SHIKIMIKIE: Winter in Japan
Showing posts with label Winter in Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter in Japan. Show all posts

Saturday 28 February 2015

Bits of my Life

February 28, 2015 2
Bits of my Life

This is how I look as of the moment. Apparently, my hair can be tamed. With lotsa oil of course. Well I guess it's somehow beneficial for my hair so I shouldn't be complaining. I seriously expected my hair to be wild. Sometimes even when I forget to soak it with oil, it's still kind of okay which is very surprising. My hair is coping up!! 

When shopping for food earlier this morning, I bought this. I was actually looking specifically for that Calbee chocolate covered potato chips which I used to eat everyday (then got sick of) but they're kind of hard to find these days so when I saw this, I thought I'd give it a try. The choco powder you have to add on your own. I believe I have tried something similar just to the ring itself and I didn't really enjoy it and I thought adding something to it would make me like it, but no. It's a complicated flavor so I don't really know if I like it. 


Cheeseburger from 7/11. I bought this because someone I watch on YouTube said it's her favorite bento and I was like, must try!! I mean, it's okay but it's not as great as I thought it would be. But it was delish! Expectations. 

Tart lovin'

On my way to work yesterday, I bought pastries (as I always do)  and I was like putting random stuff on my tray and this was included and I was like, what is this sorcery? I thought all along that those are leaves on top of it until awhile ago, I was so ready to eat leaves only to find out that those are strawberries. I haven't cross-sectioned a strawberry yet so I don't really have an idea how it looks like so yeah. Maybe it was designed, maybe it's just how it is? Nevertheless, it was a delicious treat. 

Whatta beauty

I took this earlier this year and I've been wanting to share this with you all but I guess I didn't have a proper blog post for it but I can't just not share. I believe I've told you how amazing sunrise looks like here and yeah I really appreciate it and believe me when I say that this won't be the last photo of it that you'll see. Sorry not sorry. 


Another throwback shot. I think Winter is ending now. This is how the mountains look like weeks ago. 

This is how the mountains look like now. Gone too soon! That's all! See you.