Tuesday 12 February 2013

Weird Dream.

February 12, 2013 0
Weird Dream.
I don't know why but sometimes my dreams are really weird. Let alone this one. Can I just share before I forget the details? Yup. Hahaha

So what happened was we are going somewhere. And in order to go to that place, we have to ride a train. Now we are wondering why all the trains are like, skipping and all that so my classmates decided to walk a little to the "higher ground" because one train that skipped our station actually stopped to get passengers there. The way was not normal. Like, so so dirty and muddy and all that shizz. The mud is even neck deep so we were crossing that and stepping on train rails. And when we reached the station, the guys there told us that we aren't allowed there. They were holding long sharp woods and they attacked my classmates. And then I was telling my friend to play dead so we won't be attacked but they did shot him from his head down. And I was like WTF-ing already. And shoot! They attacked me. My leg. The saddest thing is I felt the pain. And then that happened. The next thing is that this friend who was attacked in the head was thinking of an escape. So we did.

After some time, I was alone in the escape. A lot of running and jumping, and hiding. Guess who's running after me? TIMOTHY DELAGHETTO! And I was really afraid as eff. What happened was I ended up in some sort of a carnival and there were rides and even though I hid inside the ride, as in not showing myself, he would still be waiting at the exit to find me. And I remember there's this water ride which I rode with a couple. I believe I asked them to hide me and all that. And then I thought I escaped already but not really. It was actually a 2-turn ride and the first one went okay but the second one, thinking nobody would see me when I'm on top, a camera flashed. You know that camera the rides have in real life, yeah? That thing. And I was like, I'm dead.

So I run for my life and all that and then I don't know what happened or this is probably a filler because I was all of a sudden in a parking lot with Sponge Cola. Okay not really relevant. And then they were having a concert pala somewhere. Okay next.

Then this is like the resolution. One of our staff in the hospital appeared in my dream and he suggested I change my get-up. I was actually wearing my CPH uniform that time. Blue polo shirt, maong pants, and rubber shoes. I know it's him but I disn't really talk to me. It was my cousin and friend that he talked to. Which is funny because they were with me not in the train scenario but like, the parking and concert lang.

So that happened. I remember getting things randomly. A bag, shoes, stuff, and WIG! A white one.
Okay. I should probably study now. I obviously slept way too much.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Long Day!

February 09, 2013 0
Long Day!
And I guess it's gonna be like this for a while. No regrets though. I mean, it's not gonna be for long so I have to sacrifice a little bit.

So we did our second trial of thesis at the University of the Philippines Manila for about two hours and then we decided to go to Robinson's Place Manila to kind of kill time. I was actually from night duty and our call time was at 11 so I barely had sleep but still! I was kind of hyper and all that. I also asked my cousin to go with me since we're understaffed so I really appreciated the fact that she came to help.

We saw a tea shop that is relatively new to us. We were actually supposed to go to Serenitea but I asked them to try this so we would have an idea of what's going on or whatsoever.
My friend and I ordered this thing on the poster because my friend asked what's the most delicious tea and the guy there asked us to try their best seller and just because we don't really know, we were sold. But my cousin ordered the Chocolate something Milk Tea. Which is surprisingly good. Ours was okay but not really that promising. Oh well. But it's still good. Large tea in this store usually costs 100 pesos so, not bad. Sakto lang.

And then we decided to eat at Hainanese's Delight which I was so curious about because I would always pass by their place and stuff so yeah.

Took this picture because the heart cut outs are so adorbs. I like it.

We of course ordered their best seller because you know, that's what people do in a situation like this. The chicken was good but the rice is better. They actually refill rice for free! How awesome is that? Gluttony!! The chicken meal costs 130 pesos and the iced tea costs 40 pesos which I thought is a little bit pricey for an iced tea. But oh well. So that happened. We actually had more than 4 cups each because the thing is they're using that small ice cream scooper as an alternative so we asked for two servings na agad agad.

Then we saw this and I thought I'm gonna share this with you. I am partly Chinese but I don't really believe this kind of stuff because you know, how can we all have the same luck? That's just kind of bizarre. But like what I've said before, it's good to be guided and all that so that it'd be easier for us to track the right path! And also, since the predictions are kind of relevant and possible, I actually think that this is kind of legit and all that. But not really. You know, I wouldn't waste my time believing this is if I happened to have a bad year coming or whatever. I'd be like, Chinese horoscope your face! No offense. Really though. At the end of the day, we believe the things we want to believe. And I approve of my Chinese Sign this Lunar New Year. I'm sorry I didn't take photo of the rest because you know, you know.

I have to better my life. Yup.

That's all! :) Happy Chinese or Lunar or whatever New Year to those who are celebrating it. Yehey! :)

Long Day!

February 09, 2013 1
Long Day!
And I guess it's gonna be like this for a while. No regrets though. I mean, it's not gonna be for long so I have to sacrifice a little bit.

So we did our second trial of thesis at the University of the Philippines Manila for about two hours and then we decided to go to Robinson's Place Manila to kind of kill time. I was actually from night duty and our call time was at 11 so I barely had sleep but still! I was kind of hyper and all that. I also asked my cousin to go with me since we're understaffed so I really appreciated the fact that she came to help.

We saw a tea shop that is relatively new to us. We were actually supposed to go to Serenitea but I asked them to try this so we would have an idea of what's going on or whatsoever.
My friend and I ordered this thing on the poster because my friend asked what's the most delicious tea and the guy there asked us to try their best seller and just because we don't really know, we were sold. But my cousin ordered the Chocolate something Milk Tea. Which is surprisingly good. Ours was okay but not really that promising. Oh well. But it's still good. Large tea in this store usually costs 100 pesos so, not bad. Sakto lang.

And then we decided to eat at Hainanese's Delight which I was so curious about because I would always pass by their place and stuff so yeah.

Took this picture because the heart cut outs are so adorbs. I like it.

We of course ordered their best seller because you know, that's what people do in a situation like this. The chicken was good but the rice is better. They actually refill rice for free! How awesome is that? Gluttony!! The chicken meal costs 130 pesos and the iced tea costs 40 pesos which I thought is a little bit pricey for an iced tea. But oh well. So that happened. We actually had more than 4 cups each because the thing is they're using that small ice cream scooper as an alternative so we asked for two servings na agad agad.

Then we saw this and I thought I'm gonna share this with you. I am partly Chinese but I don't really believe this kind of stuff because you know, how can we all have the same luck? That's just kind of bizarre. But like what I've said before, it's good to be guided and all that so that it'd be easier for us to track the right path! And also, since the predictions are kind of relevant and possible, I actually think that this is kind of legit and all that. But not really. You know, I wouldn't waste my time believing this is if I happened to have a bad year coming or whatever. I'd be like, Chinese horoscope your face! No offense. Really though. At the end of the day, we believe the things we want to believe. And I approve of my Chinese Sign this Lunar New Year. I'm sorry I didn't take photo of the rest because you know, you know.

I have to better my life. Yup.

That's all! :) Happy Chinese or Lunar or whatever New Year to those who are celebrating it. Yehey! :)