Showing posts with label Harajuku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harajuku. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Top 5 Snacks in Harajuku

March 20, 2018 0
Top 5 Snacks in Harajuku

Crepes! I mean, if you like sweet stuff, (even if you don’t) you should try crepes in Harajuku before leaving Japan. If you ever visit Takeshita Street, you can find a lot of crepe shops you can’t miss it. I have tried crepes from all of it and they all taste the same so don’t even bother choosing. It’ll just give you headaches.

My favorite is this WALNUT CHEESECAKE CREPE that they only sell in Angels Heart. The oldest crepe shop in Harajuku. I wonder why they don’t have it elsewhere because this right here is perfection. 

There’s this different crepe shop where they put brûléed pudding instead of whip creams and fruits and all that and for some reason, it’s simple and delicious.

I think I like the walnut better though. IDK. I want to try it one more time but based from experience, sometimes once is enough. 

There’s this shop. Two snacks! Also recently, they launched the white sauce version. The difference is very subtle.

It’s actually both yummy.

The White Sauce version.


Their softcream looks kind of different now. Like, it’s less appetizing. It might be because of the formulation of the cream or something but I don’t know for sure. It might be temporary.

This is the normal one. 

Then this shop. Also sooo yummy! 

Poterico Salad

Freshly fried chips!

Another snack I’d like to introduce is this cheese snack. It’s popular among kids because it stretches kind of. 

This is quite yummy. With lotsa spices. 

Last snack is long fries. It’s actually very popular. There are two shops that sell this. The one run by a foreigner and one inside the food court. 

Plain and Salted. 

With ketchup.

This place is better than that of the foreigner’s. Or so I think. I just think this taste better than the other. See it for yourself. 

Avocado cheese flavored fries.

I forgot this but it had some meat flavored stuff so yeah. That’s all! 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Coisof Harajuku Ice Cream

September 27, 2017 0
Coisof Harajuku Ice Cream
Coisof Harajuku 

I actually just saw the ad for this shop on Facebook and since it's literally blocks away from where I work, I came to try. It's actually a shop that serves savory ice cream (kind of). Coisof is a shop that serves sesame seed flavored ice cream. I know I'm not gonna be a fan but I tried it anyways.

I tried the mixed flavored one so to taste both flavors at the same time. The flavors are white and black sesame seed and the balls are rice pops. The rice pops are my favorite! Soooo good!! Don't skip the rice pops please! Can I just say that when I went there, they have a promo that they can put more rice balls for free and I was like, no thanks! But man, when I tried it, I was like, more more more!!


It's actually not bad. I kinda like it to be honest. I might try it again soon. You know, there are just a lot of things to try and look forward to! :)

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Tricity Tournament

May 16, 2017 0
Tricity Tournament

Harajuku Line Shop

Marion's Crepe

This is so fail! I was telling my sisters that we're gonna go to a certain crepe shop because it's the oldest shop there and when I faced the other way, I saw this. Fail. But it's not like I just guessed or something, my co-worker actually mentioned it so yeah. 

This is actually my favorite part of Harajuku. The ratchet Harajuku.

Calbee fries. I soooo recommend! If you ever go to Harajuku or like any Calbee shop, get some fries like this. It's sooo good.

Tokyu Plaza

My favorite place in Shinjuku. I'm so glad to be back. This is like Narnia's to me. Can find anything you don't probably need but want to buy anyways.

Like this template of crystals. 

Tower Selfie

Why there are so many LINE shops in Japan, I would never know. But anyways, this one we took in Shinjuku Terrace City. 

Famous Cat in Shibuya

We all know how I feel about Ichiran's Ramen but since my sisters like it there, I have no choice but to comply.

The only item in the menu that I really liked.

Shibuya. Always my favorite city. But for some personal reasons, I'm kinda having second thoughts about the city already. Kinda. Anyways, I'm not making any sense as always but who cares, right? 

Monday 28 November 2016

Taking Over Harajuku 11.7.16

November 28, 2016 0
Taking Over Harajuku 11.7.16

lips darker than my soul 

Harajuku. For some reason, it's growing on me. I remember just being neutral about it. I kind of like it now. Also, I don't really have much choice but to like it. This was when I had the job interview for my now part-time job in Harajuku. All went well obvi. 

Harajuku Life

Harajuku Street

The cute clock 

I made sure to go around since I don't have work that night. And I know that I would just come and go for work there so yeah I grabbed the chance to roam around. It's weird! I feel like myself again going to places. 


 Yup! Harajuku is all about fashion and crepes. I was hesitant to buy crepe because I was planning to have a proper lunch but since it's Harajuku, I just can't pass on the hype. 

Blueberry Cream Cheese

Seriously, why do I look like the world turned its back on me? Well maybe because it did. Kidding!! 

Fall's perfect color

going in Meiji Shrine

sake barrels 


wine barrels

During that time, they had this flower arrangement display going on. Quite interesting. 

I'm not actually big on going to places for prayers but that time, I really felt like going and so I did. This place is more of a tourist spot than a quiet place for prayers but I guess I was able to do my thing. 

Meiji Shrine

Selfie 2.0

Japanese Flag

I was still full during this time so I just had Takoyaki. My favorite food!!!!! If I haven't mentioned already. I should totally move to Kansai. All the things that I love. 

how it's done

I had fun! Also, glad I took time to explore a little bit. I probably wouldn't see Harajuku the same because of work but whatevs. Ciao!