Life Updates! :) But mostly Food. - SHIKIMIKIE

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Life Updates! :) But mostly Food.

The sun is bright and up. And hot if I may add. Weather in Japan right now is very offensive. Like, it feels so hot! It's very nasty. It can get hotter because it's not even summer-summer yet but it feels like it. 

I know it's hotter in the Philippines but for some reason, I feel like summer in the Philippines is more tolerable than it is here. Is it just me? 

Bought this waffer thing because I've seen it in BuzzFeed's Americans try Dutch Snacks. Fancy. It's actually quite good. It sells for under 100 yen here and I thought it was cheap but thinking about it, for a piece, it's quite expensive. 

Bought this cake because I thought it was cheesecake but it actually wasn't. It was good though! 

Been obsessed with this steak lately. I've seriously had 6 meals of this last week. Good stuff!  Nothing too complicated because I bought it seasoned and all I need to do is to fry them. Life! 

The night sky! For some reason, it looks fab. If I were not late the night after this, I would have been able to take a photo of the night sky that night. It was so gorgeous. But this one is okay. 

I saw this one in Hikakin TV's YouTube video and so I thought I'd try. It was delicious! I'm not actually a fan of the original one because you know, I can buy any brand and would think it's the same or maybe it's just me. This one though, Berry delicious! :) 

This I tried because I saw Seikin TV fry it or something. I don't know how I feel about it though. It's good for a change but I mean, it's instant so I don't think we could consider this as a healthy alternative or something. It has a very strong flavor and that alone makes me actually doubt whether I like this or not. It's not like it's a bad thing though. 

Also, I've been craving this Dango so I bought some. Happiness. 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post dear!
