Saturday 25 April 2015

Yaezakura Spotted!

April 25, 2015 0
Yaezakura Spotted!

Just when you thought everything's gone, nope. I actually saw this on my way to Hashimoto to look for stuff. I was like, is this for real right now? Because it's been quite a while since I saw the rest of its sisters on full bloom but it was awesome. 

It was awesome! Now, it's not like they have hundreds of them lined up or whatever. Actually, just two trees standing tall. Whatevs. 

They too would be retiring soon so I'm just happy to see them before they go.

I actually thought they aren't Sakura. Thought it might be plum, peach, or whatever. Being the clever that I am, I Googled it and it's a match. Yaezakura it is. 

Thursday 23 April 2015

Taking Over Shibuya. 4.20.15

April 23, 2015 1
Taking Over Shibuya. 4.20.15

I don't know if I've mentioned another place for this matter but I think Shibuya might actually be my favorite place to be as of the moment. I don't know. It's just that recently, I've been wanting to see it even though I don't really have a business to do there.

Hachiko. Seeing him (is it a he?) actually makes me miss my Shiki. I actually hope to go to this place with Shiki. Who knows? Maybe he'll be blessed with loyalty. 

Children playing? I actually don't get it but yeah maybe it's just children playing. 

Love the balance that Tokyo has. There might be tall buildings everywhere but there will always be plants and flowers. It's definitely a city of balance. Happy Earth Day today!! :) 

The only thing that I hated that day is the rain. Don't get me wrong though! I totally knew about the rain but I was like, meh. I don't know what's wrong with Mondays but it's always raining and if I would just stay home or something, I wouldn't be able to achieve anything, really. So I went. 

Took this because it reminds me of my uni. Yup! Anything ancient looks like UST to me. I miss my school. 

Snack time!! Actually, I ate lunch there too (at Pepper Lunch). Wish I was able to document that but nah. Too hungry. 

There's this place for fruits, crepes and parfaits, and I got their Pelican Mango Parfait. 

I love Mangoes but this kind of disappointed me some were sour but mostly sweet slices. But still. 

Going home already. I was supposed to go straight to Harajuku but since it was raining, I did not. Sad story. Anyways, I enjoyed my mini trip. It was awesome. See yah! 

New Phone! :) iPhone 6+

April 23, 2015 0
New Phone! :) iPhone 6+

I just got myself a new phone!! I wasn't supposed to switch phone yet but I was like, if I will get it in the near future, why not now? I actually thought of getting it in July but yeah things happen. 

As for the color, I got the gold. Like, I know I complained that the gold is probably the most common iPhone color nowadays but it's actually kind of pretty so I got that. You can't really see it but whatevs. Also, I recommend the gold for iPhone 6 plus because the front is white anyways. 

It's so ridiculous how there are only very limited cases available for this particular iPhone and there were really very pretty cases for the iPhone 6 but for the 6+, NOPE. Why though? I seriously looked at ALL my options at least 5 times each before buying this particular case. It was kind of expensive but no regrets. See yah!