. And for reading.