Hello there guys! Okay so first of all let me just say that I wasn't informed about this because lately, I've been really missing out on what's happening in this K-Pop world. But I saw the teasers on my YouTube subscription nonetheless and I was like, wait, what? And then I saw the full music video this day so I thought I'd give it a go and then boom.
It was Minzy who kind of opened the song and to be honest, it's kind of neutral. Nothing too exciting about it. No offense to Minzy's fans though. It's probably just the song.
It was Minzy who kind of opened the song and to be honest, it's kind of neutral. Nothing too exciting about it. No offense to Minzy's fans though. It's probably just the song.
Can I just say that Dara is just love in this music video. I don't know if this is her photo shoot or whatever but it seems like it for most part. I did not expect her singing to be sooo great and as for usual, it's somehow AUTO-TUNED and I'm kinda sick of it now but well. Oh well.
Gorge as always! |
Can I just say though that I'm a little bothered by Bom's Ombre Lips. I just think it doesn't quite give the effect of a nice ombre lips. It looks like she bit it accidentally and is in extreme pain.
And welcome back Bom! I liked her part the most! Lately she is just missing in action so I got really excited when I heard her part sa trailer and yeah although it's not like chorus but more of the bridge, it's still worth getting excited for. It's like she's saying "I OWN THIS SONG BTCH!" except she didn't say that.

And you know! There's always gonna be an unknown creature. I didn't appreciate this guy right here because I don't know what it's for and it's just messing everything up I guess. What is it anyway?
Can you see what I'm talking about Sandara's photo shoot? It's consistent yeah?
This is probably the music video that I've seen the most daring version of CL. I mean, it's Miley Cyrus level of being daring. I can't even.
I mean, just look at that. I want a body like that to be honest. LOL. Never mind.
Can I just say that this very picture is my favorite scene. I don't actually know why but I don't know. It kind of looks like SNSD's Jessica's dove and rose seen but that doesn't quite to touch me more than this scene. Is it just me?
And Bom's part with that Winter Sonata theme is my favorite part of the song. I'm a little bit disappointed though that the part is quite short but good nowadays.