SHIKIMIKIE: Travel Japan
Showing posts with label Travel Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel Japan. Show all posts

Monday 20 March 2017

Flowers and Blooms

March 20, 2017 2
Flowers and Blooms

There are two things in Japan that I am always looking forward to. Sakura and Illuminations. Earlier this month, I got a chance to see at least 10 Sakura trees in full bloom and I couldn't be more thankful. Of course it's nothing compared to Nakameguro, Ueno, and somewhere else (yet!) but it was so glorious! I actually remember last year, about February, it was for already showing some action so I guess that trees here in general bloom earlier than others.




Oh how I wish I had somebody take pictures but this will do, aye? I guess I'd be the photographer from now on. #duties!


happy me

hey there little one

Also, can I just mention that I rode my bike from my apartment to our house to this park. Man, somebody give me a medal or something. And l brought a lot of things with me so that added weight to my already heavy self. Also, Google Maps made me go thru this mountain high road and I was like, no! Before that road, I kind of knew the way from there but I was like, you kidding me, Google Maps? Am I wrong or something? So I followed Google Maps anyways because they seem like a very reliable company that I am anyways. The way I know is not as dramatic as this road they're leading me into. Story of my life in general. Anyways.



Gorgeous Colors



I got there and it was beautiful as expected. Childhood! I'm so glad that after 25 years, I'm still in love with this place. There were quite a lot of people for a Tuesday afternoon. Lots of kids in the playground. They also had an exhibit at the greenhouse that so happy I checked because it was so gorgeous!

Also, I noticed that the fountains were on and I was like, what? Are they doing fountains now? So being the nosey person I am, I asked the lady standing there and she was like, oh we're shooting a drama for NHK and I was like, can I go in? And she was like, it's okay! Just be careful when crossing the ramp. So yeah I went in and 2 handsome guy was about to cross the ramp for a scene and I guess they were surprised to see me and I was like, dedma! So yeah there's that. Ciao! 

Saturday 11 February 2017

Ebisu Illumination 2016

February 11, 2017 0
Ebisu Illumination 2016

It was quite a quick trip but I really enjoyed that time. I didn't know that I actually went on the last day of the illumination. Like, what? Talk about luck. It's very near work too so yay. It's not your typical walk in the park place though. It's Tokyo-ish. Busy. Crowded. Meh.

Chandelier! The bulbs represent how many years the chandelier is and I believe it's more or less 250. Don't take my word for it though.

This place is a short path that's quite irrelevant but lit up in blue anyways.

Not the Christmas Tree I'm referring to

Also missed the Christmas Tree! Meh. I will get back to it soon. If I remember. Also, am I the only sad person here because I didn't take a selfie? Mmmm. It's just not quite my blogging style if there's no selfie. Anyways. I'm starting to type non-sense. So bye!


Monday 28 November 2016

Taking Over Harajuku 11.7.16

November 28, 2016 0
Taking Over Harajuku 11.7.16

lips darker than my soul 

Harajuku. For some reason, it's growing on me. I remember just being neutral about it. I kind of like it now. Also, I don't really have much choice but to like it. This was when I had the job interview for my now part-time job in Harajuku. All went well obvi. 

Harajuku Life

Harajuku Street

The cute clock 

I made sure to go around since I don't have work that night. And I know that I would just come and go for work there so yeah I grabbed the chance to roam around. It's weird! I feel like myself again going to places. 


 Yup! Harajuku is all about fashion and crepes. I was hesitant to buy crepe because I was planning to have a proper lunch but since it's Harajuku, I just can't pass on the hype. 

Blueberry Cream Cheese

Seriously, why do I look like the world turned its back on me? Well maybe because it did. Kidding!! 

Fall's perfect color

going in Meiji Shrine

sake barrels 


wine barrels

During that time, they had this flower arrangement display going on. Quite interesting. 

I'm not actually big on going to places for prayers but that time, I really felt like going and so I did. This place is more of a tourist spot than a quiet place for prayers but I guess I was able to do my thing. 

Meiji Shrine

Selfie 2.0

Japanese Flag

I was still full during this time so I just had Takoyaki. My favorite food!!!!! If I haven't mentioned already. I should totally move to Kansai. All the things that I love. 

how it's done

I had fun! Also, glad I took time to explore a little bit. I probably wouldn't see Harajuku the same because of work but whatevs. Ciao!

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

June 07, 2016 1
Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

This place has always been a part of me growing up. We go here probably once a year or two to watch the dolphins and all that shizz. I'm glad to be able to come back. 

To be honest, I don't remember anything. Must have been different pushing baby strollers than just walking on your own. 

Sea Paradise is indeed a paradise. It has 4 aquariums and a decent amusement park. I like it. Subtle.   



As much as I also like the idea of releasing them to their natural habitat, I can't complain because they all look so well fed. So keep it up.

Sea Lions

Beluga Whales


Way way back ago when we used to go to these shows, I once dreamed of becoming a trainer. I still want to become one. 

With Brybry 

Dolphin Fantasy

Just hangin' out with mah hommies.

Kare Rice 


Cute dolphin that's always ready for the camera. The dolphin is wounded though so maybe that's why he's in a different quadrant. 

Choo choo

I think this was our first ride besides the train. I also had headache after. The kids that we rode with were just playing and riding over and over again. 

Favorite ride ever. I miss this already. I think I read it somewhere that this is the longest rollercoaster? Fastest? Can't recall which.

I'm a sucker for sunsets and that time, I got to watch one. It was beautiful. 

Anchor ride

The place was so not crowded even it's a Holiday so we were able to ride then and there. Awesome isn't it?

Peter Pan's ride

I remember being terrified of this ride as a kid. I didn't really ride before but I had this notion that this is a scary ride so glad to be able to break past that. 

The Tower

Can I just say that this concept should be a thing. Everyone sits and the thing goes up, and you appreciate the view. Most of the time, it's you queuing, and walking, and make your way thru by-standers so you can't really see the view all that much. Hear this please. 

View from the Top

View from the Top


Night View

It was a nice trip back to my childhood. I'd be glad to come back again with my sisters for they might not remember a thing about this. Ciao!