Sunday 12 June 2016

Japanese Pure Smile Masks

June 12, 2016 0
Japanese Pure Smile Masks

Variety of masks

Honey Apple 

- Smells yummy! I didn't really feel anything supreme after the mask treatment but it was good (I think). At least my skin gets to drink up something. It's dehydrated as F. 


- Smells clean. No difference still. But I still think it's my skin. Or am I just blinded by all of these? 


- Smells white. Is that even a thing? Hahaha. I like the smell of this though.

Cherry Blossom 

- Smells pink for some reason. Also, can I just say that I am actually listing this in order and at this point, I kinda feel that my skin is getting better. Or maybe that's just me. 

Bee Venom

- Rebelious name huh? This felt really cold on my skin. I actually think that this is all but illusion but you know, it was cold and somehow it stings a little. Again, might be all but illusion. 


- Smells very fruity. I liked the smell of this. 

Green Tea

- Smells exactly like it. I don't know what to say. I guess I'm kind of puzzled because what kind of green tea extract did they use to come up with a clear extract? I would be more impressed if it was green.

Snake Venom 

- So think this is gimmicky but glad I tried and nothing crazy happened to my face. I used it at the peak of my sickness so it's either it didn't smell like anything or it doesn't smell at all. I have no idea.

Aloe Vera

- Smells like Herb. And I noticed that this one actually contained the less product. Not that it's sticky or anything. Just less product. I don't know if it's just the pack I had or if my skin was so thirsty that it absorbed right away but yeah. Although I must say that it's soothing to the skin and it kind of made my skin supple and all that right after. No idea what's up. 

Horse Oil

- I don't want to know. 


- How can a gold have an essence again?

Royal Jelly

At this point, I'm actually getting the hang of it. Even though they might not be doing anything at all, I like to think that they do. They might actually be doing something though. Who knows? Ciao!

Thursday 9 June 2016

How to be Single/2 Days Off

June 09, 2016 0
How to be Single/2 Days Off

I got this idea as a post because I was off for 2 days and I saw this movie that was tagged to me from long ago and so I watched. Anyways, I have consumed my last bath bomb from Lush so I may have to restock soon. I also may have used an expired bath
bomb. Mmm...

We all need something to calm as down sometimes. Also, I woke up with the worst hangover! Not likey. Wrong move. I don't actually get drunk but this time I think I did. Drunk texting and making phone calls and shiz.

I watched House MD, and started watching Orange is the New Black. I like it. I also watched How to be Single from the illegal movie site that I am fond of. And it was okay. I think I'm more of Robin in that film. And the doctor as well. I forgot her name. 

Ordered pizza and chips. It was good! Oh and I also watched Neighbors 2. I'm like Zac Efron. Gah I think I'm getting old. I remember Paskuhan 2015 when I'm like pissed off with college freshmen.  

Being single means preparing thy own food. Didn't prepare some fancy dish as I would have if I got 2 days off. I had corned beef, steak, and fish instead. Ciao!

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

June 07, 2016 1
Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

This place has always been a part of me growing up. We go here probably once a year or two to watch the dolphins and all that shizz. I'm glad to be able to come back. 

To be honest, I don't remember anything. Must have been different pushing baby strollers than just walking on your own. 

Sea Paradise is indeed a paradise. It has 4 aquariums and a decent amusement park. I like it. Subtle.   



As much as I also like the idea of releasing them to their natural habitat, I can't complain because they all look so well fed. So keep it up.

Sea Lions

Beluga Whales


Way way back ago when we used to go to these shows, I once dreamed of becoming a trainer. I still want to become one. 

With Brybry 

Dolphin Fantasy

Just hangin' out with mah hommies.

Kare Rice 


Cute dolphin that's always ready for the camera. The dolphin is wounded though so maybe that's why he's in a different quadrant. 

Choo choo

I think this was our first ride besides the train. I also had headache after. The kids that we rode with were just playing and riding over and over again. 

Favorite ride ever. I miss this already. I think I read it somewhere that this is the longest rollercoaster? Fastest? Can't recall which.

I'm a sucker for sunsets and that time, I got to watch one. It was beautiful. 

Anchor ride

The place was so not crowded even it's a Holiday so we were able to ride then and there. Awesome isn't it?

Peter Pan's ride

I remember being terrified of this ride as a kid. I didn't really ride before but I had this notion that this is a scary ride so glad to be able to break past that. 

The Tower

Can I just say that this concept should be a thing. Everyone sits and the thing goes up, and you appreciate the view. Most of the time, it's you queuing, and walking, and make your way thru by-standers so you can't really see the view all that much. Hear this please. 

View from the Top

View from the Top


Night View

It was a nice trip back to my childhood. I'd be glad to come back again with my sisters for they might not remember a thing about this. Ciao!

Friday 3 June 2016

Let's Not Fall in Love | Big Bang MV

June 03, 2016 0
Let's Not Fall in Love | Big Bang MV

Is it just me or is this the only Big Bang  Music Video that includes all Asian looking girls/Koreans? I'm pretty sure not but you know, recently, there were a lot of foreign girls in their videos. Anyways. Irrelevant. Hahaha


GD baby (I die)

In general, this is a music video about two people who's not quite ready to fall in love yet. Their expressions were light at the beginning but you can see that their emotions changed towards the end. It's a nice music video. Very easy to watch. 

Tabi chan 

Towards the end, the girl refused a kiss from TOP and I was like, this can't be real. Hahaha


This actually killed me. It woke up the fan girl inside me again. Also, watching this makes me want to go to Korea. I was wondering why because it doesn't even show anything Korean. Except Big Bang itself. Which is good enough of a reason if you ask me. 

I think Daesung was the most charming. Too cute to handle even. 


I just included that because I think V's partner was the prettiest. 

I've been meaning to blog about this MV when it came out actually. I don't know what happened but thanks to Jason Chen and Arden Cho for reminding me because they did a collab of this song quite recently. I guess I have a new YouTube OTP now. Do we approve?

I just bought the song and literally can't stop listening to it. I guess this fits mostly the teenage crowd. Or I guess people in general. Meh. Ciao!