Sunday 5 May 2013

Here's to Never Growing Up

May 05, 2013 2
Here's to Never Growing Up
It's Children's Day in Japan today and to commemorate that, I just want to show you guys the toys I played growing up. These are the toys I used to play every day when I was still a child. I'm just thankful that I still have them now because they bring such good memories. Or not. But anyways.

Lovely lovely toys. Okay so in The Philippines, about 7 years ago, we actually had our house renovated and we had to transfer to a nearby apartment because we can't stay in our house while it's being renovated, yeah? Duh, Mikie! :D 

Anyways before we transferred to that apartment, we had to dispose of things we don't need anymore and some of it were given to our other relatives and other people as well because the apartment is kind of smaller than the house so yeah my mom asked me the most important and difficult question to me back then. "WHAT WILL WE DO WITH YOUR TOYS?" I think I was already in second year high school that time so just imagine! I then asked her to do whatever she wants with my other toys but I told her I might select a few for me to keep. And she was like, "HINDI KA NA BATA." Whatever. But what can she do? Just kidding! :) So that happened. I can't remember exactly if these are all that I selected back then but these are what I still have right now. Let's have a closer look!

This is probably the biggest toy I own. I got this when I was still 5, I believe. Which is like confusing because mom sent this to the Philippines from Japan but then I think I was in the Philippines just for vacation that time so I wasn't really able to play with it that long so yeah. And it's just too big to play with so its purpose was to be a display at the top of my auntie's cabinet. Which is by the way still not in The Philippines up to this time so why does she have a cabinet again? Mysteries of life.

And this is Baby Olga. For some reason, I don't really name my toys so whatever their name is when I got them, that's gonna be their name. I remember asking my mom to buy me this and I believe I got this one for my birthday or something so yeah. This one actually feeds on her bottle and her cherry can but I don't really know where that devices went so yeah. Her eyes reminds me of grav3yardgirl. Scary but gorgeous!

Can we just stop for a while and appreciate this doll's beauty? If you know Little Princess, yeah! This is like why I love this doll. She's just so priceless. I can't even.

Me likey! :) Look at those lashes, girl! Oh and it blinks too. You know what I'm talking about. 

Now this is serious stuff right here. This is LICCA. My favorite toy ever. And yes, she's LICCA, not Barbie. This one too is from Japan and this was sent by mom together with another LICCA which I gave to my cousin but she lost it na so whatevs. This is actually not the dress she came with but it was like school uniform-ish so I changed it to a wedding dress and after a while, I was like, you're too young to get married, girl! So I changed it to this pink dress.

I used to have more than I think 5 Barbie's but I keep coming back to this because what I actually like about Licca is that she looks classy, not slutty. I'm just saying. Anyways, Happy Children's Day. I wish I could still ask for cakes from neighbors but nah. Have a good day! :)

Saturday 4 May 2013

Life Crisis. Sort of.

May 04, 2013 0
Life Crisis. Sort of.

Awhile ago, while watching a morning show, they discussed something that I think I really needed. Basically, it's about being young and doing all the things that you can do while you're still young. But of course those are elites so it's really a different story. But anyways, it's somehow the same story. Whut?
The girls there are already in their mid twenties and early thirties and even though they have already traveled to many places, they still have a lot of places in mind that they want to go to. And one of them said that while she's young, she want to go sky diving, and stuff like that and then the host said that she don't want to sky dive because she's thinking of the welfare of her kids and all that mental stuff which is probably hard to avoid thinking so I say maybe it's really ideal for people to have fun while they still don't have to think of stuff like that. That is not of course to say that people with kids can't have fun. You could totally do that. I'm just saying that there are some people that kind of thinks of other people's welfare such as their offspring or any family members and somehow that stops them from having fun. Or things that they could have done without those thoughts they have in mind. Except my mom though. She's not afraid for us. Na-ah! She's afraid for herself so whatever.
Another thing they talked about was how do they see themselves 9 years from now and one of them answered that when she was 20 or 21 (my age) she had a vision board and envisioned herself to be like this and that and now that she's 26, she can't seem to see a clear vision of where she's going from there. And the older lady told her that planning your life when you're just in your 20's is not the best way to do because you're still young and you should just enjoy the things that are happening as of the moment and that made me think a little bit because lately, I'm feeling kind of lost and I'm in that stage where I don't know exactly what I'm doing or where I'm going. Some of my batch mates are just waiting for the opening of the school year because they already applied for MED SCHOOL and some are in REVIEW CENTERS preparing for the board examination but there are some who are like me that are still trying to figure things out but anyways. Hearing from them makes me feel good. I know I shouldn't just let things be as they are though. I know I have to do something to make something work for me and stuff but whenever I try to do that, I tend to breakdown a little bit. Not breakdown as in breakdown but something like that. It's just that, things are a little complicated to comprehend. Oh well. I will be attending a review center in a month so maybe I would be able to divert my attention from my over thinking sessions to that. I got this. Hopefully.

Anyways, just some update from my not so interesting life, I still haven't got my diploma which sucks because some of my batch mates already got theirs and some of those who got theirs already live nearby so what up? Also, my Candy Crush is just so devastating because I can't move on and I'm stuck at Level 65 for I don't know! 2 weeks? Life. I hope you guys are well though. 

Friday 3 May 2013

Random is the Name of the Game

May 03, 2013 2
Random is the Name of the Game
I just want to share with you 5 random things about me. I was actually supposed to name it 'facts' instead of 'things' but fact is just a strong word. I think this would be a good reference 1 or 2 years from now because circumstances change. Who knows?

As of the moment,

1. Miranda Kerr is my all time favorite Victoria Secret's Angel. I don't know but we can't deny that she's way too angelic and charming.

2. As much as they look good on photos, I don't really find candy sprinkled anything appetizing. It freaks me out actually. It's probably just my teeth but I feel like there's too much friction happening inside my mouth whenever I would eat candy or choco sprinkles. Definitely not for me. And unless they're melted, I don't like chocolate chips/kisses as well.

3. Green tea flavored anything is my favorite flavor. Name it! I generally don't like it when people use #FOODPORN on their Instagram pictures but this is just the perfect picture to hash tag that.

4. I used to be obsessed with korean bands and shows but now, not as much. In line with that, I've been listening to The Script way too much.

5. I watched all Pirates of the Caribbean and I even watched some of it twice or something but I can't remember any significant story that happened in any of the movies. Oh well.

So that's it guys. I hope there's nothing I said above that you know already and I hope you guys know me a little bit better now. :)  By the way I got all these pictures from We Heart It and I'm pretty sure they got these from Tumblr which they got  from somewhere as well so yeah credit where credit's due! :)