Thursday 17 April 2014

Random Thoughts with Pictures

April 17, 2014 0
Random Thoughts with Pictures

Selfie! Never mind. I think I should take more selfies! Not for sharing though just for keep.

My everyday like (almost)(so far) is consist of me going to my bestfriend's place and stealing wi-fi signal from the neighbor still. Also, eating unhealthy snacks all the time. I don't smoke! Nor did I drink.

Random food photo. This was made together with a home made pizza that Demi made that we devoured too early for me to be able to take a picture so I'm leaving you with the Tamagoyaki. 

Also, I have been so pleased with Japan's way to prevent Trichomonas. I mean, it's so convenient compared to squatting or bringing out your own alcohol spray and stuff! So yeah. Lovely~

After a long time, I was able to enter a Pachinko center to fetch someone. It was so loud inside that I think I had a headache when we went out. I don't think I would ever engage in this game but I do understand those who do. So go! See yah!!

Monday 14 April 2014

STAP Issue in Japan

April 14, 2014 0
STAP Issue in Japan

First of all, this girl speaks vintage to me that I sometimes don't understand what she is saying. But Imma give my point anyways. 


1. Copying and pasting pictures for the Powerpoint presentation.

2. Wearing a white cooking apron instead of a prescribed laboratory gown. 

3. Fabricating results because scientists like herself cannot replicate her result.

She's 30-ish and she call herself inexperienced of this thing. If you don't know STAP, it's okay. I don't know it too. But it's Stimulus Triggered something that basically renews cells and develop to stem cells that would be effective for Stress Therapy they say. So yeah the issue is that they found similar images online. We all know that in the world of research, you have to annotate that. Or if you're actually done with the research, use your own documented photo. She's 30 ish but I don't believe she doesn't have more experienced advisers. Not to brag but I have friends who were able to publish their research papers and get awards for it and stuff in their early 20's (some teens) And I know that they know that copy-paste isn't the best way to go. Maybe she knows. 

The cooking apron kind of pisses me off. I mean, it wouldn't change the result! Whatever she's wearing, right? I guess they just want to make the issue bigger that they're tackling irrelevant stuff to be part of the issue. Well I hope we all agree that it ain't cool to fabricate stuff but come on! Really? I hope they won't touch on how she's wearing full on make-up while experimenting. 

Scientists can't replicate result is kind of questionable. I mean, it's either she's really really good and that the other scientists are bad OR she made up the result so not even the most brilliant scientist can replicate it. I've seen that senior scientist have tried and failed so I don't know about that. 

Another issue is that the company that funded the research already called the paper/research flawed and then as a response, she filed a complaint and asked that sponsor company to take back what it said. I don't really know what to say but I guess that the company kind of made  a move so soon that it's kind of unjustifiable.

In my opinion, I think she deserves a chance. I mean, I think she fabricated the procedure and all that to make it more believable or something but if she proclaimed that there is that certain type of cell made, I somehow believe it. I don't know if it's just me or something but yeah weird, yeah? I think they're giving people certain time to investigate and all that which is nice because at least they're not concluding stuff. So yeah. 

Saturday 12 April 2014

Useless Realization

April 12, 2014 0
Useless Realization

I went to the game center with Hidemi yet again and as much as I love game centers and all that stuff, I feel like the money played can be spent on something else. Something more finite. But anyways. I actually feel like I would play like crazy when I start work because of probably stress or boredom. But that's not my realization. Anyways, we were supposed to open a bank account but it was already closed when we went so yeah bad luck. Will try again on Monday.

So they were announcing something right? I was so busy playing and asked Demi about it and she was like, it doesn't matter! We're already grandmas LOL. Okay so I then realized that there were only adults left and apparently there's a curfew going on that doesn't allow children to play beyond what? 5 or 6 pm? I can't recall but yeah that's the story of it. I guess it's a pretty dope rule and I guess that would actually benefit everyone. Except probably the game center itself.

Here's our breakfast/lunch today. Well I actually had bread and coffee for breakfast but yeah. Demi cooked the egg and I cooked the sausage. Fair enough. Although she did almost everything. Thanks friend.

So yeah life in Japan is not always fabulous, sakura, sushi, and ramen. I realized that Japan is a country and Japanese are people too. K.