Thursday 1 December 2016

First Snow in 54 Years

December 01, 2016 0
First Snow in 54 Years

Snow Selfie

The first November snow in 54 years. It happened November 24th this year. Like, wait, calm down Snow Fairies. 

Although anticipated, I didn't think it would snow full blast. I kind of thought it was just gonna rain like it does most of the time when my weather app tells me it's gonna snow. 

Sagamihara Station

Murphy's Law

Like seriously though. When I bring my bike to the station, something would come up. Like, the other day, there was an accident at my station and we stopped one station before mine and on normal circumstances, it's okay because I kind of live in between stations so I can just walk from there but since I have my bike parked at Sagamihara, it's a bit of trouble walking from there to the station and back to my home. I was worried. Thank goodness problems were resolved shortly. So yeah other times it would rain and stuff and yeah last time, snow. 


Finding Earphones

Here's the story. I was looking for my earphones because I'm positive I dropped it somewhere but couldn't find it how hard I try. Bad luck!!!! It's like 3 weeks old palang. Sayang. Anyways, I try not to think about it. But still! 3450 yen is no joke. Meh. 

Look of Despair

Anyways, yeah that was it. 54 years in the making. It was actually an amazing experience minus the earphones of course. I didn't experience snow last year so I feel like it's a greeting of some sort. Ciao!

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Proper Fall Post of 2016

November 29, 2016 0
Proper Fall Post of 2016

Fall 2016

This is gonna be more of a picture post because you know, don't really have anything to say except I like fall!!!

gorgeous color 

One thing I consistently hate about fall is the rain though. Not cute! 

Fall reminds me how beautiful it is to let go. Let go of the memories of the year and to start again. Or you know, if it's worth remembering, there's always The Pensieve to store them. 

I didn't go to many places to see the trees, autumn leaves and all that. Although I really wish I did. I know how annoying it can be that I really say that all the time and I know this is lame excuse but I will try harder next year. 

hang on there sunshine

So there's that. We're almost ready for winter aren't we? I guess Illumination posts are coming up! Well, hopefully. LOL. Ciao!

Monday 28 November 2016

Taking Over Harajuku 11.7.16

November 28, 2016 0
Taking Over Harajuku 11.7.16

lips darker than my soul 

Harajuku. For some reason, it's growing on me. I remember just being neutral about it. I kind of like it now. Also, I don't really have much choice but to like it. This was when I had the job interview for my now part-time job in Harajuku. All went well obvi. 

Harajuku Life

Harajuku Street

The cute clock 

I made sure to go around since I don't have work that night. And I know that I would just come and go for work there so yeah I grabbed the chance to roam around. It's weird! I feel like myself again going to places. 


 Yup! Harajuku is all about fashion and crepes. I was hesitant to buy crepe because I was planning to have a proper lunch but since it's Harajuku, I just can't pass on the hype. 

Blueberry Cream Cheese

Seriously, why do I look like the world turned its back on me? Well maybe because it did. Kidding!! 

Fall's perfect color

going in Meiji Shrine

sake barrels 


wine barrels

During that time, they had this flower arrangement display going on. Quite interesting. 

I'm not actually big on going to places for prayers but that time, I really felt like going and so I did. This place is more of a tourist spot than a quiet place for prayers but I guess I was able to do my thing. 

Meiji Shrine

Selfie 2.0

Japanese Flag

I was still full during this time so I just had Takoyaki. My favorite food!!!!! If I haven't mentioned already. I should totally move to Kansai. All the things that I love. 

how it's done

I had fun! Also, glad I took time to explore a little bit. I probably wouldn't see Harajuku the same because of work but whatevs. Ciao!