Wednesday 20 June 2012

Katy Perry's Wide Awake MV. Review.

June 20, 2012 0
Katy Perry's Wide Awake MV. Review.
Have you all watched Katy Perry's Wide Awake music video? Pretty awesome right? But just like any other music videos that I liked before, it's mysterious.

So, the plot was like they were somehow shooting her "California Girls" music video. It was like she was on that cotton candy clouds something-something and yeah the music video shooting was done and now the intro of Wide Awake. I don't know what it was all about actually. But I'll try my best to figure this out.

It was a wrap and she said goodbye to the people behind the scene and then she kind of removed the wig she was wearing on the shoot. The thing is I thought she was gonna remove her make-up and that wig cap but just when I though she would, branch-looking hair kind of appeared sideways and then the theme became some sort of a forest/jungle where it was suddenly dark. And I was like "is she dreaming?" Probably not. Because she's wide awake, DUH? So yeah. Also, a very fake-looking caterpillar somehow showed in the beginning when they kind of showed the new setting of the video which is again, the forest-kind-of-thingy.

And then what confused me more was that there was a strawberry hanging on a tree? WTH? I can't comprehend what was happening. I don't know know if that was supposed to be an apple or probably some fruit of life, I don't know. But seriously? Strawberry on a tree? Is that possible?

And for some reason, I don't know why Katy Perry can't let go of that fireworks/sparkles/whip cream/or-just-about anything coming out of her...chest area. And then she sent sparks above the maze like she was kind of the fifth contestant on the TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT (potterhead attack!).

So, we move on. And then appeared a child I believe. Now this child, I don't know where she came from. Like, Katy Perry ended up riding a wheel chair and this child is rushing her somewhere. I believe she was rushing her to the emergency room or something. Maybe the strawberry was poisoned or cursed. If you know what I mean. And then there were 2 men dressed as bullies? Do they represent bullies? Probably. I don't know much about animals. Anything with horns are bullies for me. Almost. And she kind of closed her fists and then the concrete ground kind of broke? And for some reason, is this shot supposed to look scary or what? And then! After the ground kind of broke, Katy Perry was suddenly alright as if nothing happened. And guess what? They have escaped and kind of entered...

WONDERLAND? Mmmm...I actually liked the flowers and all that wonderland stuff.

And then this prince charming kind of appeared and yeah...complicated things happened. And yeah. good job though, Katy. I wonder who's that guy. Well, yeah, I don't want to assume.

And then before they actually parted, the child kind of gave something to Katy. And of all things, a butterfly. But awesome idea!

And then, Katy Perry was at her make-up room and the butterfly appeared. I was kind of confused about what actually happened. After wonderland, she kind of came back to "reality". And judging by the look of her face, she was kind of clueless of what happened. She was clueless about the butterfly and all that. I thought she was WIDE AWAKE?

Katheryn is actually Katy Perry's first name. So, thinking about it, little Katy kind of visited the present Katy to kind of witness things with her again. Her downs, her ups, her past, and her present. Which is awesome. I mean, to see Katy Perry sstruggles might be not something I witnessed personally, but I'm really happy that she's kind of successful now.
ucceed from her 
I saw her interview on Ellen and she kind of told what happened when she was still starting and all that so I kind of know probably 0.1 of her personal life and yeah I'm kind of impressed how she never gave up and be someone else like what record companies told her to be.

The caterpillar might be a representation of her success. Like all caterpillars, we will soon become a bright, colorful butterflies and fly.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Thanks, Coffee.

June 19, 2012 1
Thanks, Coffee.

I don't know. I just think that there are so many things we have to be thankful for. For example, coffee. May it be a regular coffee, 3 in 1 coffee, or that oh-so-expensive coffee that we all (somehow) praise. I don't know what it is in expensive coffees (MILK and MORE MILK) that makes it delicious, but yeah (IT'S ALL IN).

I'm a coffee drinker. Like, serious stuff. I like coffee. OOOPS...except pure black (no sugar or anything added). I don't know. Some may like it that way, but I don't really find it's for me, there you go.

The only reason I don't drink a lot because my heavy coffee drinking habit kind of worries my mom. And I'd be like "it's not that strong, it's not black" because I usually drink 3 in 1 coffees and believe me, it's only like 20% coffee.

I usually drink coffee in the morning during breakfast, snack, and right before I go to sleep. But when I'm like, extra in need, I'll have a cup in the afternoon too. Which will then alert my mom since she know I'd be having it again with my snack and at night and yeah, whatever.

This is what my coffee looks like :)

The mug is actually a gift from my best friend so, thanks a lot best friend! :) It really reminds me of her. It used to remind me a lot of her when I first used it, but now, yeah it still does reminds me of her everytime I use it. LOL. Thanks again! :)

The only problem I have with it is it's rather small for a coffee mug. Or maybe it's just me, I don't know. So, going back to the point, after all the digression (which I'm really very good at) and stuff, I'm really thankful for coffee. It does calm me down and make me realize how good life is (seriously). It slows me down in a very mysterious way. I mean, it doesn't literally slows me down, of course. But it's more on the inside. I just don't know the mechanism of it or whatever. Maybe it's just me again. Well, even if it's just me, I'm still thankful.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Big Bang's Monster MV. Review.

June 17, 2012 0
Big Bang's Monster MV. Review.

Let me just talk to you about this for a while. I kind of like it so it's not that this post will be very offensive or whatever. Truth is, I kind of like Big Bang so I might be a little bias about this thing. But not by lot. I promise.

For some reason, I don't know what happened to Big Bang or whatever but THERES IS NOW RELEVANCE to the title and the music video! WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT! I like it much! :D The reason I'm saying it is you remember their song TONIGHT? Like, cars crashing and dropping from nowhere kind of thing video? Yup that one. Of course there are more. And I can't afford to name them one by one. 

The next thing I want to talk about is how ridiculous their hair look. Like, seriously. Who thought of their hair and decided it to appear like that? Of course there's still a relevance and all that but. Seriously? Decided to go with the hair instead of the face? Mmm...interesting eh? But seriously this is not just a topic. This is a serious stuff we're talking about right now. Like, really serious stuff.


Daesung's hair is okay. I mean, it's something like a mushroom or is it? And his other hair is just a messy hair look. WHICH IS FINE. I have no comment or rather bad comment about his hair. Let me just say that he really looks good BLONDE.


Can I just not say anything and stare? Oh...TOP. You look so good! How can someone be as perfect as you are? YOU'RE A MONSTER INDEED. SERIOUSLY. READY TO DIE?  OMG.


Okay, so there's this horn on GD's hair. Okay. It's kind of confusing though. Is he some sort of a mutated unicorn or what? OR MAYBE, he's not that MONSTER-ISH that the angels some sort of saved him from misery and just left him with one? Other theories? Help? Ooops...DIE.


I don't know what to say. I'm really confused by this hair style. It seems to me that some one places a saucer on the top of his head and shaved all that is left. Sorry but it doesn't fit you, SEUNGRI.

Just an interesting fact I saw on the internet. I actually tried to solve the formula on Seungri's forehead before I bothered searching it on Google.

Seungri:N+3xRX. N is the fourteenth alphabet,R is eighteenth alphabet,X is twenty fourth alphabet。 14+3×18×24=1310,1+3+1+0=5=BIGB­ANG. 

GD:9Ae-7331 9Ae=915,915 7331=-6416,-6+4+1+­6=5=BIGBANG. 

Daesung:BNFz 03s4 b=2,N=14,F=6,z=26,s=19 (2+14+6+26)x(0+3+19+4)=15 1x5=5,5=BIGBANG



Seriously? ... Seriously? ... ??? WHERE AM I? No offense, but is he the monster they're talking about? Okay, to be fair, it's not the most ridiculous hairstyle I've seen in my whole life (nearly it is). Who did this kind of thing to him? I actually find his old hair ridiculous enough to start with.

So, I was really serious watching the music video for review, right? BUT EVERYTIME I TRY TO, I just can't concentrate with his hair making me kind of lose concentration and all that. Okay enough of the hair now... SERIOUSLY TAEYANG? Okay okay...That's all I have to say for this video.