Showing posts with label Paskuhan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paskuhan. Show all posts

Thursday 20 December 2012

Paskuhan Tips 101.

December 20, 2012 1
Paskuhan Tips 101.

I can't believe that it's like tomorrow already. I don't know know what its gonna be about but most likely Christmas, yeah? Hahaha but I know for sure that it's gonna be fun. Like, a whole lot of fun. For sure.

But it can't always be magical and wonderful because you know. Things happen. Here are some tips/DOs/DON'Ts and just about whatever I could think of for this moment to be wonderful.

If you're a Thomasian, you probably know what to expect. So these guides are probably for Freshmen/Outsiders.

1. Bring your I.D.

- Like, seriously. It'll be like a FastPass to Disney Land or something. Because those who don't have someone to bring them inside the university or probably can't contact their Thomasian friend would like queue and actually block the gate so if you don't bring your Thomasian I.D., that's gonna be your luck. More or less.

2. Bring something to sit on.

- Old newspapers, blankets, mats, whatever. It's gonna be your sanctuary for the whole night so yeah.

3. Don't expect to be able to use your phone to send texts or to be able to call.

- Nope. Unless you're lucky.

4. Please do not litter.

- Like, please understand that we (Thomasians) somehow actually paid for the event to happen and it's so mean of you guys to actually throw your rubbish anywhere you want. Isa bang malaking park ang UST? Hindi. Thanks.

5. Don't bring your car. Just carpool.

- So that we can avoid traffic. :))

Sunday 25 November 2012

A Look Back. UST Paskuhans.

November 25, 2012 1
A Look Back. UST Paskuhans.
As much as I'm concern, I actually haven't missed a single Paskuhan. Meaning my miscellaneous fee didn't go to nothing. If you're a Thomasian, you get what I mean, yeah? Okay not really bitter or anything about it. AT ALL. I'm just saying. And if you're not a Thomasian, you don't have the right to say anything about it. Maybe you're bitter.

Okay moving on...I won't really go into details because I probably forgot what happened already. I mean, it's been years. Literally.

The first Paskuhan I went to was not that bad, not that good either, like, maybe it's because I went out super early but the fireworks display cooperated and showed almost at the beginning of the program. Nice.

The first Paskuhan that I finished everything would probably be this one. Or did I finish this? Yeah, I think so. It's the Paskuhan that actually celebrated UST's 400 YEARS. This time, I went with my cousin. 

The girl with fringe is actually a second degree friend that I met that time. 

I noticed how bigger my group of friends get. I'm proud of myself. LOL.

Saw my seatmate along the way and decided to take a picture. Awesome.

In less than a month, it's Paskuhan once again. And luckily, I will be able to go because you know, right timing is right timing. I feel sorry for the group who wouldn't be able to come though. That's all! :)