Saturday 12 January 2013

Day in UST. Food trip.

January 12, 2013 1
Day in UST. Food trip.
Or actually, NIGHT.

This is the "JAPANESE CAKES" they're selling along Dapitan. Available in Cheese, Oreo, and another Oreo but with the coated chocolate stuff. When I first saw this, I knew I wanted to try it but nah, not that delish. But at least I wouldn't pass by the street wanting to try it so bad again. It's not delish but it's not actually that bad. It's actually my second time trying both of these flavours and my opinion is still the same. But I saw quite a lot of people queuing for this so it's probably just me. Like, ALWAYS.

And then even though it was raining, we still searched for a place to eat since SANTORINI was full and then there were still people outside waiting for the people inside to finish so even though I was craving for some Korean food, I let that go. The food wasn't really that good either. Like, I wouldn't exchange Santorini for this. I liked their interior though. And it actually didn't cost me much. So yay! Just in case you're wondering, that's actually Lemon Chicken you're seeing. :) I told my cousin that we probably didn't enjoy it because of the quality of the rice and she kind of agreed so yeah probably that.

So our last stop was this Tea Gen store and I think they have about two branches around the campus and we were really finding a good place to somehow wrap the night and my cousin was like, how about the tea store that we saw twice and so yeah we decided to go to the smaller place since we didn't want to be with people. ANTI-SOCIAL LIKE THAT, ha? Hahaha just kidding. We finalized to go to the smaller place since it's actually nearer to the restaurant that we dined in. I had Okinawa Milk Tea and my cousin had Black Tea and that's it! :)

Friday 11 January 2013

How Not to BLOG.

January 11, 2013 0
How Not to BLOG.
My second Tumblr Likes post! :) As you all know, (or not) these are pictures that I actually don't want to delete because they're just so adorbs/amazing.fantastic/wonderful but don't want to post on my dash either. I don't know why that is but whatever you know.

I'm not a fan of Coke zero but I lurve the nails! And oh, the diamond ring! Haha just kidding.

I'm trying to reduce food intake and all that stuff right now but if I saw this somewhere, I wouldn't say no! FOR SURE! :)

I agree. Somehow.

This is relevant. I no likey the creepy kind of smile though. I like the genuine kind of smile from a stranger. Like, it makes you wonder for some reasons but at the end of the day, it's just a wonderful feeling to have somebody you don't even know smile at you.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Nailed It! Strawberry Shortcake.

January 10, 2013 0
Nailed It! Strawberry Shortcake.
Basically, these are my weapons for today. A lotion, q tip, and nail polish. 
Okay so it's 2013 and somehow, I'm tired of showing you guys my dirty done nails. Like, I want a change. So I've been hearing about this D.I.Y. technique for quite a while now and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if I would try. So what you would do is that you would actually apply the lotion around your nails. Like, you have to avoid your nails though because the polish would just slip and wouldn't adhere to your nails if you apply them there. The purpose of the q tip is actually for easy application.

After applying the lotion, you will have a hand similar to this. All oily and that.

And after applying the polish, you might have a hand similar to my hand as shown above. The thing is I actually painted my nails carefully as ever. Oh well. I miss long nails. SOON! Okay so to remove the mess, you would be needing the q tip you used awhile ago to apply the lotion so don't throw that yet okay?

VOILA! Ain't this the cleanest picture I showed you? YUP! is the answer. LOL. And since I used lotion, I then was able to moisturize the skin surrounding my nails too! Haha

That's all! :)