Showing posts with label OJT Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OJT Blog. Show all posts

Sunday 27 September 2015

KATE TOKYO Cosmetics haul

September 27, 2015 1
KATE TOKYO Cosmetics haul

These are my recent beauty finds. First of all, they are affordable as it is, but what sold me these was the 20% off at the counter deal. 

BB Cream! 

What I liked about this brand is that they have a wider select of colors than what I am used to. I think they have 5 colors to choose from and I got OC-B which is like the second to the lightest color from the range. To be honest, the middle color matches me better but I remember that I used to have foundations oxidize on my skin so I was like, a tad lighter won't hurt. Still matches.  

I don't usually buy/use foundation but bought this just in case I actually have to use one.  

Also bought concealer because I thought that if I would wear foundation, might as well do a full coverage routine. Is that bad? Haha anyways, I didn't bought the finishing powder because I believe that the powder I have would be able to do the same thing. Also, too much. That's all! 

Sunday 13 September 2015

My MTLEX Drama 2013

September 13, 2015 0
My MTLEX Drama 2013

It's so crazy that it's been over 2 years since I passed the MTLEX. People after us are hella lucky because you guys were given an extra week or two to cram for the exam. My batch took it at the last day of August, imagine! Anyways, I honestly don't remember much. I remember though that I had an upset stomach coming in the examination room. Like, we were actually advised to bring Loperamide, did that, took it, but still. I guess it has something to do with me being nervous and all that. I guess I was a little bit too nervous to be honest. But guess what? Whatever time you're reading this, at some point, you're gonna make it. 

Picture above is a shot from my Victory Party. My cousin and my high school friends which I was always making kulit to pray for me to pass. Anyways, point of this blog post is to tell all the examiners that it's gonna be alright. You'll doubt yourself after the exams, yes, but you know, shake it all off. And believe me when I say this, there's nothing you can do about it now. Kahit mag recall ka pa ng sangkatutak, hindi na mapapalitan yung mga nasagot mo na sa exam kaya don't stress! Chill! Don't make it too hard for youself, you know. 4 days nalang sana RMT nadin kayo so wait lang. FYI I actually didn't expect to pass but I did pass so maybe that's gonna be your luck as well. If not, I guess you can try again. And do better! 

Claim the victory they say. If you fail, don't be too heartbroken, 2 more tries. Don't rush! Take it all in. Review harder. Practice what you preach! But if all else fails, you know, I believe that somehow it's true what they say that if it's not for you, then you just have to let it go. You move on from there. That's all!  

Saturday 22 August 2015

One Night Stand

August 22, 2015 0
One Night Stand

You ever felt like going to a place to sort of try to reminisce and stuff? That's what I tried to do not so long ago. And it was so peaceful. I'm glad. 

went to Minato Mirai. Of all the places, my favorite place to hang out gave me sort of a bad memory to remember. Not whilst I was there though because for all I know, it was magical while it lasts. Anyways. I kind of went there to let it go. Yeah, the song. And you know, as much as I wanted to be angry and all that, I felt very calm. 

I mean, do I still want to hang out in there, of course yes. Will I remember things, yes. Will it still matter? Meh. Not for long. 

It was so beautiful that night. I was just mesmerized by the lights and everything. Always. Whenever I feel alone, I'd go here alone and it won't matter anymore. Ano daw? Hahaha 

This place is close to Chinatown and somehow, this boat reminds me of a Chinese lantern. 

Anyways, eyeliner on flick. Hahaha in fairness it didn't come from me. Sabi ng baby sister ko yun. I guess I'm getting better at it after all this time that I've been trying/failing and convincing myself that I don't need it naman. 

Beautiful. Oh my and for some reason, even before, I noticed that the Gondola is always green. Like, of course I don't stare at it, right? But when I turn to look at it, it's always green. Why though?

Also, it was windy. Irrelevant. 

I always wanted to ride these but you know, when I go out, I'm always like alone so maybe when the time comes, I'll get myself to ride alone. But for know, the idea of it kind of gets me off. 


Whenever I come to this place, I remember my sisters. Hello sisters! :) Wish you two were here. 

It's always Christmas here. 

After I walked and stuff, I felt hungry and I heard before that there's a good ramen place inside the World Portal. I actually didn't see a lot of ramen place in there so I guessed this is it. But you know, so-so. 

I'm really clueless in operating my camera at night so what I do is that I turn it to sports mode and then take several photos and then I choose. My life. This one is good. 

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."

Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Can't wait to go back! 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

100 Yen Shop Face Mask

August 18, 2015 0
100 Yen Shop Face Mask

I can't explain how much I like this product. For its price, it does something. I've known this product for quite a while now because my auntie sent me this once when I was still based in the Philippines. I actually forgot what my relationship with this product was. Gotta check out my old blog I guess ;) 

It has charcoal so I'm guessing it can purify my skin or something like that. For a hundred yen, I'm not really after that purifying stuff anymore. The fact that it can effectively remove whiteheads is more than enough. Because you know, there are 500 yen products that doesn't even work, I mean, come on. Also, it's not like, one use and bam! You can actually use it for like 4-5 times depending on how big your face is. Ouch. Really though. 

I don't know about the pores but it made my face smooth and soft after peeling so yay! Win-win. If you can, I recomment you get this product and try for yourself. Ciao! 

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Visiting an Eye Clinic in Japan

July 07, 2015 0
Visiting an Eye Clinic in Japan

Remember when I told you about how my eyes are failing me, I can't take it anymore. I went with a friend because you know, Japanese is hard so we went as a team. Hahaha nah she also wanted her eyes checked. But also that!

Check-up machines

We went to a small eye clinic very near our place. Surprisingly, we were the only youngsters there contrary to the popular belief that almost all the young people in Japan wear glasses. People were even looking at us weirdly. Like, what's up? Or they were looking maybe because we were noisy kind of. Anyways the check-up was quick. Just a 4-step process. 

First, they asked me to look at the parachute thing that goes in and out of focus. 

Second, they just somehow pumped the eyes with air.

Third, they asked for me to read the charts.

Then lastly, in a dark room, the doctor examined the eyes with his blue penlight or something, I don't really know. 

Us girls! :) Anyways, my eyes are actually worse than I think. It's horrible. Can't even read the third line of the chart properly. Like, whut? I was then prescribed glasses. But I was like, can I get contacts instead? The doctor considered it for a while, then thought of giving me dailies. Then he was like, better give you the 2 weeks one churva ekek. So then I got prescribed that. What I have now is actually a pair of weaker grade contacts because I don't know, I think they would still have to customize the grade or something. 

Anyways, I will be back there next week to collect the contacts and that's good for I think 3 months time so yay! That visit was actually very cheap! As for me, it was just around 1500 yen inclusive of check-up, a pair of contacts, and the solution (with case). My friend spent more than 2000 yen though. I don't know how they calculated hers but she didn't have anything with that but check-up. Maybe because of the fact that I would somehow be a regular for getting contacts there every 3 months or whatever. 

Saturday 13 June 2015

Tropical Pockys

June 13, 2015 0
Tropical Pockys

I have seen these lately and even though I don't like the flavors, I thought I'd give it a try. It's Pocky so I mean, what could go wrong, right? 

The coconut is okay. I don't know if it's just me but I don't really like dessicated coconut on anything. Give me fresh, fine. You know what I mean? The coconut flavor is so subtle to the point that I don't really mind it. So yeah. I enjoyed this pack. 

The citrus thing though I have a little bit of problem with. It reminds me of a very cheap childhood snack. The Lemon flavored Rebisco Crackers. I'm not saying that it's a bad snack! It's actually alright. But when I think about it, why would I buy something probably 5 times more expensive than something that tastes just the same? Get it? It tastes cheap, that's what I'm getting into. 

Anyways, these are products that I was like, if you never try, you never know. Now I know! :)

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Life Updates! :) But mostly Food.

June 02, 2015 1
Life Updates! :) But mostly Food.

The sun is bright and up. And hot if I may add. Weather in Japan right now is very offensive. Like, it feels so hot! It's very nasty. It can get hotter because it's not even summer-summer yet but it feels like it. 

I know it's hotter in the Philippines but for some reason, I feel like summer in the Philippines is more tolerable than it is here. Is it just me? 

Bought this waffer thing because I've seen it in BuzzFeed's Americans try Dutch Snacks. Fancy. It's actually quite good. It sells for under 100 yen here and I thought it was cheap but thinking about it, for a piece, it's quite expensive. 

Bought this cake because I thought it was cheesecake but it actually wasn't. It was good though! 

Been obsessed with this steak lately. I've seriously had 6 meals of this last week. Good stuff!  Nothing too complicated because I bought it seasoned and all I need to do is to fry them. Life! 

The night sky! For some reason, it looks fab. If I were not late the night after this, I would have been able to take a photo of the night sky that night. It was so gorgeous. But this one is okay. 

I saw this one in Hikakin TV's YouTube video and so I thought I'd try. It was delicious! I'm not actually a fan of the original one because you know, I can buy any brand and would think it's the same or maybe it's just me. This one though, Berry delicious! :) 

This I tried because I saw Seikin TV fry it or something. I don't know how I feel about it though. It's good for a change but I mean, it's instant so I don't think we could consider this as a healthy alternative or something. It has a very strong flavor and that alone makes me actually doubt whether I like this or not. It's not like it's a bad thing though. 

Also, I've been craving this Dango so I bought some. Happiness. 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Visiting Kanuma Park

May 26, 2015 1
Visiting Kanuma Park

I don't know why horse shoes because I didn't see horses but anyways. 

As usual, I went because I don't have anything to do. I seriously want to thank Google Maps for all these adventures of mine. It comes in handy. 

Lovers. Like, really inseparable. I stayed in the park for about 2 hours and they stayed as is. Like swimming behind those screens and not going anywhere. I wonder what's up? 

 Hooray for glasses! My eyes are failing me, kind of. Well it's probably me failing my eyes but anyways, I seriously need to keep wearing glasses.  

Kanuma is a small park where you can probably jog around and like, watch swans, geese, turtles, and fishes swim all day. There's also a biking route and a small playground for kids. 

You go, turtle! 

For some reason, they look pretty scary to me. 

There's a goose there that's very mean and would fight with this other goose when it's around him and then the other goose would just fly away and would come again after and then repeat. Made me laugh. 

Mr. Turtle swimming slow

The swan lake. 

The jogging track I guess? 

There's like a small rest place above. I didn't go because there were students practicing their dance so yeah, I kind of avoided that place. 


Taking a short rest. 

Although illegal, I caught some people feeding these folks with dog treats and bread. Well is that bad for them? I don't think so. Anyways, that goose you are seeing above is the gangster goose I am talking about. Haha maybe the swan is in a Princess Protection Program or something.

Cutie patootie babies. 

How adorable!! :) 

It's that time of the year, I guess. 

It was a nice mini-trip. I mean, it was quite relaxing to see trees, nature, and stuff. Would definitely go somewhere else like this. Ciao!