Friday 18 January 2013

Nailed It. Save the Earth!

January 18, 2013 0
Nailed It. Save the Earth!
This is probably the most confusing color that I've encountered. You'll know why.

Like, really? WATERMELON? Really? And it's not even turning that color you see just because of the lighting or whatsoever. This is kind of true to color y'all. Hahaha

It's not that I don't like it though. I'm just confused. Haha

See! :)

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Pharmacy Weeks. A Look Back.

January 16, 2013 0
Pharmacy Weeks. A Look Back.
Thanks to my college friends for the pictures. They probably wouldn't know that I stole their pictures but thanks! :)) I owe it to you guys.

Pharmacy week is celebrated annually and we actually don't have a choice but to participate. Well, most of the time. So here are some pictures I could share with you guys. Enjoy! :)

Well this is like, a last minute chore for us to do and well made an effort in doing that diamond thing above our heads.

And as for our family picture...

And then the next year, this happened.

Made a giant hand to actually be able to portray certain stuff.

Made a giant counting chamber and giant microscope. Also, some giant red cells! 

Also made a giant syringe. Haha

That's all! I miss everyone. 


January 16, 2013 0

Takoyaki here in the Philippines is really nothing like in Japan. But just because I miss the idea of it, I just can't take it anymore. This is how Takoyaki in Japan looks like. The thing is Takoyaki is supposed to have Tako (octopus) inside it right? And as much as I'm not a big fan of octopus, I still love Takoyaki. It's probably my favorite Jap food! :) This is how a Takoyaki would look like.

Like like like! As in, all the elements and stuff in it.

And this is how it looks like here in the Philippines. This isn't gonna be the first time I would be trying eating Takoyaki here but this isn't far from what it looks like. Like, even when it's freshly done. This one is brought home by mom from somewhere so it wouldn't be like, freshly made. But yeah. Whatever. Sweet and sour chili sauce is just not the best way to go. And then I can't even taste a single octopus which is like disappointing.

But since I missed my Takoyaki, this would do for a while. It's actually not that bad but you know, just like what Katy Perry said in her song "Thinking of You", "How do I get better once I've had the best?" and I am not so sure whether or not I've already tasted the best that there is in Japan. I've probably tried like, 5 different stores or so but whatever. It doesn't matter.

Anyway, just when I finished eating, I noticed that the name of the stall is Takuyaki and I wonder if they're trying to be unique or they actually made a mistake or whatsoever. But it doesn't matter. I should mind my own business sometimes. 

I have friends who enjoy eating the Takoyaki they serve here and I am not against that or anything you know. If they like it, then awesome! :) So it's really a matter of preference.