Wednesday 3 July 2013

Nobody Deserves to Die

July 03, 2013 0
Nobody Deserves to Die
But some cases are hopeless. But some people are asking for it. Therefore, it shall be given to them. This is a post about my opinion on the 35 year old Filipina who will be executed in China any time now. And just about my opinion on it being the punishment.

So the story is this Filipina was caught carrying a prohibited drug at the airport. Coincidence? I don't think so. Her parents are saying that their child is a victim. Really? The woman is not a first timer and I know that she knows what her doing. She just don't know she's gonna get caught! Too bad. Does she deserve to die? NO. She just deserve to be punished. Too bad for her though, China's law states that her act is punishable by death. In that case, she deserve it. I pity her. I pity her family. Especially her children. I know for a fact that their mother just want the best for them that's why she was able to that (and so are hold uppers) but man, it doesn't have to be done that way. The thing is she wanted it the easy way. I don't know if it's even that easy to do that because I bet her conscience killed her many times and stuff like that but you know, she should have said no. And then the media is like, she's just a victim! NOPE. She's aware. She agreed. She hoped that she wouldn't be caught.

I have to say that I think The Philippine government did their part and I'm somehow thankful that they did what they did. The President wrote a letter asking to just punish her with lifetime imprisonment instead of death. And The Vice President went to China to appeal. I mean even though they know the rules. Hindi naman yan sinabi lang on the spot. It's written somewhere and for sure our officials know that rules are rules. But they tried. And I sensed equality. This is not actually the first time this happened. The Government didn't fail to help the families of the people to be convicted and to appeal to the government of different countries so I'm happy for that. Because you know, we should all be protected by our government no matter what. I guess this should be a warning to Filipinos who are not fully aware that this things happen. You can't always get away. So please do yourselves a favor and stop doing illegal stuff. Stop being selfish. First, you're not sure you're gonna get away. Second, you're giving The Filipino people a bad name. I know it's hasty generalization but whatever. I just hope that this would be last time that someone would be killed because of such wrong decision.

Am I pro lethal injection? Not really. I strongly believe that some people really deserve a second chance. SOME. Because for example, if someone killed probably 3 persons, I don't believe that person should be given another chance. Actually, if someone killed someone just because of stupid reasons (jealousy, money, envy, etc.), that's already unforgivable. For me the only valid reason to kill someone is when you're defending yourself or someone from a killer. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". To be honest, I'm more pro than against it actually. Maybe it should be back in the system. Maybe it's a way to reduce the criminal rate here in The Philippines. Maybe it would make this country a safer place to live. I bet it would be nice walking around Recto without worrying that someone would stab you and get your things. With a very reliable group of people that would assess a certain case, this might be our best option. I'm not saying this punishment is the answer to everything of course.

Can I just share that in one of our lessons, our lecturer said that before, when lethal injection is still the capital punishment, they were deciding to give the task of injecting the lethal injection to medical technologists since looking for veins is kind of our forte but then the council said that it's against our Code of Ethics so yeah. When he mentioned that, I instantly wondered how it feels like to be the one to inject that thing and end someone's life. Must feel horrible. But I'm still curious. Would I do it? Probably.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Candy Crush tip! (Kind of a cheat)

July 02, 2013 2
Candy Crush tip! (Kind of a cheat)

I am a huge believer that if you would just cheat, then don't play the game at all! Because that would make the game useless. It's actually not very much applicable to Candy Crush. I will tell you why. There's no easy way out! There's no official cheat (maybe) but I will help you and make things a lot easier. I promise! 

Okay so awhile ago, I was playing Candy Crush on my phone, right? And then my seatmate was like, can I play? And I was like, I have no more life left. And she was like, CHANGE THE DATE ON YOUR PHONE! And you get 5 lives back! And man, it works! I was like, so amazed and yeah! That's just awesome! It's like having an unlimited life and you know, sometimes all we need is a second chance times infinity. Well it's actually still hard to finish difficult levels though. Good luck! :) Oh and since it's related, when I was looking for the perfect picture to use above, I saw some interesting photos that I thought I'd share with you.

Candy Crush cake! I saw it from a blog that I linked as source and by clicking the picture, you will be linked. If you're interested in baking and addicted to Candy Crush, you might be able to do the same thing. In my opinion though, it looks kind in inedible. It looks like a play dough to me. LOL.

Not by much the cupcakes sure looks more edible than the cake. It looks delish, actually! I'm just wondering if the candy is like, legit candy or just icing which would be better! I have issues with candies on cakes for some reason so yeah. Like, I don't appreciate flower candies on cakes and other stuff so yeah.


Sunday 30 June 2013

Tea Time with Cathy and Mikie

June 30, 2013 1
Tea Time with Cathy and Mikie
I truly believe this should be a legit segment on my blog. But sometimes, I get disappointed by teas so I don't get inspired to continue with that kind of posts but now, I think that no matter how much I loathe (big word) the teas that I've tried, I must share it with you. That's all! Let's go!!

Okay this one we tried because we don't have a choice. I guess we just wanted to have a tea and somehow rest our feet from our tiring UST trip. So that happened. Anyways. I kind of regret we didn't drink at ChaTime because wala lang. Anyways. 

I actually didn't enjoy the tea but the taste is actually interesting. I actually  don't remember it's exact flavor but if I can remember it right, it's something like green tea yogurt. Or some macha yogurt. Okay I've checked it now. It's Yogurt Green Tea. I kind of regret picking that flavor because firstly, I wasn't able to taste the green tea. Secondly, I wasn't able to taste the yogurt. That's just sad you know. Oh and despite choosing the normal level of sweetness, thirdly, I wasn't able to taste the sugar. I was able to taste my cousin's drink and it was actually alright. 

For some reason, my cousin always picks the safe flavor so good for her. Not always, but I like experimenting with flavors.  

So next up! This happened probably two days ago, just after my review class. I was like, okay maybe I need to chillax a little bit. So I asked my cousin to go with me and find a place to kind of settle down and just be a potato for a while.

But that didn't happen. Instead, I asked my cousin to help me write stuff so yeah. But she was like, texting half the time. Boo. LOL. Anyways, we went to a place called Gong Cha by the way. In Cubao. 

Okay so I got Salted Caramel Tea or is that even the flavor of it? But something close if not that. It was alright. I mean, nothing like Happy Lemon but yeah. It's a little more expensive than Happy Lemon stuff so that makes it a little disappointing. 

 My cousin's drink is Caramel Tea which was okay. As usual. Oh well. Can't wait to try more teas! :) Good vibes!