Wednesday 29 August 2012

Bahay ni Kap, Batangas. A Look Back.

August 29, 2012 0
Bahay ni Kap, Batangas. A Look Back.
Bahay ni Kap is actually one of the getaway places in Batangas. It's this house (kind of) that you can rent and stuff. They actually have quite a lot of rooms but the thing is the place isn't a hotel or something. It's like an apartment or something like that. We stayed there last 2010 I believe. For 3 days I believe.

So yeah. There's mini pool somewhere in the middle of the garden and yeah. It feels like home actually. So thumbs up for that. There's actually quite a lot of water activities to do there.

With my sisters! LOL. Being the team captain, I always have to be in front. Yup.

Here we go!

The boatman? Actually asked us if we want our boat flipped or whatever but my mom was so scared and stuff so nothing like that happened. Oh wells. So yeah. That's the story I miss times when all we do is have fun and stuff. I seriously miss quality time with my sisters and mom. Soon!


August 29, 2012 0

Right! Well my mom always reply with this and so with my friend's mom and stuff, so yeah. It's probably a mom thing or something. But not all. Of course! I will seriously reply with this anytime I feel like so. Hahaha. Not with mom though. LOL. She'd be like "WTF" for sure. Positive. Just saying. I love my mom. Just other people. Or it actually depends. There are just some people who I don't want to talk to but need to and stuff. You know! LOL.

Like, with my mom, she would actually reply with "K" whenever I ask her for permission if I'm going somewhere and stuff so yeah a "K" reply in that sense is mostly welcome. Yup. Have a good day. P.S. I'm not a teenager.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Random Ramblings. Homosexuality.

August 28, 2012 0
Random Ramblings. Homosexuality.

Serious business. I'm not saying that one's opinion is wrong or something but seriously? I mean, it's their opinion.

I'm obviously not affected by Chick-Fil-A because I don't live in the US and stuff but if the CEO of that establishment believes in traditional marriage, so be it. I mean, we don't know the whole story. Well, most probably. So anyways.

The typography above is kind of funny actually. Because it shows that people aren't really fair sometimes. The person who made it knows that people would always consume gas. Like, whatever happens. Even indirectly. And it's true! Whatever the people of the countries who produce gas say about a some sensitive topic like this, we don't take that against them in such a way that we won't buy gas from them anymore.


I think I've said this before but I actually believe in marriage. Like, marriage. As in marriage. Two people in love. Enough said. And if people would take that against me as a person, I don't care. Moving on...

I'm not trying to defend the CEO or something but he didn't say anything bad at all. Or maybe not stated above but whatever. But Saudi Arabia (not all people) actually stated that homosexual people should burn or something. Oh wow. That's something something. I'm just pointing out that if we're gonna judge. Which is not a good practice by the way. We should be fair. Like, fair should always be the name of the game. That's all! :)