Playing with Snow. A Look Back. - SHIKIMIKIE

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Playing with Snow. A Look Back.

I don't have back stories or stuff but these are just photos of me then and not so then??? LOL playing with snow. Okay. We used to go to very far provinces on Golden Week because you know, no office and stuff so that means dad can bring us to far places. We usually go to bath houses and enjoy the water from the mountains and yeah. EAT GOOD FOOD. Will do that again soon! :D How soon? I don't know.

It was mom's idea that we kind of hold on the snow and stuff. I really hated baby bag.. Like, if you all can remember I used to carry my sisters' baby bag and stuff. Like this one! Uh-huh. And look how I wore sandals. I was obviously a fashion disaster victim. Actually, not the sandals' fault. SOCKS.

Also mom's idea. Awesome kind of thing.

Love this pic! My sister was just so WINNER.

That's all! :)

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