Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

Sunday 21 March 2021

Diagnosed with PCOS. Now what?

March 21, 2021 0
Diagnosed with PCOS. Now what?

About a month ago, after months of missed period, I decided to have it checked. I don't know why I wasn't that concerned though coz I remember this thing happened last year too and I guess my period came in and continued coming on the clock for several months so...yeah. I initially thought that last year's shenanigans is brought upon by stress which is maybe true but this year is less stressful for me in a way but I also thought it's probably because of the Corona virus and stuff but yeah I decided to have it checked by the tech and yeah I had a whole abdomen ultrasound that time and she said she can’t really find anything beside my perfect looking kidneys and my fatty liver so she said I should have it checked by the doctor and yeah. I had a Trans-V ultrasound and I don’t know if the doc’s just so used to it but she sounded so unconcerned when she said “poly cystic ka lang dear”. I don’t know if it’s nothing to be concerned about or maybe that’s just how she approach patients but yeah. She wrote me a prescription that would restart my cycle. PROVERA and METFORMIN. So, the Provera she asked me to take once a day for 5 days initially and metformin 3 times a day for 3 months. I would then have to wait for my cycle to start and count the 15th day and then drink the Provera again for 10 days straight. And that would be the case for 3 cycles. Metformin would kill me, I tell you. It gives me the worst headache and stuff but I guess if I want to fix my cycle, I have to endure the pain and all. I’m not really diabetic per se but I guess with the cysts that I have, my body’s reaction to sugar and insulin is impaired. So yeah. I hate the metallic taste it leaves on my tongue. Gross. The doctor actually said that it’s an expected side effect and that if I couldn’t take it, I can just stop drinking it and just try to lose weight. Because apparently, reducing the dose would just be useless and it would just have an effect with that dosage. I don’t know. I just know it makes me dizzy. Now you may have heard that PCOS almost always equate to pills but in my case, it wasn’t recommended because apparently, I’m prone to cancer? Something like that. So you know, I don’t know if the pill causes cancer or maybe that’s just me given my situation. 

Anyway, I actually already started my cycle (thank goodness) and yeah hopefully after the treatment my body would be normal again. At the end of my ultrasound session and after all the prescription was explained, the doctor reassured me not to worry because the medicined would not affect my future kids. That’s a relief! Anyway, that’s all!

Sunday 21 February 2021

29 Years Old!

February 21, 2021 0
29 Years Old!

One week ago, your girl turned 29 years old! I mean, we're almost at the end of my 20's and it's quite scary to be honest. I mean it's only a year older but there's something about hitting that mark I guess. I mean, it wasn't as big of a deal when I was 19 turning 20 for sure but yeah (checks old blog) -- It turns out I started blogging shortly after my 20th birthday so I couldn't really tell you if I was like, whoah! I'm 20. Anyway. 

This cake is called Cookieccino and for some reason, I like it. Everyone else in the fam didn't like this as much but me likey! 

This is the cake my co-medtechs got me! They're all vibin' with the cake's theme yeah? Thanks, guys! I appreciate you all! 

This is what my mom got me. She's really into the SHEIN thing which I don't really get. I mean, maybe I'm just not big into clothes is all. I'm big into chocolates though! 

The main celebration was when we ate at this hotspot place and it was so awesome! I'd definitely want to go back there with the whole of my family! AS IN MY WHOLE FAMILY! I'll share a little glimpse of the new normal of the restaurant right after this one. 

I enjoyed! I like this better than any korean grill and stuff but yeah I like this one. I ate so much and could have eaten so much more! Matakaw ka girl? 

My sister's boyfriend sent this and it was delish actually. q

29 is probably not a bad age for some but yeah don't come for me, I can feel whatever I want and to be honest now that I'm older, I don't care as much so yeah. Yay!

Saturday 30 January 2021

Will I Ever Get COVID-19 Vaccinated?

January 30, 2021 0
Will I Ever Get COVID-19 Vaccinated?

Well...YES. I told you guys about my COVID infection not so long ago but there's a specific vaccine brand out in the market that can be administered even with prior exposure. I mean, what can possibly go wrong? MANY! But that's not the point! I don't think I'd let my guard down even with the vaccine so you know. So why would I want to be vaccinated then you ask? Well The main reason is because I want to protect myself from the virus. We all know I failed to protect myself from it the first time and second, to put a stop to this whole shebang. I want my normal life back as soon as possible. I want to travel the world and live the remaining year of my 20's freely! Basically, I just don't want to be as annoyed as I am right now with people not following the protocol and stuff.

Anyway, the local government unit of the city where I live launched a survey/pre-registration for free vaccine and I signed myself, and my whole family for it. My city is one of the few in the Philippines that was able to secure vaccines so hopefully I'd be chosen for it you know. OMG can you remember my story of how long it took the city to respond to my COVID situation? What if they're that slow again this time? BLESS THEIR HEARTS. I hope someone's already sorting that registration thing by now because the vaccines could/would come as early next month so you know! They'd be wasting it if they don't act fast! WHY do I feel like that's what's gonna happen? OH NO! I feel like they're gonna find vaccines that are wrongly stored and also those that are not viable anymore because of their lack of preparedness and all! Anyway, it’s for us to find out. 

Not so long ago, I talked to one of my best friends and yeah she told me that the company she works for would most likely get a hold of the vaccine and give it to the employees and stuff and she was like how about you? I mean, it’s kinda ironic because I am actually way higher on the priority list but because it doesn’t work like that in this country. There would be others who would get the shots first. I mean, I’m totally okay with my bestfriend getting the shot of course. Anyway, I pre registered so hopefully that works out for me. Oh she also told me that he company wouldn’t be getting SINOVAC for sure. I guess it’s somehow okay. If that’s the only thing I could get, so be it. They say that it’s only around 50% ish effective and yeah if that’s the only vaccine available for me to have, then so be it. Also, like I said, wouldn’t let my guard down.

One more thing, can I just share that I didn’t develop an antibody (IgG) against the virus. I don’t know if it’s because I was asymptomatic or you know, maybe I didn’t even have the virus in the first place. Well for reference, I tested positive on October 19 2020. I was planning to donate my plasma for the convalescent plasma thing but I guess with my non existent antibody, it would be useless. Or maybe I didn’t test soon enough for it to show. Anyway, who knows? That’s all folks! 

Monday 4 January 2021


January 04, 2021 0

It’s The New Year! It’s a new year. So basically it’s just another week or so of writing the year wrong. Even though we did celebrate the occasion more this time that last year’s, it’s just not enough, I feel like. Maybe it’s just me though. I’m turning almost 30 this year.

We started the celebration on December 24th. I know this is supposed to be a very wholesome/jolly/merry celebration but let me rant for a second. My sister managed to get us a reservation at Sambokojin at West Avenue. It was all good and all or so we thought. Dinner is around 6 and we arrived there around 5. We were early even. There were staff going in and out of the area and one of them approached us and asked the purpose of us being there. So my mom explained that we have a reservation and all but then he told us that they don’t operate the buffet at dinner time and so we were like, then how the hell did we get a reservation? Whose fault is it? It’s not exactly near from where we live so you mean we went there for a reservation that doesn’t exist? I mean, I would have been more aggressive to be honest but for some reason, I kept my cool. Kind of. Ha, it’s Christmas after all. But yeah that happened.

After some time on the road and not finding anywhere to eat, we decided to go to the mall. I mean, I’m not mad but I was mentally prepared to eat sashimi that day so I was generally in a not so good mood but yeah I guess we managed to be somehow done for the day. We ate at Yabu. They had some Christmas decorations going on at the mall so that’s good. It kind of lifted my already dead spirit so that’s good.

The next day we went to Intramuros to attend the Christmas mass presided over by archbishop Brown. He did give a lovely homily so I was happy. One thing he said that I can’t forget is that it’s the things we do on Earth that will get us to heaven. It’s not how he said it exactly of course. Something like the preparation should start here on Earth. Which is true.

The famous place where we took all of our Christmas photos then and now. 

 We went to the mall after and that’s where we ate lunch. 

Come New Year’s eve, mom prepared kind of a lot than the usual. I guess it’s because we didn’t get to celebrate as much because of dad’s passing last year. We had more than what we would have so I was really very happy. Food is life.

We went to the church on the first day of the New Year and everything’s well. 

We went to the mall again to eat and we ate at this Japanese restaurant chain and although it would never be as good as it is in Japan, it was okay. One bit less than okay I should say. So there you have it guys that’s how we celebrated the Holiday Season. 

Our cake and mom's 12 lucky fruits or whatsoever. Also, I don't know if you've noticed that all pictures here have been retouched and filtered because for some reason, I can't take good pictures anymore so I guess to make this like a slightly better post or just to make it look like its a well thought of post, filter! 

Happy New Year guys! From me and my babies. Woah! 皆さん明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。

Wednesday 30 December 2020

A Thousand Wind

December 30, 2020 0
A Thousand Wind

I can't believe it's been a year already since dad passed. Five years since my lola left. Twenty two years since my dad passed. I named this blog A Thousand Wind because I remember very vaguely, one fine spring day in Japan, maybe 15 or so years ago, my father sung this song in the car and she asked my sisters what the song meant to them, then he went on explaining, he said that when they (parents) die, they'd be watching us all from the heavens. Fast forward when we moved permanently here in the Philippines, he brought the CD here from Japan, well maybe mom did but yeah he would constantly play the CD in the car and one time when this song played, he asked us again if we remember what the song meant. I will never forget what he thought the song meant. But yeah he explained it again. Oh memories. 

I wasn't supposed to join the group because of work and will just go the next day with my sister but for some reason, I felt the urge to just ask my bosses that I will not be around the next day and very thankfully, they understood. And so I was able to go with them. It's just a very solemn day and we all prayed for a while and yeah I was very emotional there for a while. 

We went straight to Banawe to get together and yeah it was awesome.  Also, this institution be not wasting space because you know, I find it odd that the protocol says one seat apart or whatever. I mean, why can't it be like, one household per table or whatnot, I mean, we can all stop pretending, just cut the BS you know. We are not in Hong Kong where a stranger can just randomly invade your space in a restaurant. Just stick to that one meter apart in public transport which by the way, isn't always the case. I rode a jeepney that has the plastic cover space separator thingy that can only probably fit a Victoria Secret model it looks like. So we were all squished there like we normally would pre-COVID-19. AND! NO ONE EXCEPT ME WEARS THE FACE SHIELD INSIDE THE JEEPNEY NOWADAYS. JOKE IS ON YOU IATF. ANYWAY. 

Our titas and titos from Cavite joined us as well and I very rarely get to see them so I guess that's also one of the reasons I decided to just get the day off. FAMILY FIRST.

We ate a place called Fantastic Baka and it was actually good. Well we went there partly because when we asked around the week before, they were the only one who would let in a 2 year old so yeah. Thank you! 

First platter. I would never be a vegetarian I guess. If ever I will be, because we don't predict future here (anymore), I guess it will just be a phase of my mid-life crisis or who knows.  

I didn't really like most of their side dishes but the kimchi was phenom! That's all. The jjapchae was also very good! Okay the macaroni was low key good too! Anyway, the others not so much. Also, I think their pork was generally better than their beef. That's all guys! 

Saturday 28 November 2020

Visiting My People

November 28, 2020 0
Visiting My People

Because of the restriction, ALL SAINTS DAY and ALL SOULS DAY's celebration in the cemetery here in the metro was prohibited. I mean, not totally but the way we used to celebrate it wasn't allowed so we didn't go. We went last week and it was nice to visit them during this ongoing chaos. Thank you ancestors for keeping me alive during my corona virus infection. 

fam bam

After our visit, we went to Quezon ave to eat at this classic Chinese restaurant that's been around forever and since it was my first time eating here, I was kind of excited to try. Also, I watched some celebrity vlogs recently and they seemed to enjoy the food so there's that.  

The one went to is the one at Banawe. I believe there are other branches but yeah that's where we went to. It was pretty packed but in fairness to them, we were seated right away. The problem was when we were ordering or lack thereof. It was hella hard to order. The people taking orders wouldn't entertain us for goodness sake. They would say, wait lang, wait lang. And I know it's kinda busy but there's no system to their chaos. Bless them. Anyway, I wanted a large bowl of beef mami but it's not available for some reason so I got the original one. It's a mix of chicken and beef I think. They should have just made beef mami from it. I'm just saying. 

I ordered siopao BOLA BOLA and this large bowl of noodles and it was served kinda cold. Okay no cold but more like room temperature. I mean, seriously? Like, I can't believe we waited that long just to be served room temperature soup. In case you are wondering, YES! Everything was served at room temp. The siumai and the buns too! 

sisters' order

I didn't enjoy that lunch. ANYWAY, for take aways, mom ordered siumai and buns which I enjoyed because we made sure to steam it since the restaurant failed to do that for us. That's all!

Wednesday 4 November 2020

My COVID-19 update.

November 04, 2020 0
My COVID-19 update.

Thank God I’m alive. I can’t say I’m negative now because I do not know my status. It’s been 19 days since my alleged exposure and 16 days since I self-isolated. I already got a call from the local health department yesterday and they basically said that the data was only transmitted to them yesterday. Imagine the number of people I would have exposed from the virus if I went out which I basically could do because damn no one was watching me. Also, there was no guideline given by any department whatsoever. Imagine if I were not in the medical field. Or not just on the medical field because people in the medical field be violating quarantine protocols as well. Shady. Well just imagine if I didn’t know and follow the protocol and stuff. Imagine if I didn’t care about my neighbors, community, and country. But your girl knows better and believe it or not, I actually kinda care. So there’s that. Thank me later. 

 How could you possibly control the number of cases if you guys fail to trace and contain where it’s coming from. My opinion is that there are sources you can and cannot control. MINE YOU CAN CONTROL. So just make the most out of it you know. So yeah I basically explained to her that I already completed my quarantine in which she replied “SO RECOVERED NA PO KAYO?” I mean, I don’t know, wala akong machine dito. YOU TELL ME. Ano bang protocol niyo? So she was like, according po sa protocol recovered na kayo and hindi na po kailangan i-test ulit and mga kasama niyo. OKAY. She then thanked me for my cooperation and stuff. She also said that someone would follow up with my case. I actually don’t know if the call was meant as a reply to the e-mails I sent them or maybe just the data being transmitted. If they were that late, baka 2021 pa may mag reply sa e-mail ko. Char. I’m not hating. I know they’re doing whatever they could. But really? I mean? That 14 day isolation should have been the most crucial part of the contact tracing. Pang 18th day na kahapon, basically wala na kayong magagawa at that point. Yun lang naman. Not that we broke the quarantine protocol or anything. I’m just saying na what if sa iba yun? I’m so confused as to how the data transmission works to be honest. Sinong may kasalanan? Aren’t positive results given priority? The Malabon City contact tracers were pretty okay with all of these. I guess CALOOCAN should just do better. And for the people’s sake, whoever’s in charge, please only hire QUALIFIED CONTACT TRACERS.  I mean, even I could do better than this one. Tropa ba tayo? Char. 

Anyway, being the pakielamera that I am, I took the liberty of checking DOH’s website which I know is not the most accurate by any means but the day when my results came out, there were only 31 new cases in my city. Only 12 cases before that and just 26 the day after. I mean, how hard could it be to call 31 people? As I am now made aware that there are several people employed to do the job. May team leader pa nga. I bet they’re on a call center whatever. The more that there should be an effective system, right? Anyway, I may be wrong.   

So on a lighter note, I want to share with you what I did from when I found out I was positive until now. I’m not saying these would miraculously heal you or if it even works or anything but it’s just me. 

  • Ginger Tea with Lemon and Honey. Oh my goodness. The most disgusting thing I’ve ever tasted in my life. I do not wish for this to happen to anyone. Unless you like ginger tea of course. 

  • Coffee with Virgin Coconut Oil. Second most disgusting thing ever. Basically because I’m not used to it but it’s kinda okay towards the end. I have it with coffee because goodness gracious bless me I can’t take it on its own. I should have taken a VCO pill instead but since we don’t have that here, we make use of what we have given we’re isolated.
  • Vitamin C twice a day that I only religiously took since I knew I was COVID-19 positive. I take Vitamin C in the morning even before but sometimes I forget or I’m just lazy to take one so there’s that. We also didn’t have the one with zinc so I just drink the regular one. 
  • Fruits! I had oranges, bananas, grapes, pineapples, lanzones, and mangoes. Only fruits that I like basically. 
  • My mom who bravely took care of me despite the fact that she might be also infected or might get infected. I am so blessed to have her as a mother. It would have been a hard journey without her. She means the world to me. 
  • A dog companion. I would have gone insane without this little one. With someone always running around and would lay down beside me, everything seemed better. 

I actually didn’t have symptoms beside the cough that I had for a day or two. I didn’t develop fever and my oxygen saturation was normal all throughout. I think the lowest my oxygen saturation went to was 95% but yeah it would go up to 97% if I keep it for another minute. Beyond normal. So if that’s where we’re basing our TRIAGE from, we’re doomed. My goodness. I’m actually not the one to ask how to avoid the virus obviously. But yeah I’m actually struggling as to what to do differently. I know I’m safe for the next two months but after that, I’m scared to be honest. Like, if the precautions I took weren’t enough, I wonder what can I do to make it better. Oh well. I’m thinking of donating plasma for the treatment of those who were hit by the virus badly but I don’t know if my antibodies are enough to do the job. I’ve read that the more severe your symptoms are, the more antibodies you produce. It makes sense but yeah if there’s a facility near me, I’ll probably give it a try. 

We had a celebratory pizza on Monday to mark the end of our quarantine. I’m still in isolation and would probably be until Thursday just to be sure. That’s all! Since I’m already tagged as “recovered” no more COVID updates coming from me. 

Thursday 29 October 2020

I Tested Positive for COVID-19

October 29, 2020 0
I Tested Positive for COVID-19

Let me tell you a story. I went to the swabbing center on October 19th and was told that the result will be out in 3-5 days.To be fair, it was my boss who said that but I assume it was from someone inside as well. Anyway, it was actually a very decent place. It was a sports complex turned to a testing facility and yeah simply put, you wouldn’t be afraid to get tested there. It was actually a pleasant experience. 

Anyway, there have been a delay with the results because as of the moment, Red Cross pulled out from the whole equation because PhilHealth was then funding Red Cross and gracious goodness we all know what happened to PhilHealth. Or do we? It was then said that the results will be out in 5-7 days. On the 7th day mark, I got a call from a contact tracer and asked if I am (co-worker’s name) I said no. He apologized and dropped the call. One of my bosses told us that results are already available and to expect a call soon and so I waited. After about 5 co-workers posted their results, I tried to contact the contact tracer and was answered by the head nurse of the health center where my workplace is at. She said, we already referred your case to your local health center but since you asked, unfortunately, you tested positive. And I was so shocked. I remember telling everyone that I know I’m negative because I didn’t have a face-to-face encounter with that COVID-19 positive doctor. I told the nurse that and she was like very sympathetic about it. Whether it be fake or real sympathy, still! Thank you nurse. 

I tried to call and texted the dentist that I went to on Sunday, the day before I got tested. The dentist is the only person I had a direct-direct contact to given she had to do something inside my mouth. The only mistake I see that I’ve done is that I didn’t tell her right away that I got tested. But my stand is that I solemnly swear I didn’t know that time. I wasn’t even tested then. I didn’t even know about that there was all this commotion happening. 

Why was I tested? Sunday afternoon, we were told that a doctor tested positive and listed the clinic (as a whole) as close contact. So we all went for a swab on Monday and got the result 1 week after. Now, I don’t blame anyone for catching the virus. I took a bath before and after going to work. At work, I wore my PPE, I always had double mask on. I wore my face shield when I’m in front of a patient, I washed my hands after I remove my gloves or just before I wore another one, I was generous in spraying myself with alcohol when I have time, I disinfected my working area maybe every other hour, I washed my hands before and after lunch break, same thing when I go to the wash room, I didn’t use public transportation, I wore mask whilst I was out of the house, and you know, the list goes on. I don’t know where I lapsed to be honest. Maybe I should have been more careful. Or maybe that’s just how this virus works. NOW. Did I get the virus from the doctor? Maybe. Did I get it from the dentist that I went to on Sunday? Maybe. Did I get it from somewhere else? Maybe. Who knows? What can I tell you? The world isn’t perfect. 

It’s been 13 days since the alleged exposure and I’m on my 10th day of isolation. I’m generally feeling okay. Anyway, I can survive this. I know my body and I feel like I can survive this. I do cough here and there and I have a runny nose but I don’t have a fever and my oxygen saturation is top notch. I don’t have difficulty in breathing and I can smell and taste my food. If there’s anything that I am worried about, it’s my mom. ‘Coz she’s understandably worried about me and I guess with her being 52, it’s already hard for her to go up to the 4th floor (where I’m currently isolated) to bring me my food. I feel bad for her to be honest. I guess moms will be moms though but yeah. Stay safe people. 

Monday 26 October 2020

Out of Town

October 26, 2020 0
Out of Town

It’s been forever since I went out of the region. Man it felt so good. We went to Cavite because it was my cousin’s 2nd Birthday. It was lovely. 

When we arrived we saw a butterfly and we unanimously thought it was my late grandmother welcoming us to the place. 

The birthday boy and his cakes. Can I just mention that this is sort of a joint birthday because it's his older brother's birthday in a week as well so yeah that's why we got them two cakes. 


The mixed veggies though! Also my fave! Can I just say that I love how they have decoration toothpicks! Love it. 

I think the Cordon Bleu was my fave! 

Me listening to the latest tita chismis while eating what must be a chicken bone or something. I fit right in. I can't remember anything from that conversation but the chicken was good.  That's all!