Sunday 19 August 2012

Life crisis.

August 19, 2012 0
Life crisis.

There are just too many stuff going on right now. Thesis, internship, UAAP, life, just kidding!! LOL. I'm serious about the first two though. A little bit about the UAAP. Well, it's 6 wins, 1 loss so whatever. Like, can we just win this season? UST? Oh well. Go USTe!

Anyways. I know time flies so fast and I'll get over these problems soon. That thought sort of inspires me and keeps me going. Somehow. BUT THE THING IS...

I'm a little bit worried too. Kind of. I think I've mentioned this before. But that's kind of another story. What I'm worried about is that the fact that I'm thinking that these will be over soon and stuff and to be honest, I'm looking forward to it (like a lot). I'm worried that because I'm so looking forward to the future, I might miss stuff that's happening right now. But then thinking about it, I filter a lot of stuff.  Because I'm good like that. LOL. Anyways. It's not that I'm gonna take the easy way out and stuff anyway. I mean, nothing like that. I'm gonna face these problems with all my might and all that. Because I firmly believe that I can do it. With that on mind, of course I can do it. Enough of the problems! Below is a collage of internship stuff and I'm just so happy that I've been through a lot already. More to come!

As of this moment, I am already in hematology section and so far, is it the most toxic post I've been! It's DENGUE season now so yeah, people are having their blood checked and all that stuff. But whatever. :)

Saturday 18 August 2012

Mikie according to classmates.

August 18, 2012 2
Mikie according to classmates.

I don't why but my classmates like to draw me. I don't if they want to show their talent in drawing or if they just want to annoy me or something. LOL. I can't even! LOL. Thanks for spelling my name right though.

CLOSE! and DECENT! LOL.       
Thanks for spelling my name wrong. LOL.
This is the note my post mate left for our staff in BLOOD BANKING SECTION. I'm gonna do a post about it soon. :) And yeah, he drew all of us and stuff. 

Why the heck my hair looks so big? Well, it's kind of true that my hair is big but you know, can't consider stuff when drawing, eh? That's all!

Mikie according to classmates.

August 18, 2012 2
Mikie according to classmates.

I don't why but my classmates like to draw me. I don't if they want to show their talent in drawing or if they just want to annoy me or something. LOL. I can't even! LOL. Thanks for spelling my name right though.

CLOSE! and DECENT! LOL.       
Thanks for spelling my name wrong. LOL.
This is the note my post mate left for our staff in BLOOD BANKING SECTION. I'm gonna do a post about it soon. :) And yeah, he drew all of us and stuff. 

Why the heck my hair looks so big? Well, it's kind of true that my hair is big but you know, can't consider stuff when drawing, eh? That's all!