Friday 1 November 2013

Dogs, Cakes, Halloween.

November 01, 2013 0
Dogs, Cakes, Halloween.
Hello guys! This is a post to show everyone and so I would have something to read on probably 5 years from now. Hashi's puppies! They're just so cute I can't even. I think they're about a month now. No idea how old they are exactly but anyways. They're somehow big now and healthy. That's all that matters you know.

The one on our left is my bebe BOOM (boy) and the one on our right  is my bebe JINGLE (girl) and yeah aren't they just the cutest of the cutest creatures? By the way I say that to any cute pets so don't be alarmed. The shape of their faces kind of looks different from each other because of their parents look quite different as well but they're both cute so whatevs. 

My picture with the bebes. I know they wouldn't be this cute for too long so yeah better take pictures before it's too late. Anyways. That's all for this post guys.

And by the way I did not do anything for Halloween so sorry for that. You know though sometimes I think my Halloween posts are just always at the top because I look ridiculous on my pictures. Anyways. I don't really care LOL. Happy Halloween! Better safe than sorry! :)

On other note, I want to show you guys these beautiful cakes that I was able to taste and yeah. Well actually, there's nothing special with the cakes but I just took pictures because they look good. 

This is called Jamocha from Goldilocks and I believe this is actually a relatively new cake from them and it was alright :) I mean, I'm not actually a fan of like Mocha cakes or the flavor in general but this one didn't make me not want it so yeah good job.

This cake is moist. So moist actually! It's a black forest from Red Ribbon and yeah it didn't disappoint me or whatever but I really liked it. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Japanese Drugstore Lippies

October 30, 2013 0
Japanese Drugstore Lippies

These are refills from the drugstore and for some reason, though I often buy these lipsticks as pasalubongs to my mom's friends (not my money), I haven't seen the actual packaging from these brands. And I actually don't care that much. I agree that these would be hard if you have like, millions of lipsticks and trying to determine which is which but if you're like me that actually doesn't have a lot, then I don't think it matters. 

I can't read what the color is on the left so you be the judge when I saw you the swatch of the actual color but on the left side, it's orange something. KANJI IS DIFFICULT.

I actually like the idea of refills because for several reasons, first of all, it's cheaper. That's actually all. LOL. I don't know but it's just more practical and yeah. I think most women in Japan finish their lipsticks so they could have like the original container and then put their new tube or something.

I have only used this from the two and I love it. It's not so opaque so it's perfect for me. I don't know if you can appreciate the shimmers but that too is awesome! :D I don't usually like shimmers because I can somehow feel it but this one is like just right and yeah. Perf! This lipstick is under the MOISTURE lipstick and I don't really know for sure because I put a moisturizer before applying but it goes on quite well when I swatched it but I don't know if that's actually just the same as when applying on the lips.

The shape of Chifure lipstick is actually quite interesting because instead of just having one side flat, two sides are flat. Meh. LOL. Really though. I think that's brilliant because if you're in a hurry, you wouldn't find the right side of the tube anymore or something. Just do it!

I really like the Cezanne one! But give the picture another look and you would see than the application of the Chifure is kind of thinner than that of Cezanne so I'm assuming that it would give more precision and yeah. Also, the Chifure is kin of true to its color and although shimmery, it's opaque. So I might be able to just top that with a more pinkish balm or lipgloss of some sort. Anyways, that's my opinion and yeah. Have a nice day y'all!

Monday 28 October 2013

Election Related Thoughts

October 28, 2013 0
Election Related Thoughts
It was election day again awhile ago. I just want to share this thought to you. I was talking to my Australian friend yesterday and I told him that sometimes I don't really feel like voting. It must have been the system he is accustomed to or something but he doesn't seem to be pleased with my statement. I told him that I think I would feel guilty if I put someone in position and that person I voted would actually mess up or something. He said I shouldn't feel that way and later on the conversation he said that the least I could do is to actually choose the lesser evil. 

I don't know how I feel about that.

Lesser or greater evil is still evil. And I don't know why would I want to place an evil on a position. Like, I very much appreciate UST's voting option to like abstain. Because it's hella useful for me. I'm the type of person who thinks it through a little bit and not just do it because of some useless shiz. I like to vote because I believe in someone and not because I was told to do so. And definitely not because I have to pay for it if I don't. Ehem Australia. Well, it's probably different in Australia. I don't really blame its people or its system. I mean, they're a wealthy country so the impact there is slightly different as it is here in the Philippines I guess. That is not to say that they don't need a lot of thinking when it comes to putting someone in position but yeah. Think of it as a game with lives to spare. In Australia, if they mess up, it probably wouldn't be too obvious because they got lives remaining. Unlike here, when they mess up, it would be kind of obvious because there's like only one life left. ALWAYS. You get what I mean?

I also told him that I somehow I associate forcing people to vote to forcing them to marry. It's just that you're being forced to be with someone you really don't want to be with. You feel me? No? 

I'm so glad that the election here doesn't really force people to vote because that would be a mess and unfair! I know it's our right as citizen but hey! Not all people want to exercise rights sometimes. And if it's on pure laziness, shame on you! But if it's because you're not sure or you don't trust someone, way to go! And no! I'm not promoting laziness or like not voting. If there would be a law like that (Australia) here in the Philippines, I would strongly suggest they include 'abstain' as an option. Because it's just fair. I mean, hindi sayang ang boto dahil wala kang maisip na iboto. Sayang ang boto kung bumoto ka ng maling tao. That's just for me.

Also! Can I just add that I hate the fireworks that's been happening for like the last 30 minutes now. I mean, come on! I know I'm like so negative about elections but to be fair, I actually like this election more than last time. It's because I know half the people I voted and if they mess up, one way or another, there's a high chance of me bumping into them around this community and that I would be able to give them just give them THE STARE. Stare of shame that is. 

Less evil is still evil. And for me, innocent until proven guilty is not the best way to go as well. And most importantly remember that it is a no return no exchange policy. But it might be too late now. Just a reminder for next time then. Have a good day.