Showing posts with label ISIS Fake Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS Fake Video. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Fire is Definitely Catching

February 24, 2015 0
Fire is Definitely Catching

On my terrorist post, I compared ISIS/ISIL to the Hunger Games and I meant that as a pun but then thinking about it, it's really the Hunger Games of real life. I have actually just watched Mockingjay in HD. Still not in cinema because we all know that they won't be showing it here until May 15 and I came to realize a lot of similarities. Like, see how they have all these propagandas and stuff, how they kill people in an instant, and all other things? Is Hunger Games their reference? It's really disturbing. But you know, fire is catching. 

I'm literally obsessed with reading all these articles about this terror group. What they're doing, where are they now, and what have they done again. I don't know why. Do I need help? LOL. 

I don't know where to start with my point to be honest. Or did I make a point already? Anyways, they burned 45, beheaded 21, kicked and dragged 3, and then radicalized 3 more. They're doing more stuff behind the scene of course. Which is why it's all the more disturbing. Also, they're training young children to be one of them in the future. I don't know what their religion teaches them but it's selfish. Selfish to be stealing childhood from these kids at least. Speaking of kids, I have seen the video they posted of a kid who shot down two men. Wow. To be able to do such thing at a very young age is something to be afraid of. If he can do that now, it's scary what he can do later. Or he might grow up to be a good muslim and realize he's better than what they thought of him to be. I still trust human beings. I hope this organization self-destruct and we can all live in peace again. 

The video beheading the 21 men is now controversial because experts reckon that it is manipulated. We all know I'm not talking about the murder part. It was clear that they beheaded the guys then and there and I don't think we can deny it. Just the scenery. They reckon they did this on a studio. It's the same as when Katniss Everdeen was asked to make her first propo in the green room in District 13. It's actually funny. The similarities. 

What I am mostly pissed about the issue is that 3 young girls went missing and thought of joining the terror group. Like, why? Kittens and Nutella again? Why not bring Nutella to school and I don't know, adopt a kitten? I know most of them are probably good looking and I don't know what they promised you but if it doesn't contain "we're gonna stop killing innocent people if you marry us" or "we're gonna change from now on" then I'm judging you. Also, unless you've been hijacked with tracker jacker venom, you're out of your mind. They're young, yes. But not too young to be able to think for their own. It might be a little insensitive especially for the family but that's what I think. If caught by authority before actually joining the terror group, the 3 should be admitted to a mental hospital. I'm just saying. The thing is they are trying to go on their own. Gah! It's also almost the same as the production crew from the Capitol who flew on their own to District 13 to join the revolution. See, if they're that kind of people, I'm not gonna complain. You see, these "brides" making their way to their "groom" only makes it all complicated. Because they would breed and make it all complicated.  

It's the total opposite though. In the Hunger Games, the good side is recruiting people to join the rebellion whereas in real life, the enemy is recruiting members. And in both situation, the propos are working. But just like the Hunger Games, it's gonna be alright in the end. 

Few countries are now sending their fighter jets to drop bombs to this terror group's "location". It killed a few of them but we still have a long way to go to eradicate this. But until then...

Lives would end along the way but they won't be wasted. For a bigger cause, for a better world.