I went with my co-worker Shella Mae! Okay so we actually didn’t have the idea that there’s a matsuri happening nearby our Shinjuku office (where we were assigned) until our store manager told me about it. According to her, it’s a festival where shop
owners pray for the prosperity of their businesses. But we were no business owners so we were just there for food.
Distorted Hello Kitty face is life! Sorry, Mika. I know.
Osaka feels!!! I can’t even express my excitement when I saw these! Yas! Yas.
So many food, so little time!!
Tan!! (tongue) Seriously my go-to piece of meat whenever I go to festivals. Yas!
We regretted the castellas that we bought because it was soooo dry!!! I mean, it’s kind of cute but it was hella dry! That’s all! Ciao!