Friday 22 April 2016

Netflix and Chill...

April 22, 2016 0
Netflix and Chill...
Netflix and Chill

 Totally signed for Netflix. Long time coming. Let me tell you a story. I have this friend who came over my place last year for movies and was like, "do you have Netflix?" And I didn't have so we ended up watching "Annabelle" at an illegal movie host. I fell asleep that time. One year later, earlier this month actually, friend came again and was like, "do you have Netflix?" Well I didn't have it yet that time either so we watched the third "Avengers" at the same illegal movie host again. Of course I fell asleep. Watching home movies with other person doesn't work for me. Watch alone, awake/fine. Watch with someone else, zzzzzzz/goodbye/dreamland/don't wake me. FACT. Anyways so I did sign up for it. It's my 3rd day to it and so far I have watched 3 old movies already. Chick flicks of course. Bachelorette, Love Again, and Bride Wars. Very chill. Although I should watch Netflix stuff. 

Imagine if my skin condition turn back to this. Good heaven, please. So 10 years ago. Literally. What happened again? 

So addicted with strawberries again lately. I totally skipped this addiction when it was in season last year but it kind of got into me again this year. It has always been a favorite of mine so it's good to rediscover my like for it. Okay that was random. 

This is the second time I forgot the gawddamn key inside my locker. The first time, I was already at the doorsteps of my apartment FFS. Did I tell you that? I feel like I did because you know, anything stupid that I've done, I know I have shared hahaha. Anyways. Awhile ago, I was like, I know I put my keys inside my uniform bag (the one I leave inside the locker) but come break time, I checked the uniform bag to actually transfer keys but then I saw no keys!! So I was very confident that it's in my bag but when I was in the bus, I felt like checking my bag for keys and no luck. I checked more than enough to know that the keys are not in my bag so I knew I had to come back. I was like, I already checked awhile ago and it wasn't there! Also, goodness gracious knows where my spare keys are. But then I had to double check everything. At this point, I was very nervous. But voila, found it. At first I didn't see but I heard its sound so you know. Great. 
As a final note, it's true isn't it? Sometimes you can't see the beauty of things right away. Sometimes it takes time. Say misery. You're in that situation because someone's teaching you a lesson. So while you're at it, don't judge. CRY. BREATH IN. BREATHE OUT. LET GO. MOVE ON. Ciao!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Belo BB Cream

April 20, 2016 0
Belo BB Cream

Shortly after I watched Coleen Garcia's commercial for Belo BB Cream, I was like, give me what my sister uses. Joke! And I kind of want to shrug it off nalang because I can't really do anything about it. But then my mom sent me a package thru dad and voila, didn't expect that really. Sometimes I think that my mom's brain cells are somehow connected to mine. PS: There's something appealing about its orange packaging. I didn't expect that either. 

Being the "useful" blogger that I am, I searched what this is all about. Apparently, it's about treating hyper pigmentation and making skin lighter hence the promise of tone correction. 

It's more liquidy than all other BBs that I used. Also, it has this very whippy/bouncy consistency that I can't explain. 

It also has a very light/medium coverage. If you want to achieve a flawless look, you might have to use a lot. Or it's probably just me and my problematic skin. Who uses BB creams to achieve full coverage anyways? That's not its job description, right? Anyways, it's always good to have a product that promises things and doing the cover-up while it happens. I have used quite a lot of BB creams in my life though and I can't really see much of a difference. I don't know how this one would differ. Anyways, ciao!

Monday 18 April 2016

The Blame is on Me

April 18, 2016 0
The Blame is on Me

Chaneling my inner TayTay

Listening to Taylor Swift and realizing she's been through a lot makes it a little better for me. It's kind of harsh to do it that way but what can we do? It's always uplifting to know that people are going through/have been through the same misery as yours. Don't you think? I have definitely said that same statement before. I admire Taylor Swift. She's a tough one. One would say she's stupid for going through the same thing over and over again but girl, she's fine. Not that it matters but it's always just a short one anyways so I don't know her commitment to it but yeah, she's handling it okay and writing songs about it and earning millions for it. Take that! For the rest of us though, well...we get lessons I guess? And heartaches. Not for long.

I'm usually not one to do this but sometimes you just got to do it because it's what's right for the moment. If things are really meant to be, in one way or another, it will find it's way and you can't really escape it. All I pray for now is happiness. For myself and the people who cares about me.

The Squad has Spoken 

I thank God for the strength he has given me. I don't want to hold grudges because it's not healthy for anyone but I would be lying if I say I'm okay. I am kinda okay probably because I know I will be. It has happened to me before, I know I can deal with this again. Not right ahead but I will get there. No words spoken but I somehow understand. Or at least I try. It is what's right to do and more often than not, I stick to what's right. Moral responsibilities. Although it would have been nicer if doors were closed properly but I guess it's not always the case. They say that to heal wounds, you must stop touching it. Let it be. But you know, just like you, I'm a little rebel sometimes. Ciao!