Friday 25 May 2012

Practice practicality.

May 25, 2012 0
Practice practicality.
Japanese are just so inventive, imaginative, and awesome creatures.  Ehem. Seriously though. I'm not saying this because I'm Japanese.

Having a touch screen gadget is so NASTY! PHONE is a good example. Human being naturally produce oil and stuff and have you noticed that when you pick up a call and talk for a little while and when you end it your phone is super YUCKY? Exactly. I wish touch screen gadgets can clean their selves and all that. It should have something like a screen wiper. But until then...

Thanks to this! Like this is my second piece and it's just so handy. Like, tissue papers/handkerchiefs/cotton can also do the job but having it like a cellphone strap is like stepping up the game, don't you think?

Even though it's not super stylish as I want it to be, who cares? I prefer the not so stylish look of it than a super stylish yet YUCKY phone. The cloth thingy will be YUCKY when used often so make sure to wash it. It's not gonna be so hard washing a little piece of cloth like that.

Leave GAGA alone.

May 25, 2012 0
Leave GAGA alone.
And no! I am an not a super big fan or anything like that. It's just so annoying how some people really get on my nerves and actually make me post something like this. Like, she recently had her concert here in Manila but it wasn't that easy because there were super whatever people who actually made a move to kind of stop the concert and stuff. The reason being is that they were saying that Lady Gaga is promoting something like devil-ish thingy and all that through her songs. Oh well. Some people really doesn't understand art and all that. I'm not justifying that art as being devil-ish, okay? I'm just saying that art can be anything and with that being said, leave her art alone.

And why were they trying to stop the concert again? Because what? I mean, it's not that WE ARE OBLIGED to watch the concert! It's not like she's PAYING US to watch the concert. These people are really annoying.

Thinking about it, maybe it's her song JUDAS. But wait! It's not like all her songs are like that. JUDAS is probably not the most appropriate song that she have but whatever! Yeah, whatever!

Born This Way may talk about Transgenders but what can we do? It's not like she's saying that we should all be transgenders. She's just saying that some people were born that way and there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, really. I know some religious organizations doesn't really accept that but what can they do? what will they do? condemn them? GREAT! I thought we're all created equal? Ha!

Now, there might be other stuff that were mentioned in her songs but there are stuff in there that just reflect reality. We just have to be more realistic but at the same time imaginative to connect more and maybe understand a little further.

But as far as I'm concern, people have no right to tell other people to stop listening to this, stop watching this, and stuff like that. We all have our preferences. Now if you don't like Lady Gaga, DON'T WATCH. That easy. End of conversation.

Thursday 24 May 2012

More stuff from JAPAN!! :D

May 24, 2012 0
More stuff from JAPAN!! :D
So these are what my sisters/auntie gave me as a present! SO BLESSED TO HAVE THEM. :D

Random stuff! :) I love randomness.

Some phone stuff! Love the "M and S" ear phone plug! <3

Stickers! Can I just say that I used to collect stickers as a child? What did you collect as a child?

Make up! Victoria Jackson compact make up thingy is love! It looks like a walkie-talkie though. Hahaha might do a review on it in the future.

Baby Shoop thingy! My auntie is a big fan of Baby Shoop and she kind of already gave me a lot of Baby Shoop product in the past. Might do a separate post about it soon! :D I love their bags! OMG.


AWESOME! RIGHT? I'm so excited to actually use this. Although I am really a novice when it comes to sewing and stuff! I don't know what to do first with it though. Design my handkerchiefs perhaps? Mmmm....

Shorts and a jogging pants :)

Interesting looking bag :D Love it! 

Some Melon Caramel :D