One Night Stand - SHIKIMIKIE

Saturday 22 August 2015

One Night Stand

You ever felt like going to a place to sort of try to reminisce and stuff? That's what I tried to do not so long ago. And it was so peaceful. I'm glad. 

went to Minato Mirai. Of all the places, my favorite place to hang out gave me sort of a bad memory to remember. Not whilst I was there though because for all I know, it was magical while it lasts. Anyways. I kind of went there to let it go. Yeah, the song. And you know, as much as I wanted to be angry and all that, I felt very calm. 

I mean, do I still want to hang out in there, of course yes. Will I remember things, yes. Will it still matter? Meh. Not for long. 

It was so beautiful that night. I was just mesmerized by the lights and everything. Always. Whenever I feel alone, I'd go here alone and it won't matter anymore. Ano daw? Hahaha 

This place is close to Chinatown and somehow, this boat reminds me of a Chinese lantern. 

Anyways, eyeliner on flick. Hahaha in fairness it didn't come from me. Sabi ng baby sister ko yun. I guess I'm getting better at it after all this time that I've been trying/failing and convincing myself that I don't need it naman. 

Beautiful. Oh my and for some reason, even before, I noticed that the Gondola is always green. Like, of course I don't stare at it, right? But when I turn to look at it, it's always green. Why though?

Also, it was windy. Irrelevant. 

I always wanted to ride these but you know, when I go out, I'm always like alone so maybe when the time comes, I'll get myself to ride alone. But for know, the idea of it kind of gets me off. 


Whenever I come to this place, I remember my sisters. Hello sisters! :) Wish you two were here. 

It's always Christmas here. 

After I walked and stuff, I felt hungry and I heard before that there's a good ramen place inside the World Portal. I actually didn't see a lot of ramen place in there so I guessed this is it. But you know, so-so. 

I'm really clueless in operating my camera at night so what I do is that I turn it to sports mode and then take several photos and then I choose. My life. This one is good. 

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."

Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Can't wait to go back! 

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