Wednesday 6 July 2016

Rhinoplasty | 6 mos. Post-Op

July 06, 2016 1
Rhinoplasty | 6 mos. Post-Op

For all of you who didn't know, I had my nose done six months ago and from then, it improved a lot. No more swelling, I guess? When touched (should I be touching?), it still feels kind of stiff but way better than before (oops). I like how it kind of feels more natural now. I probably got used to it or something. I should be taking care of it more though I think. When exposed to cold weather, it turns red which kind of freaks me out but yeah, in general, great improvement. I have very sensitive skin so if I get a pimple on my nose, I kind of freak-out because you know, what if it's an infection or something? Oh, World Wide Web. You give me mini heart attacks sometimes. Also, now, I don't really get bothered by my sleeping position but I should really be careful. No one really wants a displaced implant. I know that it will still get better over time so I will probably update you one last time about my rhinoplasty. I probably already told you but I remember my surgeon said that what you see in 6 months is what you'll see in 1 year. So talk to you about this then. Ciao!

Sunday 3 July 2016

My Top 12 Snapchat Filters!!!

July 03, 2016 0
My Top 12 Snapchat Filters!!!
Except probably for its filters, I don't use Snapchat as much. It's just me in denial that I have to have another social media account. Also, I made an effort not to follow interesting people so that I could have what seems to be a very little amount of life left.


 The rest below I kind of find cute and are not arranged in any ways whatsoever. 

This is probably the most popular filter of them all and I can actually see why. This is adorable. 

This is the most popular to girls I feel like. I like this but not as much as I like the neon lights.

Seriously, I think this is the stuff they use in shooting Encantadia or something. Lol

Fox thing

I actually don't know what the second  frame's filter is. Rabbit? Mouse? Anyways. Snapchat when you're bored is just everything. It's interactive and just plain fun. You just have to do it. 

Oh my goodness speaking of orders, this is my second favorite of all. Like, who wouldn't like this? This is errthing. 

Am I the one who sees Alex Vause in this? Is it the hair? Hahaha or is it just me wishing upon the stars? Yes. Just me.

Aye, Captain

That's all I got! Basically how it works is that everyday, they have this set of filters available and some are kind of permanent but there will be like 2 or 3 or 4 new filters to try everyday so yeah that's fun. Ciao!

Saturday 2 July 2016

Let it Rain, July :)

July 02, 2016 1
Let it Rain, July :)

I kind of don't want the rain. But you know, there's nothing we can do. So I say, let's just take pictures and get it over with. Also, at some point, someone's been waiting for this moment so let's not spoil it for them. 

Nakayama Station

Drunk People on board

I kind of like the weather because it's not too hot. And I like the sound. But I don't like that it's wet. Gracious goodness. Anyways. I may have said that a million times already. 

violet colored flower 

Gloomy Sagamihara

It's the rainy season and it's not fun to be outside but yeah let's make the most out of it anyways. Stay dry. Also, it's July. Who saw this coming? Ciao!