I might be a little addicted to Snapchat. But not postung it to Snapchat though. I'm weird. Anyways, I'm not promoting Snapchat here. What I'm promoting is my new blog. ONCEJAPANATIME BLOG. Do check it out.
I'll never get tired of spamming y'all of my new blog. If you may, visit ONCEJAPANATIME.BLOGSPOT.JP because soon enough, I would be posting there loads instead of here. But you know, the water's fine here too so I may come say hi once in a while. So yeah please do visit the site to read the full article!! Thanks!!! :))
I don't know what I've been going thru or something but lately, I feel kind of isolated from this blog. What? I don't know what it is but you know, I really love my blog and stuff but for some reason, things happen, I guess? So I decided to set-up another blog.
If you may, please do visit my new blog, follow if you will! And yeah let's stay connected.
I don't know if I would leave this blog (I don't think so) but I think I would like to concentrate more on that blog.
The reason I kind of want to leave this particular blog is probably because I feel like it's kind of all over the place. Which I don't have anything against but you know. I think it's a little bit over 'all over the place' kind of messy almost. But it's me and I love it! Am I confusing you? Good!
For some reason, I decided to make a fashion blog. Do I need to talk about it? Of course not. LOL. If you are all about fashion and stuff, check it out! If not, it is okay. You still have me.
Basically, this blog is all about my opinions on fashion and all that glittery thingy and something something. BUT! I want to make it clear that my point of view is MY POINT OF VIEW ONLY. I am nowhere professional and I am glad I am not. I cannot stand professionals who create random stuff and call it a dress or whatever it is that they are making. UNLESS THEY ARE GONNA MAKE LADY GAGA WEAR IT, IT IS UNACCEPTABLE. Get me?
I am still gonna post fashion stuff here in this very blog where you are reading this post, do not worry. I will post my reviews here though. Wait, I'm confused. LOL. Yeah, I will post my reviews here. Unless otherwise asked. Yeah, I think so. So yeah, if you are somehow interested, you can check my NEW BLOG HERE. And you can tell me what you think and stuff. I am always willing to listen and all that. YOU KNOW THAT.
Born in '92 | Southside Serpent | "A" | Upper East Sider | Slytherin | Victor | LCCian | Thomasian |Registered Medical Laboratory Scientist | Caregiver