Sunday 13 May 2012

Team Andi!

May 13, 2012 0
Team Andi!

Not because everybody's taking side about the issue. But because I really feel like she's the victim in the situation. I don't know her personally and there's no way I would know the whole story. But from what I know, and what they said, I therefore conclude that I'm TEAM ANDI. 

From the reports, it was said that Albie used to beat her up and all that.  Why would he do that? OMG! 

Andi might be wrong or whatever but she's a GIRL! And GIRLS shouldn't be beaten up WHATEVER HAPPENS. If all that had been said is true, I am questioning Albie's gentleman-ness. Like, big time. And Andi had been really crazy about him if she managed to stay in love or whatever. A little stupid actually. I mean, really? Really?

I watched her interview on The Buzz and she actually was very jolly when she answered questions that were quite sensitive. And I actually watched with my cousin that time. She was questioning Andi's sincerity and all that but I actually take that as a way to tell everyone that she made it through all that fvckery. Alive! (for reals)

Just now, I watched Rated K and actually saw her baby for the first time. Very cute little angel I must say. So yeah! Team Andi!

Payphone music video.

May 13, 2012 2
Payphone music video.
I have no idea what's the relevance of the video to the song. Well, except the fact that there is a pay phone of course. Well, the scene of the new Maroon 5 music video is that there's like a robbery thingy and the hot office girl and Adam Levine somehow managed to escape. The thing is when Adam Levine stole the gun from the gun man, he too is being a target of the cops. Is that a representation or something? Enlighten me please. One more thing is that the girl kind of disappeared and I don't know where she is really. But I'm sure that it was Adam who asked the girl to kind of be separated to him. MAYBE! The music video is a representation indeed. Like, getting out of a chaotic relationship together (holding hands) and managed to. But at the end of it, when there's like too much complications already (cops chasing them) they go separate ways. And the guy have to suffer more so it's just him that's being chased by the cops. Is that it? IDK. Maybe.

From experience, if the gun man asked you to get on the floor or something, do so! And for him to actually do otherwise is just questionable. I'm not sure whether the suspects will actually hurt him/them for actually following their instructions. I don't know.

But maybe it is indeed something deeper. And for that reason, I approve!

Friday 11 May 2012

Sweet tooth?

May 11, 2012 0
Sweet tooth?
My cousin and I are the biggest fan of sweets! Name it! LOL. So we kind of decided to make a desert out of Graham crackers. It's kind of a popular recipe. But for some reason, I feel like we're the first one (two) to kind of discover the real goodness of it. (WTH?)

FRESH MANGOES FTW! We actually kind of underestimated the fresh cream so we have to add another box and kind of transfer the mixture of shredded mangoes, fresh cream and condensed milk together in a new bowl as you can see.

Please take note that we are nowhere PRO. So please bear with us. *actually, we are.*

Quite a lot of layering happened. Like, 3-4? I could only guess.

No! This is not a nursery for seedlings or something. LOL. It's actually crushed Grahams that you're seeing right now.