Friday 28 September 2012

LOST. A Look Back.

September 28, 2012 0
LOST. A Look Back.

Can I just share a childhood story? I mean, this sort of thing is not something I can easily forget. Well, it actually happened 16 years ago and I still remember what happened to me. The picture above is not exactly the point of the story but it's kind of the same thing. You'll know why. So...

Sixteen years ago, when my dad, mom, and I were shopping for things. Well, it's kind of a marketplace so I'm not so positive if you can actually call that shopping. But anyways. What happened was they left me in front of a pharmacy and there's actually a kiddie ride outside and so they entered the pharmacy, right? I was left playing and riding that kiddie ride outside for a while and my mom actually said that I should stay there and they'll be back to get me. 

After a while, I got bored and got worried. Probably got scared too. I tried to remember the path we crossed to get to that market and luckily, I remembered it. I specifically remembered that we passed by a GREEN PAYPHONE and dad parked our car nearby. It was kind of a long walk from the pharmacy to the car but then again, I was so thankful. 

So I finally found our car and I remember I went up to its roof and tried to look for its key by looking down from the sunroof (silly of me). I was crying. I actually went up the roof to actually be visible to my parents' eyes. Like, I was pretty short that time so whatever. 

So just because I was crying, the lady in front of where our car was parked opened the window and asked why I was crying. And another WTF moment of my life happened. I told my story and asked her if she have the KEY TO OUR CAR. LOL. WTF was I thinking that time? 

And then luckily, mom and dad were able to find me and they said that they were about to find me using the car and stuff. I think I got scolded that time too. Or not? So yeah. :))

Thursday 27 September 2012

Be Prepared.

September 27, 2012 0
Be Prepared.

Being prepared is like the best weapon ever. Like, if we're prepared, we just let things happen without being scared. It's like expecting the unexpected and actually having a battle plan. I think.

May it be on an emergency situation or by the weather and stuff. If we have all the things we need, then we'll get thru it. And this is not even a post to campaign panic buying and all the shit we might be needing in the future and stuff. But it's always nice to have a plan. Before it's too late. Sort of.

If we wish for so many things in life, and they happened altogether, what would we choose first? It's kind of tricky because we may or may not be able to pour our time and enjoy those things. Like if we have to choose just one, how would we stand for the other wishes? I'm not saying that it's bad to wish for everything but let's all be practical and choose wisely. If that's not too much to ask. If none happened, then we may or may not feel bad because we wished for so many things and yet none happened.

So yeah some people have it all because they've worked hard for what they have. I'm not even talking about those who are born with such rich families but those who actually made it happen. In my opinion, they worked hard and they deserve their wealth and stuff like that. And those who still didn't get the reward they deserve, I hope we'll continue to be patient because I think that eventually, we'll be rewarded. Let's just be patient.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Voice Season 3 Favorites. So Far.

September 26, 2012 0
The Voice Season 3 Favorites. So Far.
I'm actually like watch THE VOICE for some reason. Better than American Idol, better than Got Talent, better than X-Factor. I don't know why too. Actually, we don't have a franchise of The Voice in my country (possessive) but whatever. I don't mind watching on YouTube.

My favorite part of The Voice is actually the Blind Auditions. There's just something special about it. It generally shows that VOICE is really powerful that yo get to like it even though you haven't seen the person yet or stuff. RELEVANT. Anyways. In no particular order, I present to you my favorites. SO FAR. I may or may not have more favorites because the Blind Auditions isn't over yet and yeah.

Michelle Brooks. She sang Proud Mary and she did it really well. Obviously, I was impressed.

Benji did Knockin' on Heaven's Door. I'm actually quite doubtful if I should put him here but after watching it for the third time I guess, I thought it was a brilliant performance.

Nicole Nelson did Hallelujah and it was such an emotional performance. I can't even. 

Samuel Mouton did the Redemption Song. He's kind of cute too. Anyways.

 Colin McLoughlin did Wild World. Now, I was kind of hesitant about his performance too but then again, on second thought, he did very well. Ooh that smile boy!

Joe Kirkland! I actually didn't have second thought on his performance. LOL. I like the way he sang it and stuff. Kind of that bad guy tone but then again...Oh JOE! Hope it gives her hell. Just kidding.

Cassadee Pope. Cassadee Pope's version of Torn really killed it. I don't know why but I feel very connected to her. WEIRD. 

Melanie Martinez! I like her so much! She sang Toxic and I was like, can I take her home? JOKE! She's really so cute! I like her style, her lipstick, her style, she look vintage. WHAT? LOL. She's actually 17 but she look kind of 12 to me or something. I'm not saying that I like them to win but I actually like their auditions so let's see what'll happen next. 

Oh! Somebody please send me PAULINA'S audition video please. Or will that be up on The Voice's YouTube soon? I don't know. I hope they do well on THE BATTLE.