Tuesday 8 March 2016

Red Hair NO MORE

Don't get me wrong! I loved my red hair. But I felt like it was getting out of control and so I had to do something about it. 

Actually, my plan was to actually grow it out until it's half and half. But as it's making its way down, I felt a little conscious that I'm not getting the look I wanted to achieve. If I were patient,it would   have been gorg but you know, being the impatient person that I am, I should have asked for that style from the very start. Also, why red? It bleeds when I shower with hot water. It kinda looks like a worn out red tbh. It's soooo hard to maintain. In short, not really for me. 

My main problem was my roots. The line of discoloration was hella harsh. I was thinking to myself that if only I could ombre the shiz out of my hair, I'd be fine but we all know I can't do that so yeah. 

After color

Still not happy with the color because I thought it'd be dark-ish but it turned lighter at the roots and so you know, brown and red is kind of not a good mix but I guess it'd do it for me for a while and so next time I'm thinking of buying like strawberry or raspberry brown which I don't get but is a thing so that I can ombre or somehow blend things out.

But I'm kind of happier. Also, I don't get "that look" that much anymore. Ciao!

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