Showing posts with label Sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunrise. Show all posts

Sunday 3 January 2016

Suzuki Beach Club (Subic Bay)

January 03, 2016 0
Suzuki Beach Club (Subic Bay)

It has been a tradition of our family to go to the beach when it's dad's birthday. This time is no exception.

We went to Olongapo. Actually, we don't really go very far from the city. Years and years, we've been alternating Bataan, Batangas, Subic, and Olongapo. 

We went to a resort called Suzuki. I think the owner is dad's friend of some sort. I'm not sure. Anyways, the view when we arrived blew me away. 

Just look at that. Very nice. Not the best beach but the view of the mountains will surely sweep you off your feet.

They only have one pool there and it's more of like for kids but it did it for us. Also, I have no idea why they opted for Shrek when it's irrelevant. For me at least.

Mika and papa just chilling. The landscape isn't anything grand but it's well maintained so that's okay too. 

The sunset was a show. I mean, I saw breath-taking sunsets somewhere and this is not near any of those but you know, sunset is sunset, can't go wrong really.

The next day. It was a very nice morning and we woke up extra early for the sunrise but we were a bit late so yeah. Went to the beach and enjoyed what's for us instead.

Grumpy sunshine faces. 

Last sunset of the trip so we kind of went out for a longer stroll that day. 

Glad mom was able to join us this time. :)) 

Still didn't make it early enough to view the sunrise but still early to enough to do stuff. We picked up starfishes, crabs, hermit crabs, and stuff. It was a fun-filled morning for sure. 

The moon was still out this time and the sun gives the mountain it's gorgeous red color so I thought I'd be nice to take a photo with it.

Gorgeous view 

It was a very nice trip away from the city. I recommend you book one too! I mean, city life is not really much of my thing so this kind of trip once in a while really gives me that refreshment I need. Ciao!

Saturday 28 February 2015

Bits of my Life

February 28, 2015 2
Bits of my Life

This is how I look as of the moment. Apparently, my hair can be tamed. With lotsa oil of course. Well I guess it's somehow beneficial for my hair so I shouldn't be complaining. I seriously expected my hair to be wild. Sometimes even when I forget to soak it with oil, it's still kind of okay which is very surprising. My hair is coping up!! 

When shopping for food earlier this morning, I bought this. I was actually looking specifically for that Calbee chocolate covered potato chips which I used to eat everyday (then got sick of) but they're kind of hard to find these days so when I saw this, I thought I'd give it a try. The choco powder you have to add on your own. I believe I have tried something similar just to the ring itself and I didn't really enjoy it and I thought adding something to it would make me like it, but no. It's a complicated flavor so I don't really know if I like it. 


Cheeseburger from 7/11. I bought this because someone I watch on YouTube said it's her favorite bento and I was like, must try!! I mean, it's okay but it's not as great as I thought it would be. But it was delish! Expectations. 

Tart lovin'

On my way to work yesterday, I bought pastries (as I always do)  and I was like putting random stuff on my tray and this was included and I was like, what is this sorcery? I thought all along that those are leaves on top of it until awhile ago, I was so ready to eat leaves only to find out that those are strawberries. I haven't cross-sectioned a strawberry yet so I don't really have an idea how it looks like so yeah. Maybe it was designed, maybe it's just how it is? Nevertheless, it was a delicious treat. 

Whatta beauty

I took this earlier this year and I've been wanting to share this with you all but I guess I didn't have a proper blog post for it but I can't just not share. I believe I've told you how amazing sunrise looks like here and yeah I really appreciate it and believe me when I say that this won't be the last photo of it that you'll see. Sorry not sorry. 


Another throwback shot. I think Winter is ending now. This is how the mountains look like weeks ago. 

This is how the mountains look like now. Gone too soon! That's all! See you.

Monday 12 January 2015

2015 Selfies and Pink Sky

January 12, 2015 0
2015 Selfies and Pink Sky

After work selfie. I feel really sorry for my hair. At work, we have to tie it up and you know, I'm probably doing it wrong because when shift ends and I'm already freeing it, it gets all frizzy and string-like. Got to get a deep conditioner I guess. Posting this only because I look kind of decent. Frizzy hair don't care. 

Also, uneven eyes. Can't do anything about it. Moving right along...

The moral of the story is to capture moments. This literally disappeared seconds after I took the photo. Like, what? I was owed and life lessons flooded me like tsunami. At the end of the day, I was able to do it, right? No regrets. But then it makes you think that you should have taken more than what you did. But then it's still better than not making it at all. 

Understatement really. It was more vivid in person! Anyways. 

This I saw just awhile ago. Again, an understatement. If only I could get a better shot of the mountains, gah. For starters, I kind of have a bad vision but I saw its beauty clearly. And of course the moon. 

Thursday 1 January 2015

Tequila Sunrise?

January 01, 2015 0
Tequila Sunrise?

December 31 2014, work ended way earlier than usual and when I reached my station, I saw something beautiful.

I saw the sunrise. I am a fan of both sunset and sunrise (leaning towards sunset) but for some reason, in Japan, sunrise looks way better than sunset. Oh wells. 

It reminds me of German Flag a little bit. I was like tired when I get to my station but  I was relieved when I saw the sky. 

Happy kid! 

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all the best and hopefully we get all our shit together this year. Keep Fighting! 

Sunday 30 November 2014

Picturing Fall and Stuff

November 30, 2014 0
Picturing Fall and Stuff

I want to share with you guys some amazing photos that I took. Well not really that. Just amazing nature in photos. I won't credit that to me. Haha

It's autumn. Also known as my favorite season of all time. So I ventured and took photos that is relevant. Not this one of course. 

Also not relevant to fall but I took a picture with it anyways. 

It's getting colder and colder each day and to be honest, I wasn't wearing enough dress to get by this day but whatevs. 

Now can we just stop and appreciate fall together? I can't express how I love fall. And I would never be able to. 

Fall Dust 

This is actually a Sakura Lane and in spring, which is probably my second fave season, I would be happy to show it all to you. 

Selfie before leaving the lane. 

View from my terrace. It's just so nice to see it changing colors day by day. I love nature!! Truly amazing. That's all!! 

Monday 8 September 2014

Leaving for Japan

September 08, 2014 0
Leaving for Japan

Just like many others, I'm one of those folks who really wanted to leave the Philippines. And left! Not because I have something against the Philippines or something. Just because I have no choice. First of, I'm a  now Japanese National and I guess it's time for me to go back where I belong (nah). All papers and documents aside, I actually love the Philippines. It's where my heart is! Second to my list of why I wanted to leave is related to money. It's not too bad actually! But let's face it, for 6 months, I worked as a Medical Technilogist and as much as I'm concern, it didn't give me much. It rewarded me with an awesome experience though. Also some cash to renew my passport, buy myself a plane ticket, buy make-up, rubbing alcohol, and Lysol every now and then, give few of my relatives a little bit, save some for myself, eat out with friends and family, and save more for myself. Which is not a lot. To be honest, that's all I remember doing with my salary. Well for a single person, which I am (as of this writing), it's actually enough to survive. But then I have a lot of dreams and things that I want to do. To travel is one but to help my sick grandmother by helping her finance her dialysis sessions is my priority. So it's not like I'm being selfish by leaving. It's just that it can't provide me with things that I want. And need. April 1, 2014, I have left all the things that I love behind. My family, friends, pets, as in everything.

It's kind of hard to explain how I felt during that time. It's like, "is this really going to be my last day?" kind of feeling and it's not very nice. Mind you I actually count-downed as early as December 2013 and still I wasn't prepared to leave. Actually even before I graduated college, I've already been thinking of the time that I have to leave. Who is actually prepared to leave? I personally think that people never get fully prepared to leave no matter what. That there's always a little piece of those who left who wanted to stay. It's so sad you know. Anyways. 

When I was at the airport, I was surprised that I didn't shed a lot of tears. I did though! I think I broke down just a little bit more when I was on the plane. It's just too much to handle. Thinking I would be away from my family for quite a while. I remember staring out of the window and would shed tears. Can I just say that the two guy doctors I'm seated with were really hot! Not important but nice to take note somehow. 

I think I was able to say goodbye properly to people I wanted to say goodbye to. Except probably my grandfather which I weren't able to see that day or days prior but yeah. Some college friends I bid goodbye thru Twitter but I guess that counts. I was also able to see my closest friends and had dinner with them. If there's any, I wish I had more goodbye parties because it would be a while until I come back so I wish I kind of did that. I also wish I petted my pets more! Because you know, as much as I love my people, and as much as I miss them too, you can talk to them and actually hear them answer your questions and even see them thru video calls but with pets, I don't know if they can see me or hear me thru phones or whatnot but for me, when you leave, it's the end. You can't feel their furs anymore and they can't be sweet and bother (at the same time) you anymore you know what I mean? They can't talk and answer your questions. It's random but it's what I've been thinking. LOL.

It was by the way Spring that time so I had a lot of fun looking at Sakura and stuff! In which I would be posting in a while so definitely look forward to that!