SHIKIMIKIE: Sagamihara River
Showing posts with label Sagamihara River. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sagamihara River. Show all posts

Friday 12 September 2014

By the Unknown River

September 12, 2014 0
By the Unknown River

I sat down and wept.

I always knew our house in Sagamihara is near a river and I remember going there probably thrice my lifetime. Since I wasn't really doing anything yet, I tried to figure out how to get to the river and man it was a struggle! Like, it was real! There's nothing more frustrating than knowing you're in the right track but still can't find the right direction. The reason I know I'm doing it right is because I can actually hear the water flow and it was even more frustrating because it was darn loud and I was like, can I just go in the pipe and let the water take me there? I was actually even trying to LINE with my mom asking her for directions. Like, as if. Oh well that happened. She was like, TRY TO REMEMBER! Okay, like, I have no idea where I'm going but I'm going anyways. Hahaha ALWAYS! 

At the end of the day, I was able to find the place and was able to take a stroll so yay for me, right? From afar, there's also a motorcycle park which I don't really have anything to do with but it's cool. 

It was kind of hot when I went so I didn't stay that long and as much as I wanted to wait for the sunset, I guess I went a little early for the occasion so no sunset for me. Boo!!! I guess it would look gorgeous though. I probably would have gave it a go if I were biking but since I went walking, I concluded it'd be dangerous for me to like walk my way home and you know, probably DIE? Ha! So paranoid. Anyways that's all. No selfies. Sad.