Wednesday 24 October 2012

Watch IT!

October 24, 2012 0
Watch IT!

Hey everyone! This is the video I made. And was talking about. I really had fun doing and waiting for it to be done so that I would be able to show to everyone and yeah. SUCCESS! It's been a long time coming. Or not. LOL. We were just talking about it yesterday but whatever. Have fun watching. Or not. Whatever. LOL.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Nailed It. Halloween Edition.

October 23, 2012 0
Nailed It. Halloween Edition.
I painted my nails today! FINALLY. After like, six months of rest, I was finally able to do it again. I think my skill level went down a little bit though. Too bad. LOL. Oh well. Things happen.

My left hand. So. I just used orange as my base. I actually intended to make it a base for that pumpkin effect thingy. But then it turned out that the orange I used is kind of much brighter than what I expected it to be. Oh well. But then it's all the same. It doesn't really matter. LOL.

And the violet tip on my middle finger is just a representation of fall. Ok.

Excuse the excess if you may. Haha

My right hand is a little bit more complicated to explain. LOL. But whatever.

So there you have it! Halloween Nails! LOL. NOT.

Here are the stuff I've used. And sorry for the date. Really.

Monday 22 October 2012

Favorite Eiffel Looks.

October 22, 2012 0
Favorite Eiffel Looks.
So recently, I've reached 1000 pictures of Eiffel Tower. I don't know why I did it but I did it anyways. I actually made a picture/video presentation of it and yeah, it's just nice to look at it.

If you're interested in watching, gotta post a link to it soon.

Just to kind of summarize it all. Here are my top 5 looks of the Eiffel Tower that I did with my daily obsession of looking at it and saving it to my phone.

For some reason, I get really really excited when there are changes or stuff on how the clouds are formed. I mean, I don't know. Is it just me or what? Oh the little things in this life. 

I don't know but for some reason, I am really fascinated by colors. Like, I love how the colors are put up in this one. Someone amazing is really behind every elements of this earth. And the world. In that case. Just saying. And generally, I have a thing for sunsets. 

I love how visible the moon and the stars are in this one. Say what to not much pollution. Oh well. This picture really says something about the rest of the world. 

This is just so magical of an event that happens everyday. Oh how I wish to live in Paris.

I love the vibes! Like, will never go amiss. This is just so fantastic. I can't even. There's so much feels! LOL. How can people in Paris sleep? I would probably do Eiffel Tower watch all day long and stuff.  Have a nice day! All of you.